Εδώ βρίσκονται διαθέσιμες οι προηγούμενες εκπομπές του λεμονοστίφτη ως podcast (mp3/128). Καλή ακρόαση σε όποιον/α δεν τις πρόλαβε-άκουσε ζωντανές.
"στον λεμονοστίφτη"
170η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 03/07/2015
169η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 26/06/2015
168η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 19/06/2015
167η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/06/2015
166η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 05/06/2015
165η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 29/05/2015
164η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/05/2015
161η εκπομπή: Πέμπτη 30/04/2015
170η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 03/07/2015
- Forward Music Quintet - Glory
- The Great Unwashed - Thru The Trees
- Young Marble Giants - Final Day
- Blue Orchids - Mad A The Mist And Snow
- Tomorrow - Hallucinations
- Victor Dimisich Band - Thirteenth Floor
- Love - Maybe the people would be the times (or between Clark and Hilldale)
- The Go Betweens - Bad Debt Follows You
- Τρύπες - Γιορτή
- Hot Rats - Damaged Goods
- Pascal Comelade & Liminanas - (They Call Me) Black Sabata
- Lera Lynn - My Least Favorite Life
- Rock Plaza Central - Anthem For The Already Defeated
- Hurricane Heart Attacks - Sealed with a Kiss
- The Long Ryders - Ivory Tower
- REM - Losing My Religion
- The Guydeborians - Του Αναγνωστάκη
- Brian Eno - On Some Faraway Beach
- Ought - New Calm, Pt. 2
- Χωρις Περιδέραιο - 48 Σιωπές
- Angelic Upstarts - Solidarity
- The Times - (There's A) Cloud Over Liverpool
- Television Personalities - Part Time Punks
- Liga - Φέρε μου Τύχη
- Baby Guru - Exegesis
- Silver Apples - Seagreen Serenades
- Townes Van Zandt - Waiting Around to Die
- Jacco Gardner - Brightly
- Pete Seeger-Which Side Are You On
- The Byrds - We'll Meet Again
169η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 26/06/2015
- Petr & Pavel - Kouzelný Let
- Klaus Nomi - Cold Song
- The Devils – Dark circles
- Eno & Fripp - The Heavenly Music Corporation
- Damien Jurado - Jericho Road
- Caravan - And I Wish I Were Stoned
- Japan - All Tomorrow's Parties
- Stelphen Trusk - The Origin of Love
- Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart [Peel session 1979]
- Snapper - Snapper And The Ocean
- Tom Kazas - I Should Know
- Sky - There In The Greenbriar
- Galaxie 500 - Isn't It A Pity
- Television Personalities - Reaching For The Stars
- The Unicorns - I Don't Wanna Die
- CUZ – Houdini
- Fun Boy Three - The Lunatics (Have Taken Over The Asylum)
- TV on the Radio Mr. Grieves - TV on the Radio (Pixies cover)
- Polska Radio One - Shroomin'
- The Tulips - Summer Song
- Woods - Bend Beyond
- The Tulips - Wild Horses
- Beck feat Os Mutantes, Liars & Hansen - Never Tear Us Apart
- Μάνος Χατζιδάκις - The Dance of Vartan
- 16 Horsepower - Poor Mouth
- America - A Horse With No Name
- Drive By Truckers - The Fourth Night Of My Drinking
- The Steppes - We Make Dreams Come True
- The Moody Blues - Legend of a Mind (Timothy Leary)
- Spacemen 3 - Honey
- Laura Marling - Hope In The Air
- Indiana Queen - We Like The Way You Move
- The Count Bishops - Train, Train
- Cakekitchen - Beautiful Hidden Lagoon
- Belle & Sebastian - A Politician’s Silence
- Sufjan Stevens - Fourth Of July
- Rainy Day - Sloop John B
- The Feelies - Original Love
- Robyn Hitchcock - The Man Who Invented Himself
- Death In June - Rose Clouds Of Holocaust
- Magic De Spell - Poor Johnny's Lonely Blues
- Trisomie 21 - The Last Song
- Elektricni Orgazam - The Man Who Sold The World
- Public Service Broadcasting - Go!
- The Jameses-The Haunted Rider
- of Montreal - Imbecile Rages
- Buzzcocks - The Way
- Journey-Don't Stop Believin'
167η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/06/2015
- The Viscounts - Harlem Nocturne
- Perfume Genius- Normal Song
- The Steppes - Sailing The Silver Cloud
- Rocky F. Holice - Ready For Take Off
- Rita & the Tiaras - Gone With the Wind My Love
- Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons - The Night
- Dexy's Midnight Runners - Seven Days Too Long
- Chefs – Sweetie
- The Dentists - Doreen
- The Pooh Sticks - I Know Someone Who Knows Someone Who Knows Alan McGee Quite Well
- The Times - Easy as Pie [TFS ''McGoohan'' Sessions]
- The Smiths - 1984 - What Difference Does It Make? [Peel session]
- Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy [Acoustic 94 Edit]
- Ronnie And Robyn-As Long as You Love Me (I'll Stay)
- The Kinks - Supersonic Rocket Ship
- Chris Farlowe - Handbags And Gladrags
- The 4 Skins - Plastic Gangsters
- Ken Boothe-You Keep Me Hanging On
- The Group feat. Cecil Washington - I Don't Like To Lose
- Noonday Underground – Marvellous
- Yeah Yeah Noh - Stealing In The Name Of The Lord
- Inspiral Carpets - Tainted Love
- Soft Cell - Where Did Our Love Go
- Rare – Killer
- The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
- chumbawamba - Bankrobber
- The Crickets - I Fought The Law
- Dead Kennedys - Police Truck
- Sonic Youth – Kissability
- The Adverts - Fate Of Criminals
- Less Than Worse - Vladimir's Putin his dress on
- The Clash - Know Your Rights [live]
166η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 05/06/2015
- The Ventures - Out Of Limits
- Dreamsalon - Νew Αesthetic
- Nina Simone - Ain't Got No_I Got Life (Take 3)
- Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven
- Boomstate - Rainbow
- Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz
- Μαργαρίτα Παπαγεωργίου - Ιλισσός
- Sun Kil Moon-I Watched The Film The Song Remains The Same
- Peter Hammill - Shingle Song
- Calyer - North Century
- New Order - Paradise (John Peel Session)
- Parov Stelar feat. Graham Candy - The Sun
- Γιάννης Γλέζος - The Lament
- Syd Barrett - Baby Lemonade
- Wilco - War On War
- Broken Jug - Weird Sounds
- Janis Joplin - One Night Stand
- Timber Timbre - The New Tomorrow
- Carole King - It's Too Late
- Wess & The Airedales - Vehicle
- The Renegades - 13 Women
- Cheepskates - Why Is Love
- Dead Moon - Ill Of The Dead
- Beirut - No No No
- Ruth - Polaroïd/Roman/Photo
- Awolnation - Sail
- Ramones - We Want The Airwaves
- Them - Don't Look Back
- Housemartins - Caravan of love
- Daughn Gibson - Shatter You Through
- Sheryl Crow - Tomorrow Never Dies
- The Gutter Twins - Down The Line
- Deus - Suds & Soda
- Butthole Surfers - Negro Observer
- Pixies - Trompe le Monde - Motorway to Roswell
- The Flaming Lips - With A Little Help From My Friends
165η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 29/05/2015
- Giorgio Moroder - Tears
- Erfolg - Wie - Man's - Macht - Verkehrt - Mann
- Blue Orchids - Bad education
- Belle & Sebastian - This Is Just A Modern Rock Song
- Cloth - Waterloo
- France Gall - Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son
- Alain Goraguer - Déshominisation
- Aphrodite's Child - It's Five O'Clock
- The Go-Betweens - Spring Rain
- The Guydeborians - Αιματοβαμμένη Αμοργός
- Mecano - Безпризорныe
- Moa Bones - Take It All Away
- Captain Βeefheart - Further Than We've Got
- Gnarls Barkley - Just a Thought
- Flue - Esmafarja
- Marc Almond feat. Nico - Your Kisses Burn
- Siouxsie & the Banshees - Bring Me the Head of the Preacher Man
- Beak - Said It All
- Forward Music Quintet - Waiting
- Furniture - Brilliant Mind
- The Fall - Junger Cloth
- The Girobabies - Equinox
- Sharp Ties - Just Five Minutes
- Paraf - Pobuna Bubuljica
εναλλακτικές διαδρομές και οριοθετήσεις
164η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/05/2015
- B.B. King - Blues Boys Tune
- Tom Waits - Take One Last Look [at David Letterman]
- Low - Sunflower
- Danny And Dusty - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
- Justin Sullivan - Masters of War
- Μαρίζα Κωχ - Δημοσθένους Λέξις
- Spherical Objects - The Crystal Tree
- The Modern Lovers - Hospital
- Lumerians - Burning Mirrors
- The Electric Prunes - General Confessional
- Talk Talk - John Cope
- Other Lives - Easy Way Out
- Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun
- Yo la tengo - Sometimes I Don't Get You
- The Housemartins - Think for a Minute
- James - What's The World
- B-sides - Dare
- Mojave 3 - Prayer for the Paranoid
- The Nits - Empty Room
- Joy Division - Transmission 1979 [Peel session]
- Tones On Tail - Real Life
- Martin Gore - Europa Hymn
- Stereo Nova - Το Ταξίδι της Φάλαινας
- Marsheaux - See You
- Tears For Fears - Mad World
163η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 15/05/2015
- Roxy Music - South Downs
- Air - Wonder Milky Bitch
- Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
- Acid Baby Jesus - I'm Becoming a Man
- The Daisy Clan - San Francisco China Town
- Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire
- Eddie Gale - The Rain
- Jac Berrocal, David Fenech, Vincent Epplay - Spain
- Steven Brown - El Feo
- The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Touched by All
- Steve Hackett - The Hermit
- The Ukrainians - Chekannya (Venus in Furs)
- Tangerine Experience - Only The Sky Children Know
- The Twilight Sad - It Never Was The Same
- The Cure - Jumping Someone Else's Train
- The Outsiders - Keep the Pain Inside
- Neil Young - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black
- Television Personalities - If I Could Write A Poetry
- New Order - Touched by the hand of God
- Mogwai - Remurdered
- Suicide Bond - Demons
- Διάφανα Κρίνα - Μέρες Αργίας
- Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow
ένα χιλιάρικο είναι λόγος εγκεφαλικού;
162η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 08/05/2015
- Vis a Vis - Gebries [live session ατ Raum20]
- Sigmatropic - Not All Roads
- Giand Sand - Hurtin' Habit
- Ben E. King - Stand By Me
- Ryley Walker - Same Minds
- Country Joe & The Fish - Who Am I
- The Boy - Αγρίμι
- Siouxsie & the Banshees - Trust in me
- Portishead feat Tom Jones - Sometimes I Feel like a Motherless child
- Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman
- Gil Sott Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
- Pink Floyd - Dramatic Theme
- A Split-Second-The Last Wave
- Fad Gadget - The Sheep Look Up
- Peter Murphy - A Strange Kind of Love
- Loren Mazzacane Connors & Suzanne Langille - Horses Blues
- Cuz - The Wheel and the Ring
- Lou Reed-This Magic Moment
- The Limiñanas - Bad Lady Goes to Jail
- The Ducky Boys - Jim's BMW - Various
- Michel & the French Candians - Cause I believe
- The United Steel Workers Of Montreal - Sad Lovers Lament
- The Kill Devil Hills - Gunslinger
- The Haunted - I'm Just Gonna Blow My Little Mind To Bits
- The Dragons - Express 007
- The Cult Hero (aka The Cure) - I'm a Cult Hero
- Pulp - Common Ppeople [Peel Seesions]
- James - Mother
161η εκπομπή: Πέμπτη 30/04/2015
- Droids - (Do You Have) The Force (Part 1)
- Air - Sexy boy
- Malcolm Middleton & David Shrigley - A Toast
- Plan B Ft. John Cooper Clarke - Pity The Plight
- Lori & The Chamelions _ Love On The Ganges
- Momus - A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Pts 17-24)
- The Instant Automatons – Violence
- Robyn Hitchcock - The Crystal Ship
- Bee Gees-First of May
- Big in Japan - Cindy and the Barbi Dolls
- Trini Lopez - Lonesome Traveller
- Marianne Faithfull - This Little Bird
- My Drunken Haze - Yellow Balloon
- Psyclops Eyepatch - Waves Of Doubt
- David Bowie -The Man Who Sold The World
- Wah! Heat-Better Scream
- Retribution Gospel Choir-Hide It Away
- Serpent Power - Lucifer's Dreambox
- Takaakira 'Taka' Goto-Delicate Madness
- Languis - In The Fields Of (Lonely Fences)
- Victory Collapse — The Lightning
- Bauhaus - Who Killed Mr. Moonlight
- Johnny Greenwood - Under the Paving Stones, the Beach!
- The Soundcarriers - This Is Normal
- Looper - Farfisa Song
- FFS (aka Franz Ferdinand & Sparks) - Collaborations Don't Work
- Tame Impala-Let It Happen
- The Blank Tapes - Magic Leaves
- The Sounds - Παραξενο Ταξιδι
περί τυφλότητος 2
160η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 24/04/2015
- Laika & The Cosmonauts - Psycko (Themes From Psycho And Vertigo)
- Durty Wurks - The Way
- Chastity Bell - Joke
- Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
- The Laurels - Sway Me Down Gently
- 16 Horsepower - Bad Moon Rising
- Tindersticks - Her
- Sigmatropic feat Mick Harvey - Every Soul Is a Boat
- Jonathan Richman - To Hide A Little Thought
- Baader Meinhof - Mogadishu
- Talulah Gosh - I Can't Get No Satisfaction (Thank God)
- Looper - Oh, Skinny Legs
- Os Noctàmbulos - Forget Everything
- The Last - She Don't Know Why I'm Here
- Wire - In Manchester
- Viet Cong - March of Progress
- Roxy Music - The Pride And The Pain
- The Soundcarriers - Entropicalia
- The Tops-I Found You
- Chemical Brothers feat. Midlake - The Pills Won't Help You Now
- Jacco Gardner - Before the Dawn
- The Zombies - Imagine the Swan
- Stereolab - French Disco [version 1]
- The Sundowners - Into The Light
- Raining Pleasure - Fake
- Charles Howl - I Love You 47
- Tolis Fasois (ex Sharp Ties) - Mr. Smith
- The Pastels - Slowly Taking Place
- The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band-Smell Of Incense
- Robert Wyatt - Yesterday Man
- Olympians & Νίκος Παπάζογλου - Mercy mercy
- Percy Sledge - The Dark End Of The Street
- Girls in Hawaii - Shades of Time
- The North Sea Scrolls - I'm Not the Man You Think I Am Karen, I'm the Actor Tony Allen
- Howard - Falling
- Timber Timbre - Curtains!
- Blaze Foley & Beaver Valley Boys - Small Town Hero
- The Goddamn Gallows - Waiting Around To Die
- Kendra Smith - Earth Same Breath
- Julian Cope-These Things I Know
- Escape The Day - The Hour Undone
- Kevin Ayres featuring Syd Barrett - Religious Experience (Singing A Song in the Morning)
- Soft Machine - Why are We Sleeping
- Pascal Comelade & The Liminanas - El Vici Birra-Crucis
- Black Francis-When they come to murder me
- The Stones - Funk Conversations
- Novi Cvetq – Patriot
- Paraf - Javna Kupatila
- Blue Light - About Lunch Time
- The Chills - Don't Be Memory
- For Against – Echelons
- Wire – Blogging
- The Bartlebees - Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart
158η εκπομπή: Πέμπτη 09/04/2015
- David Axelrod - Holy Thursday
- Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Father Of Day, Father Of Night
- Johnny Cash - Down There By The Train
- Bob Dylan - The Wicked Messenger
- Sufjan Stevens-The Transfiguration
- Poll - Ποιός Θα Δείξη (Πέστε Μου Τί Θέλω)
- The Kinks - God's Children
- Nikki Sudden - All the Gold
- Mike Scott & Nikki Sudden - Mr. Fox
- Thirty Pounds of Bone - Pasganger, or the Wagon
- The Dandelion - Leaving It Behind Blues
- Exuma - Dambala
- Peter Gabriel - The Feeling Begins
- Dead Can Dance - Anabasis
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Mercy Seat
- Peter Hammill - Betrayed
- Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine - This is How it Feels [Inspiral Carpets cover]
- Piano Magic - Judas
- The Direct Hits - My Back Pages
- Shirley & Lee - Let The Good Times Roll
- Τρύπες - Πάρτυ στο 13ο Όροφο
- The Mob - Another Day, Another Death
- The Chameleons - Everyday I'm Crucified
- Patti Smith - Easter
- Trio - Kummer
- Alison Moyet-Love Resurrection
- The Cure - The Holy Hour
- Piers Faccini - Three Times Betrayed
- The Fools - Psycho Chicken
157η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 3/04/2015
- Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity - Day in The Life
- New York Rock & Roll Ensemble - Studeao Atlantis
- Fad Gadget - Saturday Night Special
- Belle Du Soir - Treasure Island
- Dexy's Midnight Runners - It's O.K. John Joe
- Gene Pitney - Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa
- The Outsiders - Sun's Going Down
- Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers – Afternoon
- The Rising Storm - Frozen Laughter
- The Waterboys - I Can See Elvis
- Celibate Rifles - G's Gone
- The Dentists - I Had An Excellent Dream
- Ruth's Refrigerator - What We Waited For And Where It Was At
- The Kinks - Get Back In Line
- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - (I'll love you) Till The End of the World
- Cerberus Shoal - Baby Gal
- Κουμπότρυπες Α.Ε. - Καθημερινές Καταστάσεις
- Wire - Field Day For The Sundays
- Ξύλινα Σπαθιά - Τώρα αρχίζω και θυμάμαι
- The Fabulous Marquises - Honeymoons
- OMD - Electricity [Peel Sessions]
- Bron Area - As midday screams
- Pulp - Acrylic Afternoons
- Steve Miro & The Eyes - Steps Up
- Madness - Money Money Money [ABBA cover]
- Girls at Our Best - Go For Gold
- The Adverts - Gary Gilmore's Eyes
- Μωρά στη Φωτιά - Third Uncle (Brian Eno cover)
- Joni Mitchell – The Circle Game
έαρ '15
156η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/03/2015
- Γιάννης Σπανός - Tet a tet
- The Dolly Rocker Movement - The Ecstasy Once Told
- Tape Runs Out – Flowers
- The Gentle Waves - Emanuelle Skating On Thin Ice
- Federal Duck - Friday Morning
- The Goat That Went "Om" - The Pirate Song
- Γεράσιμος Λαβράνος - Όσο Αξίζεις εσύ
- The Four Lads - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
- International Exiles – Let's Be Sophisticated
- The Snowdrops - Mad World
- Erfolg und Beste Damenchoir aller Zeiten - Brillenmann
- Lebanon Hanover - Die World II
- OMD - The New Stone Age
- Magazine - Definitive Gaze
- The Horrors - New Ice Age
- Roxy Music - Bitter Sweet
- Yoko Ono feat Jason Pierce of Spiritualized - Walking on Thin Ice
- David Eugene Edwards & Crippled Black Phoenix - Just like a Mexican love
- The Ex And Tom Cora - State Of Shock
- Pink Floyd - Goodbye Cruel World
- Xylouris & White - Goats
- Dirty Three - I Remember A Time When Once You Used To Love Me
- Οδός 55 - Αττική Βικτώρια
- Gang Of Four - Isle of Dogs
- The GuyDeborians - Του Αναγνωστάκη
- Tuxedomoon -Litebulb Overkill
- Fred Schneider – Monster
- Trio - Da Da Da
- Psycho - Psycho Killer
...κι από Μάρτη καλοκαίρι
155η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/03/2015
- Toracube - To Lost Friends
- Billie Holiday - Gloomy Sunday
- Television Personalities - Say You Won't Cry
- Lola Demo - We Are Silent
- South of No North - 10000 Eyes
- Julee Cruise - I Float Alone [David Lynch-Angelo Badalamenti]
- of Montreal feat The Lost Trees - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
- Fugs - Virgin Forest part III
- Steve Lake and Slow Erosion - They Call It Sleep
- The Langley Schools Music Project - To Know Him is to Love Him
- Jay Reatard - Don't Let Him Come Back [The Go-Betweens cover]
- Rory Gallagher - A Million Miles Away
- Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
- Momus - Lady Grinning Soul
- Xiu Xiu - House Sparrow
- Daevid Allen - Memories
- The Monochrome Set - Spaces Everywhere
- Rainy Day - John Riley
- Simon & Garfunkel - Sparrow
- The Astronauts -Political
- Klaus Nomi - Total Eclipse
- Ramones feat Debbie Harry, Kate Pierson & Cindy Wilon - Chop Suey
- Special AKA - Racist Friend
- Μουσικές Ταξιαρχίες - Το παιδί του σωλήνα
- The Bel Airs - Arabesque
- Κόρε Ύδρο - Οι εραστές του Τίποτα
- Yo - Train Of No Return
- Jerry Waugh And The Skeptics-I Told Her Goodbye
η μέρα του σπούργου
- The Pandoras - Haunted Beach Party
- The Dream Syndicate - When You Smile
- Green On Red - Aspirin
- The Long Ryders - Harriet Tubman's Gonna Carry Me Home
- Rain Parade - Talking in My Sleep
- The Three O'clock - As Real As Real
- Rainy Day - I'll Keep it With Mine
- The Beach Boys - Sloop John B
- The Last - Someone's Laughing
- Thin White Rope - Thing
- 28th Day - I'm Only Asking
- The Salvation Army - Mind Gardens
- Clay Allison - All Souls
- Anti Troppau Council - The Diver
- The Chills - Pink Frost
- The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian
- Prince and the Revolution - Purple Rain
- The Rain Parade - No Easy Way Down
- The Long Ryders - Ivory Tower
- The Silos - Margaret
- Game Theory - Something To Show
- The Byrds - Eight Miles High
- The Steppes - Lazy Ol' Son
- REM - Fall On Me
- The Pandoras - Cry On My Own
- The Velvet Underground - There She Goes Again
- The Dream Syndicate - The Days Of Wine And Roses
- Violent Femmes - Love Love Love Love
- Dan Stewart - La Pasionaria
- Opal - Happy nightmare baby
- The Marshmallow Overcoat-Suddenly Sunday
- Allah Las - Sandy
- True West - Lucifer Sam (Pink Floyd cover)
- The Gun Club - Fire Of Love
- Green On Red - Sixteen ways
- The Dark Rags - Fool For You
- Viva Saturn - Old World
- Mazzy Star - Hair And Skin
- House Of Freaks - 40 Years
- Danny and Dusty - Baby, We All Gotta Go Down
- The Dream Syndicate - When the Curtain Falls
153η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 06/03/2023
- Roy Montgomery - The Soul Quietens
- The Triffids - Raining Pleasure
- Arthur Lee Harper - Blue Museum
- The Moles - Neptune's Beard
- Vanilla Fudge - Bang Bang
- The Times - Picture Gallery [Teenage Filmstars' 'McGoohan'' Sessions]
- This Kind of Punishment - Ahead of Their Time
- Lucio Battisti - I Giardini di Marzo
- Super Furry Animals - Sarn Helen
- Cuz - Sand and Bones
- Γιάννης Αγγελάκας - Ποτάμι
- Lydia Lunch & Cypress Grove - Devil Winds
- Badly Drawn Boy - Pissing In The Wind
- Spherical Objects - Memories In Blue
- The GuyDeborians - Του Αναγνωστάκη
- The Dentists - Everything In The Garden
- The Doors - Riders On The Storm
- Moby - The Rain Falls and the Sky Shudders
- Χωρίς Περιδέραιο - Έγχρωμη Γρίπη
- Coti K - Praise The Lord
- Kate Pierson - Throw Down the Roses
- Leonard Nimoy - Nature Boy
- City - Traum [Am Fenster pt 1]
- Foxygen - Cosmic Vibrations
- J Mascis - Fade Into You
- Τρύπες - Καινούρια Ζάλη [live Rockwave fest. 1998]
Ο χρόνος που σε καίει και σε παγώνει
152η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/02/2015
- Dave Apollon - Meadowland
- Caterina Caselli - Il volto della vita
- The Unrelated Segments - It's Gonna Rain
- The Meteors - Johnny Remember Me
- The Thanes – Gone Away Girl
- Moon Duo - Thieves
- The Vietnam Veterans - Dead Dreams Don't Bite
- The Prisoners - Far Away
- The Seeds & Sky Saxon - Wish me Up
- The Coral - Wrapped in Blue
- Verlaines - Wind Song
- Jesus and Mary Chain - Just Like Honey
- Pascal Comelade + Les Liminanas - You're Never Alone with a Schizo
- Skitzo - Lonesome Train
- Hollywood Brats - And Then He Kissed Me
- The Vertebrats - Left In The Dark
- The Heartbeats – Why I Cry
- Ricky Shayne - Uno dei Mods
- The Renegades - My Heart Must Do The Crying
- 13th Floor Elevators - You're Gonna Miss Me
- Radio Birdman - I-94
- The Beau Brummels - Just a Little [Demo Version]
- The Things - Who'll Jump The Gun
- The Chud - Walking Home Alone
- The Barracudas - Codeine
- Eric Burdon & The Animals - When I Was Young
- Droogs – Get Away
- The Hangmen - The Girl Who Faded Away
- The Mad Scene - Sealight - Gotta Get Back (to Something)
- Apocalipsis - Incense & Peppermints
- The Boo Radleys - Run My Way Runaway
- Del Shannon - Runaway
- Elastik Band - Spazz
- The Forminx - Until The End
151η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/02/2015
- Amral's Trinidad Cavaliers Steel Drum Orchestra - The World Is A Ghetto
- Sharif Dean - Do you love me, yes I do...
- The Vietnam Chain - Before I go
- Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me
- Savages - The World Ain't Round It's Square
- Green - Something About You
- The Blues Magoos - Sometimes I Think About
- Harlem - Gay Human Bones
- Crystal Stilts - Still as the Night
- The Lords - Death Bells At Dawn
- The Sorrows - Pink Purple Yellow And Red
- The Baroques - Mary Jane
- The Walkmen - Another One Goes By
- The Music Machine -The People In Me
- The Dave Clark 5 - On The Move
- Specials - Gangsters
- Swingin' Medallions - Double Shot (Of My Baby's Love)
- Inspiral Carpets - 96 Tears
- Tammy & The Sounds - Bang Bang
- Laika & the Cosmonauts - And Suddenly You Run
- One Way Street - Tears In My Eyes
- Mystic Eyes - I Thought I Saw A Tear
- The Make-Up - I Am Pentagon
- The Fat White Family - Touch The Leather
- The Fuzztones - Just Once
- The Turtles - A Walk in the Sun
- The Prisoners - Tonight
- King Loser -Stowing Away
- Hurriganes - I Will Stay
- The Nerves - When You Find Out
- The Boys Next Door - Somebody's Watching
- Love - Hey Joe
- Pascal Comelade + Les Liminanas - One Of Us, One Of Us
- Dead Moon - Too Far Gone
- Karen O - Rapt
- The Idols - Ενα Κορίτσι Μου'χε Πει
οι μικρές αγάπες
150η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/02/2015
- Walter Wegmόller - Der Hohepriester
- The Blue Aeroplanes - Chelsea Wallpaper
- Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad
- Kraftwerk - Kakteen, Wuste, Sonne [live jam 1971]
- Queen - I'm In Love With My Car
- Jay Reatard - Nothing Now
- Big Sleep - Looking For A Girl With A Washing Machine
- The Go-Betweens - Don't Let Him Come Back
- Visage - Fade to Grey
- Fall Of Saigon - Visions
- Decades/Failures - Blank Clocks
- Eric Burdon & the Animals - To Love Somebody
- Wire - Practise Makes Perfect
- The Doors - Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live at The matrix 1967]
- Catalogue - Demnächst Mon Amour
- Melvins feat Jello Biafra - In Every Dreamhouse A Heartache (Roxy Music)
- Roky Erickson & The Aliens - Night Of The Vampire
- Maureen Tucker feat Lou Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison - I'm Not
- Massive Attack - Incantations
- Neu - Hero
- Daniel johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End
- Parquet Courts - Uncast Shadow of a Southern Myth [as Parkay Quarts]
- Cluster & Eno - Selange
- Supersister - Eight Miles High
- Τhe Stooges - We Will Fall
- Φλέρυ Νταντωνάκη - Ποιος Eιν' Tρελλός Από Έρωτα
- Blixa Bargeld - Die Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit [Bertolt Brecht, 1928]
- Pascal Comelade & Les Liminanas - (They Call Me) Black Sabata
- Petunia Pig - A Dream So Grey
- Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't 've)
μια μπαλάντα για τη σεξουαλική σκλαβιά
149η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 06/02/2015
- Barry Adamson - Something Wicked This Way Comes [excerpt]
- Radiohead - Thinking About You
- The Pretty Things - Bracelets Of Fingers
- Jellyfish - He's My Best Friend
- Jethro Tull - Roll Yer Own
- Marc Almond - Mother Fist
- The Tiger Lillies - Masturbating Jimmy
- Sparks - Falling In Love With Myself Again
- The Vapors - Turning Japanese
- Buzzcocks - Orgasm Addict
- Elvis Costello - Pump It Up
- The Dresden Dolls - Coin-Operated Boy
- The Dandy Warhols - Get Off
- Cyndi Lauper - She Bop
- Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself
- The Who - Pictures Of Lily
- Λευκή Συμφωνία - Λευκό Φώς
- The Futureheads - Man Ray
- Pixies - Holiday Song
- Violent Femmes - Blister in the sun
- Ian McNabb - Sex With Someone You Love
- The Divinyls - I Touch Myself
- XTC - Pink Thing
- Green Day - Longview
- Gary Numan & Tubeway Army - Everyday I Die
- Devo - Whip It
- Pork Dukes - Telephone Masturbator
- Nirvana - Spank Thru [1985 Fecal Matter Demo]
- Mad Sound - To Masturbate
- Serge Gainsbourg - Variations Sur Marilou
- Belle & Sebastian - Dirty Dream Number Two
- Lucinda Williams - Right In Time
- Dinosaur Jr. - Severed Lips
- White Owl - Friggin' In The Riggin'
- Hefner - Hello Kitten
- Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling
- Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers - All By Myself
148η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/01/2015
- The Residents - Rest Aria
- Benjamin Clementine - Adios
- Steve Wynn - (All I Need Is) The Air That I Breathe
- Radiohead - Creep
- Tangerine Dream - The Big Sleep On Search of Hades
- Arthur Lee Harper - Pandora
- Roxy Music - While My Heart Is Still Beating
- German Humour - Could'nt Be Wrong
- Χωρίς Περιδέραιο - Τετραοροφο Ποταμι (unreleased, live @ 6 dogs)
- Disappears - Halcyon Days
- Electrelane - These Pockets Are People
- Electrelane - The Partrisan
- Demis Roussos - O, My Friends You've Been Untrue To Me
- of Montreal - Estocadas
- Current 93 - Calling for Vanished Faces I
- Malcolm Middleton & David Shrigley - Dear Brain
- Motorama - Write to Me
- Catalogue - Khomeiny Twist
- Elvis Presley - Surrender
- Cluster -James
- De Brassers - En Toewn Was Er Niets Meer
- Savage Republic - Film Noir
- La Dusseldorf - La Dusseldorf
- Fall Of Saigon - She Leaves Me Alone
- Nico - No One Is There
- Depeche Mode - See You
- Tuxedomoon - No Tears
147η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 23/01/2015
- Andy Summers & Robert Fripp - Girl On A Swing
- The He Dark Age - The Frame
- The Modern Lovers - Dance With Me
- Sigmatropic - Crystallized
- Hisko Detria - Poserslave
- dEUS - Wake Me Up Before I Sleep
- The Walkabouts - That Black Guitar
- Fabrizio De Andre' - Disamistade
- Διάφανα Κρίνα - Έγινε Η Απώλεια Συνήθειά Μας
- German Humour - Many Lives
- The Stockholm Monsters - Fairy Tales
- Grace Slick & The Great Society - Darkly Smiling
- Family Fodder - Hippy Bus to Spain
- Johnny Thunders - Que Sera, Sera
- The Smiths - A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours
- The Chap - Fun And Interesting
- Sparks - When Do I Get To Sing 'My Way'(choral version)
- Archive - Feel It
- Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones)
- Camper Van Beethoven - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
- The Waterboys - We are Jonah
- Low - La la la Song
- Pete Shelley - No Moon...
- Chumbawamba - Enough Is Enough
1 και σήμερα
146η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/01/2015
- Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert Part IIc
- Annie Lennox - Strange Fruit
- Pere Ubu - Irene
- Antony and the Johnsons - Hitler In My Heart
- BEAK - Mono
- Joey Ramone - The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs (John Cage cover)
- Thin White Rope - You Doo Right (Can Cover)
- Grumbling Fur feat Tim Burgess - Lightinsisters
- Phasmecurium96 - L'Espérance - Chant des Veilleurs
- Country Joe and the Fish - Porpoise Mouth
- Nits - Bad Government and it's Effects On Town And City
- Broken Bells - Lazy Wonderland
- Talking Heads - Listening Wind
- Gnarls Barkley - Necromancing
- Benjamin Clementine - Condolence
- The Rose Of Avalanche - Always There
- Mode Moderne - Severed Heads
- British Electric Foundation feat Boy George - I Wanna Be Your Dog
- Amatory Mass - Girl On The Corner
- Parquet Courts - Content Nausea
- The Terminals - The Deadly Tango
- Belle and Sebastian - Shoot The Sexual Athlete (Peel sessions/BBC)
- Teenage Fanclub-When I Still Have Thee
- The Go-Betweens - Caroline and i
- Jack Frost - Thought That I Was Over You
- The Church - Under the Milky Way (acoustic)
- Clouds - Dive
- Beck's Record Club feat. Liars, St. Vincent & Os Mutantes - Mystify
τα καλύτερα ρίχτερ
145η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/01/2015
- Maureen Tucker - Concerto In D Major
- Television Personalities - Wonder What It Was
- La Feline - Johnny remember me (Froggy's Session)
- Διονυσης Σαββοπουλος - Η παράγκα (με κιθάρα)
- White Owl - Don't know why you're talking so much to yourself
- Cockney Rebel - Sebastian (raw demo version)
- Hidden Cameras - Gay Goth Scene
- Jane - Between Heaven And Hell pt2
- Ought - Forgiveness
- CWK Joynes & Son Ensemble feat. William Sathya - Minore Mane
- Andrew Bird - My Sister's Tiny Hands
- Belle and Sebastian - The Everlasting Muse
- The Teenage Filmstars-Sometimes Good Guys Don't Follow Trends
- The Times - Easy as Pie
- Oscar Young with The Electric Organ Orchestra - 梅花 [The Plum Blossom]
- Pulp - Disco 2000
- The Walkmen-The Rat
- Dead Kennedys - Soup Is Good Food
- Magic De Spell - Religion Uber Alles
- Siglo XX - Youth Sentiment
- CAN - Vitamin C
- Eurythmics - Never Gonna Cry Again
- Half Man Half Biscuit - This One's for Now
- Sunnyboys - My only friend
- The Dark Rags - Fool For You
- Television - Little Johnny Jewel (Parts 1 & 2)
144η εκπομπή: Τρίτη 23/12/2014
- The Polyphonic Spree - Silent Night
- Grandaddy - Alan Parsons in a Winter Wonderland
- John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band - Happy Xmas (War is over)
- Tom Robinson - Truce
- The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (a love lemon mix)
- Pink Floyd - Merry Xmas Song
- The Arcade Fire - A Very Arcade Xmas
- Captain Beefheart - There Ain't No Santa Claus on the Evening Stage
- Bad Religion - Joy To The World
- The Vandals - My First Xmas, As A Woman
- Otis Redding & Carla Thomas - New Year's Resolution
- Eartha Kitt - Santa Baby
- Monty Python - Brian Song
- Belle & Sebastian - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- The Bird And The Bee - Carol of the Bells
- Morrissey - I Have Forgiven Jesus
- Kate Bush - December Will Be Magic Again
- Tom Waits - Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis
- The Fall - No Xmas For John Quays (Peel Session)
- Joni Mitchell - River
- The Housemartins - People Get Ready
- Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah
- Sufjan Stevens - What Child Is This Anyway
- Procol Harum - A Christmas Camel
- Jesus & Mary Chain - Birthday
- Standstill - I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
- Sparks - Thank God It's Not Christmas
- Band Aid - Do They Know It´s Christmas
- The Fireman - Dance Till We're High
- Owl John - All I Want For Me Is You
- Woods - With Light & With Love
143η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 19/12/2014
- Paul McCartney - 2M5
- Laetitia Sadier - Life Is Winning
- of Montreal - I Can't Stop Your Memory
- Alex Harvey - Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
- Αρλέτα - Είχα Ένα Αγόρι
- The Kinks - When I Turn Off the Living Room Light
- Violent Femmes - Waiting for the Bus
- Low - Just Make It Stop
- Peter Jefferies - The Last Great Challenge In A Dull World
- Scars - Your Attention Please
- Red Zebra - I Can't Live In A Living Room
- Tuxedomoon - Muchos Colores
- Young Marble Giants - Include Me Out
- The Cramps - Taboo
- The Galleons - What Is Fear
- The Feelies - The Undertow
- The Pharmacy - Coldest Morning Light
- The Growlers - Magnificent Sadness
- Marshmallow Overcoat - Something About The Sun
- The Magic Numbers - You Don't Know Me
- The Fall - Lost In Music (Sister Sledge civer)
- La Feline - Johnny Remember Me (Le Label BS)
- John Coltrane - Psalm
- Arab Strap - Fucking Little Bastards
- Savage republic - The Hanging Garden (The Cure cover)
- Drugstore & T.Yorke - El Presidente
- The Cure - I'm Cold
- Tom Robinson & Sector 27 - Not Ready
- Bob Dylan - Do You Hear What I Hear
142η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/12/2014
- Cyrkle - Kites
- Peter Murphy - Space Oddity
- Kaleidoscope - Keep Your Mind Open
- The Byrds - Tomorrow Is A Long Ways Away (Electric)
- Laika & the Cosmonauts - Kiiriminna (Oi Dai)
- The Jasmine Minks - Midnight and I
- Iron Butterfly - Iron Butterfly Theme
- Circulatory System - The Lovely Universe
- Dion - Purple Haze
- The Beta Band - I Know
- Klaatu - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
- Beachwood Sparks - Silver Morning After
- Country Joe & The Fish - Magoo
- Gorillaz - Every Planet We Reach Is Dead
- The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Everything Was Very Simple
- The Beach boys - Feel flows
- The Chills - Moonlight on Flesh (05-04-1987)
- The Decemberists - Philomena
- Τhe Three O' clock - Fall To The Ground
- The Pretty Things - Bracelets Of Fingers (S.F. Sorrow)
- Flaming Lips - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (ft. Miley Cyrus and Moby)
- Belle & Sebastian - Nobody's Empire
- Teenage Filmstars - Apple
- Ian Skelly - Cut From A Star
- Κώστας Τουρνάς - Ο Άρχων Νους
- Faust - Gerubelt
- Pixies - Hey
141η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 5/12/2014
- Laika & the Cosmonauts - And Suddenly You Run
- Blues Section - Please Mr. Wilson
- Inspiral Carpets - Sun Don't Shine
- Puscifer - Polar Bear
- Topi Sorsakoski & Agents - Kunhan Palaan Takaisin
- The Aluminum Group - Tom Of Finland
- Chumbawamba - The Untraditional
- Tasavallan Presidentti - Solitary
- Leningrad Cowboys & The Red Army Ensemble - Happy Together
- The Astronuts - Montezuma
- The Renegades - My Heart Must Do The Crying
- Rauli Badding Somerjoki - Kuihtuu Kesainen Maa
- Geronimo - Jaatynyt Sade
- Hurriganes - I Will Stay
- Wigwam - Henry's Highway Code
- Timo Jomsen & The Strangers - Yyterin Twist
- 22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try To Tease Me
- Harri Marstio - Ala Kiiruhda
- Antero Lindgren - Mother
- KXP - 18 Hours (Of Love)
- Circle of Ouroborus-Mercury Blood
- Joe Strummer - Burning Lights
- Badding Rockers - Se Jokin Sinulla On
- Karkkiautomaatti - Luulitsa Niin
- Olavi Virta - Istanbul not Constantinople
- Frank Zappa - The Pojama Prelude (live in Helsinki 1973)
- The Mutants - Voodoo Blues
- Sleepy Sleepers - Anarkiaa Karjalassa
- Hopeakala - Kadun Etukateen
- Cats On Fire - It's Clear Your Former Lover
- Monty Python - Finland
- Leningrad Cowboys & The Red Army Ensemble - Kasakka (live)
140η εκπομπή: Τετάρτη 26/11/2014
- Fountoukia - Kill Pasxalis
- Cats On Fire - The Smell Of An Artist
- Robert Scott - Lazy Boy (Feat. Tiny Ruins)
- The Greatest Show On Earth - Magic Woman Touch
- Baxter Dury - Police
- Simon & Garfunkel - Wednesday Morning, 3 am
- Mikael Delta - Heat Wave
- Jorma Kaukonen-When The Man Comes Around
- 22-Pistepirkko - Birdy
- Rock Plaza Central - Anthem For The Already Defeated
- Chumbawamba - Bella Ciao (acoustic)
- Bob Dylan - The Death Of Emmett Till
- Pixies - Motorway to Roswell
- The Cure (feat. James McCartney) - Hello Goodbye
- Inspiral Carpets - Born yesterday (Peel Sessions)
- Vic Godard & Subway Sect - The Water Was Bad
- Alan Vega - Jukebox Babe (Long Version)
- The Nits - The Twins
- Luke Haines - Meet Me At The Airport
- Bonnie Dobson - Winter's Going
- Jacco Gardner - The End Of August
- The Dukes of Stratosphear - The Affiliated
- The Kinks - Village Green
- Psychic TV - Just Drifting (for Caresse)
- John Cooper Clarke - Beasley Street
- Furniture - The Brilliant Mind
- Future Islands - Seasons (Waiting on You)
- Devotchka - This Is How It Ends
- Queen - Love Of My Life
παρά τρίχα 3-2 το σκορ, μείναμε στην ισοπαλία
139η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/11/2014
- Simple Minds - Theme For Great Cities
- UNKLE - Lonely Soul
- The Tourists - Strange Sky
- Screaming Dead - A Dream Of Yesterday
- Patti Smith - Summer Cannibals
- The Mars Volta - Memories
- Robert Wyatt & Bjork - Submarine
- Paul Simon - Sound Of Silence
- Robyn Hitchcock - Trouble In Your Blood
- The Jam - The Butterfly Collector
- The Hidden Cameras - Follow These Eyes
- The Tear Garden - Isis Veiled
- The Nits - In The Dutch Mountains
- Bryan Ferry feat Todd Terje - Johnny And Mary
- Gerry And The Pacemakers - You'll Never Walk Alone
- The Teenage Filmstars - (There's a) Cloud Over Liverpool
- Verlaines - Iit was raining
- Velvet Underground - After Hours
- Cats On Fire - Born Again Christian
- Art Objects - Passengers of Fortune
- Sigmatropic - When Jesus Waked The Streets Of Athens
- Nikki Sudden & Rowland S. Howard - Hello Wolf (Little Baby)
- The Rolling Stones - No Expectations
- Ride - I Don't Know Where It Comes From
- Rowland S. Howard - The Passenger
138η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/11/2014
- Yann Tiersen - Summer 78
- Rock Plaza Central - We've Got A Lot To Be Glad For
- Hefner - The Hymn for the Things We Didn't Do
- Madness - Mistakes
- Sigmatropic - Septic Skeptic
- Antony & The Johnsons - Whose Are These
- Baxter Dury - White Men
- The Go Betweens - He Lives My Life
- Lori & The Chameleons - Lonely Spy
- Josef K - It's Kinda Funny (Postcard 7- Version)
- Κουμπότρυπες Α.Ε. - Ανοικτός Λογαριασμός
- Television Personalities - Scream Quietly
- The Hollow Men - The Drowning Man
- The Girobabies - Brain Rocket (And The Evolution of Turtles)
- The Damned - Dr. Woofenstein
- Cult of Youth - Dragon Rouge
- Wymond Miles - Pale Moon
- Angelic Upstarts - Solidarity
- The Legendary Pink Dots - Frosty
- The Primitives - The Ostrich
- The Boy Hairdressers - Golden Shower
- The Velvet Underground - All Tomorrow's Parties (Demo)
- Bob Dylan - Blowin' In The Wind
- The Jam - The Eton Rifles
- Billy Bragg - Which Side Are You On
- Sivert Hoyem - Inner Vision
- Georges Moustaki - Andréa
- Savage Republic - O Andonis
- Pop Group - Amnesty International Report on British Army Torture of Irish Prisoners ptII
137η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 7/11/2014
- Louis Tillett - Morning Light Instrumental
- Lee Ranaldo and the Dust - Revolution Blues
- Giant Sand - Red Right Hand
- Ray Conniff - Love Theme From 'Romeo & Juliet' (A Time For Us)
- Martin Carr - Mountains
- Ought - Pleasant Heart
- The Fall - Blood Outta Stone
- The Dragons - The Forest Of My Place
- Richard & Mimi Farina - Reno Nevada
- Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around and Fell in Love
- The Doors - Not to Touch the Earth
- Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Sometimes The Father Is The Son
- The Coral - The Curse of Love (Part 1)
- Pye Corner Audio - Experimental Road Surface
- The Monochrome Set - The Bridge
- Pink Floyd - Careful With That Axe, Eugene
- Elliot Goldenthal feat. Beth Gibbons - Prospera's Coda
- Greylag - Yours to Shake
- Slade - Coz I Luv You
- Laetitia Sadier - Then I Will Love You Again
- Karen O - Rapt
- The Langley Schools Music Project - God Only Knows
- The Just Joans - I Hear You're The Man Now John
- White Owl - Don't Know Why You're Talking So Much To Yourself
- Rock Plaza Central - Anthem For The Already Defeated
- New Wet Kojak - Punxnotdead
- Radiohead - Life In A Glasshouse
- Amanda Lear - The Sphinx
- The Hangmen - The Girl Who Faded Away
- Delaney & Bonnie & Friends - Groupie (Superstar)
136η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 31/10/2014
- The Free Design - With a Little Help From My Friends
- David Bowie - Time
- Poet & The One Man Band - The Days I Most Remember
- Stereo Nova - O Exostis
- The Pale Fountains - Palm Of My Hand
- Orange Juice - Simply Thrilled Honey
- Watermelon Men - Hungarian Heart
- Marianne Faithfull - Past present future
- The Walkmen - The Rat
- Hozier - Take Me to Church
- Hamlet - Das Model
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow
- The Ghastly Ones - Haulin Hearse
- Ought - New Calm Pt. 2
- Alice Cooper - Ballad Of Dwight Fry
- Joan Baez - Here's to You (Sacco & Vanzetti)
- Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld - A Quiet Life
- The Moles - Neptune's Beard
- Elephant Stone - Living for Something
- First Aid Kit - In the Hearts of Men
- LCD Soundsystem - New York, I Love You
- Brant Bjork - Too Many Chiefs... Not Enough Indians
- Cloud Nothings - Separation
- The Mothers of Invention - Trouble Every Day
- Phil Woods - Greek Cooking
- Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit
- Eric Burdon &The Animals - As The Years Go Passing By
- Paul Messis - Nightmares
- Thee Oh Sees - Ghost In The Trees
- Chris Isaac - Blue Hotel
- Hot Pants - So Many Nites
- Housemartins - Me & The Farmer
- The Cure - The Lovecats (acoustic)
- Kool and The Gang - Too Hot
- Sonic Youth - Superstar
- Lindisfarne - Lady Eleanor
- Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - The Nearness Of You
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand (live, Royal Albert Hall, 1998)
- Blue Oyster Cult - Astronomy
- Death - Politicians In My Eyes
- Captain Beefheart & His magic band - This Is The Day (live Kansas City)
- Sham 69 - With A Little Help From My Friends
η απόλαυση εν τη ενώσει
135η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 24/10/2014
- Mimis Plessas - Karagouna (Thessalian Dance trad.)
- Blue States - Season Song
- Deep Freeze Mice - phylis Is A Protozoon Actually
- The Karelia - Nostalgia
- Blixa Bargeld feat Brenda Lee - All Alone Am I
- Pharmakon - Bang Bang
- Demis Roussos - She Came Up From The North
- Gavin Friday - Apologia
- Archive - Chaos
- King Krimson - In the Wake of Poseidon
- Franco Battiato - Anafase
- Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Thespian City
- Davey Graham - Misirlou
- The Beatles - Girl
- Kaleidoscope - Rampe Rampe
- Harry Belafonte - In The Small Boat (sung in Greek)
- They Might Be Giants - Greek #3 (sung in Greek)
- Now we ve got members - Slo mo zeibekiko
- Donovan - Writer In The Sun
- Blur - Girls & Boys
- John Kongos - He's Gonna Step on You Again
- The Monochrome Set - The Midas Touch
- The Zoo - I Cry
- Joan Baez -The Partisan
- Soap & Skin - Thanatos
- The Ex - Apathy Disease
- Savage Republic - Peloponessia
- The Sounds - O Menousis (trad.)
φιλότιμο και όχι μόνο
134η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 17/10/2014
- Walter Carlos - Title Music from A Clockwork Orange
- Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine
- Roxy Music - Re-Make-Re-Model
- LCD Soundsystem - Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up
- Blur - Far Out
- Panda Bear-Take Pills
- Wilco - A Shot In The Arm (alternate version)
- Bee Gees - Sweet Song Of Summer
- Kraftwerk - Autobahn (7'' version)
- Air - Remember
- Monkees - Daily Nightly
- Akritas - Memory (Μνήμη)
- MGMT - Time To Pretend
- The Beatles - Because
- Suicide - Cheree
- Young Marble Giants - The Taxi
- Blondie - Heart Of Glass
- Donna Summer - I Feel Love
- Franz Ferdinand - Can't Stop Feeling
- Stereolab - Moogie Wonderland
- Jean Jackues Perrey - Moog Indigo
- The Beastie Boys - Make Some Noise
- Devo - Mongoloid
- Sonic Youth - Bubblegum
- Geronimo - Jäätynyt Sade
- Built To Spill - Randy Described Eternity
- The Units - Cannibals
- Human League - Circus Of Death
- Hot Butter - Pop Corn
133η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 10/10/2014
- Daydreamer - High Road
- Port O'Brien - Threadbare
- Jane And Barton - It's A Fine Day
- Belle and Sebastian - The Stars of Track and Field (BBC Sessions)
- Bryan MacLean - Alone Again Or
- Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) (Rough Mix)
- Swans - Love Will Tear Us Apart
- Siglo XX - Art of war
- Το Φως και η Σκιά του (The Last Drive) - Λέμμινγκς
- Young Marble Giants - Wurlitzer Jukebox
- Vic Godard & Subway Sect-Music Of A Werewolf
- Gang Of Four - Paralyzed
- Franz Ferdinand - Michael
- This Heat - S.p.Q.R.
- The Chap - Remember Elvis Rex
- The Velvet Underground - All Tomorrow's Parties
- Beat Happening - Indian Summer
- Can - Mary, Mary So Contrary
- Meanwhile Back In Communist Russia - Delay Decay Attack (Peel Sessions)
- Dino Valente - Tomorrow
- Clan Of Xymox - Heroes (Slow industrial Version)
- Future Islands - Sun in the Morning
- Ultravox - New Europeans
- Man Or Astroman-Sferic Waves
- Τρύπες - Ταξιδιάρα Ψυχή
- Mainly Spaniards - That's What Your Friends Are For
- Spoon - Lines in the Suit
- The Unicorns - I Was Born (A Unicorn)
- Bauhaus - Third Uncle
132η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 03/10/2014
- Tuxedomoon-Triumphant Procession
- Kraftwerk - Schaufensterpuppen
- Thom Yorke - Guess Again!
- Philip Selway - Coming Up For Air
- The Growlers - Not the Man
- Q65 - Where Is the Key
- U2 - October
- Κατερίνα Γώγου - Πάει Αυτό Ήταν
- Gonga feat Beth Gibbons - Black Sabbeth
- Psychic Ills - Hazed Dream
- The Rolling Stones - Fool To Cry
- Marianne Faithfull - True Lies
- Fatal Shore - If You Go Away
- Belly - Trust in Me
- Foxygen - Hang
- Allah-Las - Worship The Sun
- Polska Radio One - Summer Evening
- Inspiral Carpets feat. John Cooper Clarke - Let You Down
- Elephant Stone - Masters of War
- The Kinks - This Time Tomorrow
- The Nits - The Key Shop (war & peace)
- Frank Tovey & The Pyros - Second Hand Suit Worried Men
- Caribou - Back Home
- Mecano - Some September Siberia
- The Damned - Life Goes On
- Suede - Europe Is Our Playground
- British Sea Power - Waving Flags
131η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 26/09/2014
- The Kinks - Helga
- The Chameleons - Second Skin
- The Boo Radleys - Wish I Was Skinny
- Elliott Smith - Baby Britain
- Jay Atwood & Susan Maccorkle - Tomorrow Never Knows
- The Moody Blues - Evening (The Sunset, Twilight Time)
- Los Shakers - Espero Que Les Guste
- Neil (from The Young Ones) - Hole In My Shoe
- Nick Nicely - 49 Cigars
- Chemical Brothers - The Private Psychedelic Reel
- The Three O'clock - As Real As Real
- Paul McCartney - Momma Miss America
- Black Mountain - Druganaut
- Δημος Μουτσης & ορχήστρα - Εισαγωγή (Dimos Moutsis & orch. - intro)
- Can - Oh Yeah
- Timothy Leary - The Psychedelic Experience (excerpt)
- Krzysztof Komeda - Rosemary's Baby - Main Title (Lullaby)
- The Dukes of Stratosphear - The Mole From The Ministry
- The Beatles - Within you without you - Tomorrow Never Knows
- Swans - No Cure For The Lonely
- Television Personalities - A Stranger To Myself
- Sissy Spacek - John You Went Too Far This Time
- Of Montreal - Everything Disappears When You Come Around
- Spoon - The Beast And Dragon, Adored
- Nikki Sudden - Pin a Rose On Me
- Flaming Lips - Love Yer Brain
- Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
130η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 19/09/2014
- The Ventures - Sealed With A Kiss
- Duo Los Diablos - Loco Amor
- Skip & The Creations - Harlem Shuffle
- Philip Selway - Dont Go Now
- Of Montreal - At Night Trees Aren't Sleeping
- The Beatles - Two of us
- The Space Lady - Major Tom
- Krakatau - Riddells Creek
- Yeah Yeah Noh - See Through Nature
- Chefs - Records And Tea
- U.K. Subs - Nico
- Yo La Tengo - Fourth Time Around
- Deep Freeze Mice - I Vote Conservative (Because I'm In Love With You)
- Frightened Rabbit - Scottish Winds
- 14a Justin Hayward - Forever Autumn
- Tuxedomoon-The Stranger
- Spell - There's No Blood In Bone
- Devendra Banhart - Fistful of Love (Antony and The Johnsons cover)
- Low - Africa (Toto cover)
- The Silent League - Breathe
- Woods - With Light And With Love
- The Lemon Fog - Summer
- Ramones - Out of Time
- Liarbirds - Estuary in Me
- The Magnetic Fields - All My Little Words
- The Kinks - Get Back In Line
- Oasis - Live Forever
- Moby-The Perfect Life (live On Soundcheck acoustic)
εποχή 4 επεισόδιο 1
129η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/06/2014
- Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Want To Play Football
- Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun (Radio sessions 1970)
- The Turtles - House On The Hill
- of Montreal - Imbecile Rages
- Terrestify - On Some Faraway Beach
- The Nits - Erom Om
- New Order - Leave Me Alone
- Συνθετικοί - Είναι Σίγουρο
- Television Personalities - The Girl Who Had Everything
- Bryan Ferry - I Thought
- Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Southside of the World
- Tarnation - Your Thoughts And Mine
- Townes Van Zandt - Waiting Around to Die
- The Trypes - The Undertow
- Blue Orchids - Bad education
- The Langley Schools Music Project - Band on the Run
- The Jam - Waterloo Sunset (Demo)
- The Who - See Me Feel Me (Listening To You)
- Shawn Phillips - The Ballad of Senses and Illusions (early version)
- The Deep Freeze Mice - My geraniums are bulletproof
- Τρύπες - Ερωτευμένοι Σχιζοφρενείς
- Zounds - Subvert
- The Cure - Killing An Arab
- Grateful Dead - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
- Crocodiles - True Love Will Find You In The End
- Hurricane Heart Attacks - Sealed With A Kiss
- Jefferson Airplane - Let's Get Together
- Leonard Cohen - Lover Lover Lover
- Violent Femmes - Please Do Not Go
- The Byrds - We'll Meet Again
καθώς έπεφτε η αυλαία για τρίτη φορά
128η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/06/2014
- Gershon Kingsley - Popcorn
- John Grant Feat Midlake - (I Wanna Go To) Marz [Demo]
- Marc Almond - What Makes A Man A Man
- The Monochrome Set - Waiting For Alberto
- Virgin Prunes - uncle Arthurs Lonely World
- David Bowie - Five Years
- The Deep Freeze Mice - Teenage Head In My Refrigerator
- Amon Duul II - A Morning Excuse
- La Femme - From Tchernobyl With Love
- Bronski Beat-Smalltown Boy (12'' Version)
- Blue Orchids - A Year With No Head
- The Third Bardo - I'm Five Years Ahead Of My Time
- Bad Movies - I Won't Go Blind
- Johnny Thunders - I'm A Boy, I'm A Girl
- James - Sometimes
- This Heat - Paper Hats
- The Stockholm Monsters - How Corrupt Is Rough Trade (12'' version)
- The Charlatans - Then
- Husker Du - Never Talking To You Again
- Violent Femmes - Requiem
- Port O'Brien - Fisherman's Son
- Jose Feliciano - My World Is Empty Without You
- Chinawoman - Woman is Still a Woman
- The Tiger Lillies - Vagina
- Tuxedomoon - In The Name Of Talent (Italian Western Two)
- The Rutles - Get Up and Go
- Tom Robinson - Glad To Be Gay (version '79)
127η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 06/06/2014
- Nino Rota - the awards
- Depeche Mode - Sometimes
- Josephine Foster - Amuse A Muse
- Jacco Gardner - The Ballad of Little Jane
- Tears For Fears - Mad World
- King Krule - Easy Easy
- Roy Harper - All Ireland
- The Pastels - Summer Rain
- Angel Olsen - Stars
- Mazzy Star - I'm Less Here
- Ben Vaughn - Too Much Sorrow
- Robyn Hitchcock - My Favourite Buildings
- Looper - Oh, Skinny Legs
- Faust - Der vaum
- Chapter 24 - The Corpse
- Billy Mackenzie - Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth
- Francoise Hardy - J'ai Coupe Le Telephone
- King of Luxembourg - Trial of Dr. Fancy
- Love - Alone again or (alternate mix)
- Dan Sartain - Hpv Cowboy
- Guadalcanal Diary - Vista
- Cult Of Youth - Through The Fear
- The Triffids - Red Pony
- Angst - Love Dissolves
- Wipers - Taking Too Long
- The Group - The Feed-back
- Cypress Hill - Insane In The Brain
- Ruth Brown - Good Day For The Blues
- Jessie Evans - Let Me On
- Missing Scientists - Big City Bright Lights
- The Damned - You Know
εξομολογήσεις 33 στροφών
126η εκπομπή: Τρίτη 03/06/2014
- TriBeCaStan - Communist Modern
- Dan Sartain - Pass This On
- D Charles Speer & The Helix - Cretan Lords
- The Wandering Stars - Those Were The Days
- Samurai - Fresh Hot Breeze Of Summer
- Marianne Faithfull - Greensleeves
- Seftel - An Accident
- Wild Beasts - Wanderlust
- Edwyn Collins - Johnny Teardrop
- Here We Go Magic - Collector
- Metronomy - The Look
- Morrissey - World Peace Is None Of Your Business
- Luna - Neon Lights
- King Missile - Detachable Penis
- The Damned - Feel The Pain
- Yo La Tengo - Demons
- Felt - The World Is As Soft As Lace
- Slapp Happy & Henry Cow - Excerpt From The Messiah
- KISS INC. - Hey Mr. Holy Man
- Bobby Parker - Watch Your Step
- Spirit - Taurus
- Jethro Tull - We Used To Know
- Gordon Alexander - Looking For The Sun
- The New York Rock & Roll Ensemble - Mr. Tree
- The Lollipop Shoppe - You Must Be A Witch
- Ballon Farm - A Question Of Temperature
- Ultravox - New Europeans
- Yachts - Suffice To Say
- Common Sense - Grotesque
- Alternative TV - Hello Judas
- Modern Eon - Waiting For The Cavalry
- Michael Rother - Feuerland
- The Fall - Cruiser's Creek
μια Τρίτη βράδυ στην ξενιτιά
125η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/05/2014
- Joseph Arthur - Crying Like a Man
- Canned Heat - On The Road Again
- Laurie Anderson - Tightrope
- Hildegard von Binge Drinking - X Frédéric Ehlers
- The Redskins - Go Get Organised
- Morrissey - Journalists Who Lie
- The Housemartins - You Better Be Doubtful
- The Kinks - Some Mother's Son
- Bill Callahan - Spring
- Belle and Sebastian - Baby Jane
- Donovan - Colours
- Genesis - The Carpet Crawlers
- Johnny Mathis - Wild Is The Wind
- Maya Angelou's thoughts: One Percent
- I Giardini di Mirò - Trompsø Is Ok
- KU - Millions
- Television Personalities - If I Could Write A Poetry
- The Silos - Going Round
- The Trypes - (from the) Morning Glories
- Steve Miro And The Eyes - Ain't You Got No Life
- Can - Alice
- Psychic TV - Black Moon
- Brian Eno & Karl Hyde - The Satellites
- John Cooper Clarke - The Ghost Of Al Capone
- Yung Wu - Aspiration
η 950η ανάρτηση (ένας ανέμπνευστος τίτλος για μια ωραία εκπομπή)
124η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 23/05/2014http://www.mediafire.com/download/w1q496zqxi59uwq/124th+lemon+indie.mp3
- The London Punkharmonic Orchestra - White Riot
- The Stranglers - Hanging Around
- Inspiral Carpets - I'll Keep It In Mind
- Eleanor Friedberger - You'll Never Know Me
- Kotchy - Check Out My Keychain (The Chap Remix)
- Hot Chip - Transmission
- Erfolg - Fame (D. Bowie cover)
- Talking Heads - First Week - Last Week... Carefree
- Beak - Pill
- The Fall - Who Makes The Nazis
- Ben Vaughn - The Only Way To Fly
- Beck - Loser
- Beastie Boys - Off The Grid
- Fidlar - Red Right Hand
- The Things - Outside My Window
- The Long Ryders - Ivory Tower
- Sharon Van Etten - Every Time the Sun Comes Up
- Now We've Got Members - The Song Is Always Altered
- Yo La Tengo - Autumn Sweater
- Yung Wu - Big Day
- The Feelies - Moscow Nights
- The Clean - Psychedelic Ranger
- Zounds - Can't Cheat Karma
- Pylon - Danger!!
- The Skoidats - Night Of The Droogs
- The Vibrators - i'm Gonna Be Your Nazi Baby (The Peel Sessions 1976)
- Mission of Burma - That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate
- The Scars - Psychomodo
- Vassilikos - You Are My Destiny
και 1 και 2 και 4
123η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/05/2014
- Hugo Montenegro & His Orchestra - Titoli
- The White Stripes - Conquest (acoustic mariachi version)
- The Walkabouts - Yesterday Is Here
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ain't Gonna Rain Anymore
- Yazoo - Ode To Boy
- Hercules & Love Affair feat John Grant - I Try To Talk To You
- It's Immaterial - Driving away from home (Remix)
- Noir Desir - Le Vent Nous Portera
- Eels - My Descent Into Madness
- Billy Cobham - Red Baron
- Material feat Williams Burroughs - Words Of Advice
- Get The Blessing - The Word For Moonlight Is Moonlight
- The Vanity Set - Personal Hell
- The Parsonage - Love Will Tear Us Apart
- New Bums - Town on the Water
- Bulent Ortacgil - Benimle Oynar Misin
- Bee Gees - New York Mining Disaster 1941
- Chumbawamba - Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants To Hear
- Dead Man's Bones - Lose Your Soul
- Fairport Convention - Si Tu Dois Partir
- The David - Light Of Your Mind
- Lord Sitar - I Can See For Miles
- Baby Guru - Behaviour
- The Flaming Lips With Yoko OnoPlastic Ono Band - Brain Of Heaven
- The Dark Side Of The Moon A Capella - Eclipse
- The King Blues - Shooting Fascists
- Bubblegum Lemonade - This Is The New Normal
- Marianne Faithful - Lonesome Travellers
- Vietnam Veterans - 500 Miles
- The Afghan Whigs - Algiers
- Ride - Leave Them All Behind
τα μίλια και οι πόντοι
122η εκπομπή: Τρίτη 13/05/2014
- Francois de Roubaix - Dernier Domicile Connu OST- Generique
- Grant Hart - The Argument - Shine, Shine, Shine
- Jorma Kaukonen - Genesis
- Mike Curb Congregation - Nixon Now
- Exuma - Monkberry Moon Delight
- Broken Bells with Ringo Starr - And I Love Her
- Villagers - Occupy Your Mind
- Morrissey - The National Front Disco
- Brilliant Corners - Delilah Sands
- The 'O' Level - East Sheen
- Los Saicos - Come On
- Dexy's Midnight Runners - I'm Just Looking
- Watermelon Men - I've Been Told
- The Seeds - A Faded Picture
- Sigur Ros - The Rains Of Castamere
- Neu! - Super
- Blackfeet Graves - Mystic Rabbit
- Mood Six - The Contemporary Scene
- B Movie - Remembrance Day
- Χωρίς Περιδέραιο - 48 Σιωπές
- Soft Cell - Metro Mr X
- Le Volume Courbe - Le petit chevalier
- Willy Mason - Oxygen
- New Bums - The Killers and Me
- DeSoto Caucus - Skills of Warfare
- Shuggie Otis - Strawberry Letter 23
- Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking
- Richard Thompson - Money Money
- Steve Lake - Prick
- Cosmo Jarvis - Sure As Hell Not Jesus
- Hank Williams Sr.. I Saw The Light
- 201 The Roches - Hammond Song
- Kevin Ayers - The Oyster And The Flying Fish
- Olivia Tremor Control - Not Feeling Human
κάποτε μια Τρίτη και 13, το βράδυ
- Arcade Fire - We're All Leavin
- Amy Winehouse - To Know Him Is To Love Him
- Loudon Wainright III - The Man Who Couldn't Cry
- The Walkmen - I Lost You
- The Velvet Underground - Louise
- Rose Windows - Heavenly Days
- The Zombies - Friends Of Mine
- MGMT - Mystery Disease
- Lesley Gore feat RZA - You Don't Own Me
- Siouxsie and the Banshees - Mother _ Oh Mein Papa
- The Kaleidoscope - Beacon From Mars
- DJ Shadow - Fixed Income
- Moby - The Sky Is Broken
- Stereo Nova - Astralon
- Pink Military - I Cry
- Bauhaus - Spirit in the Sky
- Echo & The Bunnymen - Meteorites
- Miracle Legion - Little Man
- REM - Fall On Me
- The Shangri-Las - I Can Never Go Home Anymore
- The Smiths - Rubber Ring
- Konstantins Raudive - Breakthrough
- David Axelrode - Human Abstract
- Bjork - Possibly Maybe
- Someday World - Brian Eno & Karl Hyde - Mother Of a Dog
- Mono In VCF - Escape City Scrapers
10 χθεσινά λεπτά και 120 σημερινά
120η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/05/2014
- Biff Bang Pow - I See The Sun
- Green On Red - We shall overcome
- Walrus - Okay
- Phil Ochs - The Scorpion Departs But Never Returns
- The Shakespeares - Burning My Fingers
- Morphine - Cure for Pain
- Songs Ohia - Easts Heart Divided
- Joan Baez - Here's to You (Sacco & Vanzetti)
- The Velvet Underground - Venus In Furs (Demo)
- Television Personalities - say You Won't Cry
- The Red Krayola - Victory Garden
- Galaxie 500 - When Will You Come Home
- The Rolling Stones - Heart of Stone
- Mystic Eyes - I Thought I Saw A Tear
- Blondie - Union City Blue
- MIca Levi - Love
- Fennesz - Transit
- Kate Bush - ost: Sam Lowry's 1st Dream & Brazil
- Pink Military - Did You See Her
- Joy Division - No Love Lost
- Stereolab - We're Not Adult Orientated
- Lullabies for Babies - London Calling
- Beak - Welcome To The Machine (Pink Floyd cover)
- Isao Tomita - Concierto de Aranjuez
- Miles Davis - Will O' The Wisp
- Apollo 440 feat. Billy Mackenzie - Pain In Any Language
- Statues In Motion - Era of the Rats
όταν ακούς Miles Davis για πρώτη φορά
119η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 25/04/2014
- Mahavishnu Orchestra - You Know You Know
- Catalogue - Donnant D'Onan
- Serge Gainsbourg - Cargo Culte
- Beck - Paper Tiger
- Massive Attack - False Flags
- Tones On Tail - Lions
- Eels - Guest List
- The Edgar Broughton Band - Aphrodite
- Pixies - Where Is My Mind
- Ku - Rubicon
- Sparks - The Very Next Fight
- Damon Albarn feat Brian Eno - Heavy Seas Of Love
- Jeremy Steig- Howling For Judy
- Beastie Boys - Sure Shot
- Japan - Life Without Buildings
- Life Without Buildings - New Town
- XTC - All Along The Watchtower
- Lou Reed - Tatters
- Pere Ubu - Love Song
- Poltergeist - Cathedral
- Melvins feat Jello Biafra - In Every Dreamhouse A Heartache (Roxy Music)
- Klaus Nomi - Total Eclipse
URGH! ο μουσικός πόλεμος
118η εκπομπή: Τετάρτη 16/04/2014
- Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Cursed, Coined And Crucified
- St. Thomas - Take A Dance With Me
- Luke Haines - Christ
- Tones On Tail - Real life
- Bee Gees - Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You
- Tricky - Passion of the Christ
- John Coltrane - Psalm
- The Dead Brothers - Trust In Me
- Two Wounded Birds - The Last Supper
- Current 93 - Larkspur And Lazarus
- Martha Wainwright - Four Black Sheep
- Philip Glass - Escape
- Johann Sebastian Bach - St. Matthew Passion Erbarme Dich Mein Gott
- Johnny Thunders- It Ain't Me Babe
- The Nits - House of Jacob
- Neville Brothers - Sons And Daughters (Reprise)
- Soulsavers - Presence of God
- Mogwai - Simon Ferocious
- The Chameleons - Everyday I'm Crucified
- Joker's Daughter - The Bull Bites Back
- Ben Watt - Nathaniel
- The Blues Project - I Can't Keep From Crying
- Andrew Oldham Orchestra - Play with fire
- Television Personalities - Pablo Picasso
- Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
- The Wake - judas
- Hannah Peel - Electricity
- Metro Deacay - Κεμήλια
- The Teardrop Explodes - Christ Versus Warhol
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds -The Mercy Seat (Video Mix)
- Patti Smith - Easter
- Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
λίγο πριν τη Σταύρωση
117η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/04/2014
- Apollo Sunshine - Happiness
- Of the Wand and the Moon - Watch The Skyline Catch Fire
- Nino Rota - The Waltz (The Godfather)
- Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld - A Quiet Life
- Joe Pass - A Time For Us
- Exuma - A Place Called Earth
- Isobel Campbell - Thursday s Child
- Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - The Moon Is In The Gutter
- The Go Betweens - The Clarke Sisters
- The Nits - Oom Pah Pah
- Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
- Madness - Le Grand Pantalon (Baggy Trousers)
- Baxter Dury - The Sun
- Patrik Fitzgerald - Set We Free
- Mulatu Astatke & The Heliocentrics - Esketa Dance
- John Cale - Ghost Story
- Giant Sand - Glum
- Anna Calvi - Sing to Me
- Timber Timbre - Run from Me
- Graham Bond - Waltz For The Pig
- Jonathan Wilson - Lovestrong
- Baxter Dury - The Sun
- Pearl Jam - Master Slave
- Robert Plant - Darkness, Darkness
- Jefferson Airplane - Never Argue With A German If You're Tired
- Αέρα Πατέρα - Οι Μπύρες
- The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays
ο ήλιος
116η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/04/2014
- Mystical Weapons - Hostile Takeover
- Low - Plastic Cup
- Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man - Drake
- Nick Waterhouse - High Tiding
- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand (Scream 3 Version)
- Shawn Phillips - Lookin' Up lookin' Down
- Lalo Schifrin - Danube Incident
- Timber Timbre - Bring Me Simple Men
- Robert Wyatt - Fragment
- Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine
- Kraftwerk - Strom
- Talk Talk- After The Flood
- Neu! * feat Laurie Anderson - Weissensee
- *Laurie Anderson - Walking & Falling
- Donovan - The River Song
- Nico - Janitor of Lunacy
- Your Hand In Mine - Intro
- Film School - Ms. Connection
- The Human League - Morale
- Radiohead - Kinetic
- Miles Davis - Miles Runs the Voodoo Down (excerpt)
- Lost Animal - Beat Goes On
- The Wake - Uniform
- The Vietnam Veterans - Be My Baby
- Ride - How Does It Feel To Feel
- Feeding Fingers - Breathing Partners
- Talking Heads - Drugs (Alternate Version)
- Tortoise - Whitewater
- Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat
- David Bowie - Space Oddity (re-Recorded Single b-Side, 1979)
115η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/03/2014
- Stonephace - Five Miles High
- Neko Case - Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth
- Caribou - Hello Hammerheads
- Poll - Παρασκευάς & Θωμάς
- Baby Guru - Exegesis
- Country Joe & The Fish - The Baby Song
- The Boo Radleys -The White Noise Revisited
- Chocolate Watchband - I Ain't No Miracle Worker
- Giorgio Moroder - Automation
- Between - Devotion
- Big Brother And The Holding Company - All Is Loneliness
- Echo & the Bunnymen - Hang On To A Dream
- Poltergeist - Lune Deeps
- Dead Meadow - The Crystal Ship
- Television Personalities - King & Country
- Savage Republic - The Hanging Garden
- Antony & the Johnsons - Shake That Devil
- Alan Vega - Be Bop a Lula
- Tuxedomoon - (Special Treatment For The) Family Man 3
- Tangerine Dream - Movements Of A Visionary
- Portishead - The Rip
- Mogwai - Remurdered
- Gary Numan - Me! I Disconnect From You (early version)
- Nine Inch Nails - Metal
- Anne Clark - All Night Party
- Χωρίς Περιδέραιο - Έγχρωμη Γρίπη
114η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/03/2014
- G. Gretsis & S. Stamos - Greek Rhapsody
- Azure Ray - Raining In Athens
- Synanthesia - Mnemosyne
- Mariangela & Vangelis - You Were Right
- Luna - Anesthesia
- The Kinks - End of the Season
- 鄭君綿 鄧寄塵 鄭碧影 - 兩仔爺 (Manos Hadjidakis)
- Tricky - Parenthesis
- La Femme - Antitaxi
- Eyeless In Gaza - John On patmos
- The Cowsills - The Prophecy Of Daniel & John The Divine (Six-Six-Six)
- Aphrodite's Child - 666 - Ofis
- Dead Can Dance - Amnesia
- John Cale - Archimedes [Homo sapiens]
- Momus - Erostratus
- They Might Be Giants - Electronic Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Rabbi Nuftali Zvi Margolies Abulafia - Misirlou
- His Majesty the King of Spain- Me Skotose
- A Hawk And A Hacksaw - God Bless The Ottoman Empire
- IO Echo - When The Lillies Die
- NeoCollage y Los Labropoides - En el Nueve
- Slowdive - Souvlaki Space Station
- Savage Republic - Omonoia
- The Vanity Set - The World Keeps Turning
- The Clean - Balkans
- Diamanda Galas - Keigome Keigome (Stavros Xarhakos)
- Matt Elliott - The Ghost of Maria Callas
- The Dubliners - Salonika
- Nick Cave -The Lyre Of Orpheus
- Telly Savalas - Something
- Midlake - Antiphon
- The Waterboys - The Pan Within
兩仔爺 και άλλες ελληνικές ιστρίες
113η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/03/2014
- Bernard Herrmann - Fahrenheit 451 (Prelude)
- Spirogira - The Sergeant Says
- The Langley Schools Music Project - Space Oddity
- Snow Patro l - I Am An Astronaut
- Death In Vegas - Dirge
- The Legendary Pink Dots - Don't Worry Dear, I'll Be Holding Your Hand
- Fischer Z - Luton to Lisbon
- Simon Dupree & The Big Sound - Kites
- Junior Parker - Taxman
- Cypress Hill - I Wanna Get High
- Ride - Seagull
- The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Lobby
- Television Personalities - When Emily Cries
- X-Ray Spex - Genetic Engineering
- Lard Free - Warinobaril
- Alan Vega, Alex Chilton, Ben Vaughn - Fly Away
- Cpt Nefos - Enjoying
- Anne Clarke - Short Story - Anne Clark
- Anti - Kontra
- OMD - Electricity [Dindisc Version]
- Air - Remember
- The Beach Boys - Do It Again (Stereo Remix)
- Caribou - Subotnick
- Black Mountain - Set Us Free
- Santana - Hope You're Feeling Better
- Mother Earth -Saturation 70
- The Chap - Gimme Legs
- Liquid Liquid - Cavern
- Grandmaster Flash Melle Mel - White Lines (Don't Do It)
μια κινούμενη ασυνέχεια
112η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/03/2014
- Sexteto Electronico Moderno - In The Year 2525
- Scott Walker - The Seventh Seal
- Damien Jurado - Jericho Road
- The Hidden Cameras - Year Of The Spawn
- Television Personalities - Seasons in the sun
- Spiritualized - Home of the Brave
- Beacon Street Union - Angus Of Aberdeen
- Bee Gees - I Started A Joke
- Coti K - Praise The Lord
- This Mortal Coil - Holocaust
- Mercury Rev - Planet Caravan (Peel session)
- The Grass Roots - Mr. Jones (A Ballad Of a Thin Man)
- Folk Implosion - Serge
- Pulp - I Spy
- Boney M - Still I'm Sad
- Moon Duo - Sleepwalker
- The Liminanas feat. MU - Liverpool
- JJ Cale - Let's Go To Tahiti
- Townes Van Zandt - 06 - Lungs 1
- Bruce Springsteen feat. Tom Morello - The Ghost of Tom Joad
- Edwyn Collins - What Is My Role
- Beak - Spinning Top
- Talking Heads - The Democratic Circus
- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Is This Love
- Yeah Yeah Noh - Prick Up Your Ears
- Sad lovers and Giants - Things We Never Did
πάντα στην ώρα μου
111η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/02/2014
Moondog - Lullaby (2 W 46th Street)
Fun Boy Three - The Lunacy Legacy
Tom Waits - Barber Shop
Can - Your Friendly Neighbourhood Whore
Primal Scream - Goodbye Johnny
The Specials - Ghost Town
Max Minty & his Gay Blades - A Naughty Cal-Tale (Drunken Sailor)
Bruce Springsteen - It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
Afghan Whigs - Lost in the Supermarket
Αγάπανθος - Στον Ηλεκτρικό
Eddie Gale - Ghetto Summertime
Lou Reed - Walk On The Wild Side
The Auteurs - Chinese Bakery (BBC Session)
Peter Hammill - (On Tuesdays She Used To Do) Yoga
The Cure - Subway Song
Space - Neighbourhood
Belle & Sebastian - The Eighth Station of the Cross Kebab House
Paul McCartney & Wings - Single Pigeon
Television Personalities - In A Perfumed Garden
Pink Floyd - Us & Them (a lemon remix)
Richard Wright - Us & Them
Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffic
Arthur Kay's Originators - Watching The Rich Kids
Peter Jefferies - Guided Tour Of A Well Known Street
The Boy - Είμαι Αυτός
Saint Etienne - Heart Failed (In The Back Of A Taxi)
The Band Of Holy Joy - Cities
Stereo Nova - Προάστεια
OMD - Architecture And Morality
Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning
The Jam - Smithers Jones
Joe Strummer - White Riot
Atkinson - La Banda - Caracas infame
The Kinks - Dead End Street
110η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/02/2014
DJ Cam - Twilight Zone
Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll
Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares - Pritouritze Planinata
The Mec Up Singers - Dies Irae
Brigitte Bardot - Un jour comme un autre
Jens Lekman - Maple Leaves (7 Version)
Television Personalities - Someone To Share My Life With
Beck - Country Down
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Friend For Life
6d Rose Windows - Wartime Lovers
The Handsome Family - Far From Any Road (True Detective score)
MindFlowers - Little Prayer
Deerhunter - Nitebike
Donovan - Hurdy Gurdy Man
Jacco Gardner - Where Will You Go
Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure
The Pretty Things - The Sun
Jean-Claude Brialy & Anna Karina - Je M'Avais Qu'Un Seul Mot A Lui Dire
Portishead - Requiem for Anna
isos Gnarls Barkley - Neighbours
Pastor T.L. Barrett & the Youth For Christ Choir - Nobody Knows
Pink Floyd - Crumbling Land (Take One)
Κώστας Τουρνάς - Ο Αστρικός
Hawkwind - Silver Machine (Original Single Version)
Zounds - Fear
Savage Republic - Next To Nothing
Tuxedomoon-I Heard it Through the Grapevine
The Stranglers - North Winds
χθεσινές εφημερίδες
109η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/02/2014
Georges Arvanitas Trio - Love Story
Billie Holiday - Love For Sale
Vietnam Veterans (as The Gitanes) - Fall In Love Again
The Magnetic Fields - The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
Joan Baez - Love is just a Four Letter Word
Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone
Melanie - Brand New Key
Little Peggy March - I Will Follow Him
Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover
The Slickee Boys - Glendora
Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love
Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go
Hot Chip - Hand Me Down Your Love
The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want (excerpt)
REM - I Will Survive
The Jelly Beans - I Wanna Love Him So Bad
TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
The Damned - Love Song
Elvis Presley - I Want You I Need You I Love You
Tom Waits - I'll Shoot The Moon
Gene Pitney - 24 Hours From Tulsa - Gene Pitney
The Feelies - Loveless Love
Patrik Fitzgerald - Safety Pin Stuck in My Heart
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
The Langley School Orchestra - To Know Him Is To Love Him
Yosebu - Love Letters
The Dukes Of Stratosphear - My Love Explodes
Shaggs - I'm So Happy When You're Near
Hedwig & The Angry Inch - Origin Of Love
X Ray Spex - Oh Bondage Up Yours!
Daniel Johnston - Love Will See You Through
Marc Almond - Mother Fist
Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
Television Personalities - She's My Yoko
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Peel session 1979)
John Lennon - Oh My Love
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk to Fuck
The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love
The Nerves - Hanging on the Telephone
The Smiths - There is a Light That Never Goes Out (early demo)
108η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/02/2014
Georges Arvanitas Trio - Love Story
Billie Holiday - Love For Sale
Vietnam Veterans (as The Gitanes) - Fall In Love Again
The Magnetic Fields - The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
Joan Baez - Love is just a Four Letter Word
Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone
Melanie - Brand New Key
Little Peggy March - I Will Follow Him
Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover
The Slickee Boys - Glendora
Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love
Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go
Hot Chip - Hand Me Down Your Love
The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want (excerpt)
REM - I Will Survive
The Jelly Beans - I Wanna Love Him So Bad
TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
The Damned - Love Song
Elvis Presley - I Want You I Need You I Love You
Tom Waits - I'll Shoot The Moon
Gene Pitney - 24 Hours From Tulsa - Gene Pitney
The Feelies - Loveless Love
Patrik Fitzgerald - Safety Pin Stuck in My Heart
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
The Langley School Orchestra - To Know Him Is To Love Him
Yosebu - Love Letters
The Dukes Of Stratosphear - My Love Explodes
Shaggs - I'm So Happy When You're Near
Hedwig & The Angry Inch - Origin Of Love
X Ray Spex - Oh Bondage Up Yours!
Daniel Johnston - Love Will See You Through
Marc Almond - Mother Fist
Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
Television Personalities - She's My Yoko
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Peel session 1979)
John Lennon - Oh My Love
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk to Fuck
The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love
The Nerves - Hanging on the Telephone
The Smiths - There is a Light That Never Goes Out (early demo)
όλα για τον έρωτα
108η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/02/2014
Ben Webster - Ill Wind
Synanthesia - The Tale Of The Spider And The Fly
Egberto Gismonti - Lendas
The Ex & Tom Cora - New Clear Daze
Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey
Arcade Fire feat. David Byrne - Speaking in Tongues
Exuma - You Don't Know What's Going On
Eulenspygel - Die Wunde bleibt
Husker Du - Standing By The Sea
Timmybear - On Some Faraway Beach (excerpt)
Inspiral Carpets - Beast inside Radio Sessions 199
Peter Jefferies - The Fate Of The Human Carbine
Arturo Stalteri-On Some Faraway Beach
Sandie Shaw - A Girl Called Johnny
The Fall - My New House (Mark's Rough Mix)
Silver Apples - Program
sample: Deep Purple, Τζένη Βάνου, Sex Pistols, Specials
dEUS - Everybody's Weird
Gary Numan - M E
Air feat P.S.H. - Kelly watch the stars
Wire - & Much Besides
Beck - Turn Away
The Kinks - Such A Shamed
Television - The Fire
The Modern Lovers - Someone I Care About
Zounds - Target
Λευκή Συμφωνία - Το Φεγγάρι Αιμορραγεί
Lush - Demystification
The Beatles - We Can Work It Out
το ψάθινο μοτοσακό
107η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 31/01/2014
The Bostweeds - Faster Pussycat Kill Kill
Jimmy Smith - Ol' Man River
Bill Haley - Shake, Rattle and Roll
The Stooges - 1969
The Shirelles - I Met Him On A Sunday
Ritchie Valens - Very Best Of - Now you're gone
Radio announcement: The Day the Music ied Radio News Flash 59
Don McLean American Pie
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
Alex Harvey - Strange Fruit
Donald Byrd - Requiem
Del Shannon - Runaway
Buddy Holly - That'll Be The Day
Sweet - Ballroom Blitz
The Troggs - 66 5 4 3 2 1
The Cramps - Aloha From Hell
Frankie Laine - Rawhide
Radio announcement: Sid Vicious is dead
Sex Pistols - My Way
Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
Thin Lizzy ft Gary Moore - Still In Love With You
The Valentinos - It's All Over Now
The Kinks - Death Of A Clown
Grateful Dead - That's It For The Other One (Parts I-IV)
The Triffids - The 107
Matmos - Snails and Lasers for Patricia Highsmith
Spell [Boyd Rice & Rose McDowall] - Johnny Remember me
Augustus Pablo - King Tubby Meets The Rockers Uptown
Sparks - The Ghost Of Liberace
Carpenters - Yesterday Once More
ένα χαρμόσυνο μνημόσυνο
Small Faces - Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Shed Seven - Sleep Easy
Calexico - Maybe On Monday [alt version]
The Kinks - Days
The Baroques - Iowa, A Girl's Name
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock
Yo La Tengo - Did I Tell You
Rory Gallagher - Don't Know Where I'm Going
Smoke - Beeper Will
The Langley Schools Music Project - To Know Him is to Love Him
Blue Orchids - Bad education
Mikal Cronin - Weight
Dave Berry - This Strange Effect
Tuxedomoon - The Cage
Belle & Sebastian - Like Dylan in the movies
Karen O - The Moon Song
Girls - Ghost Mouth
Ramones - You're Gonna Kill That Girl
Howler - Beach Sluts
The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream
Sham 69 - Hey Little Rich Boy
Serious Drinking - Love on the Terraces (MK. III)
Yellow Pages - Nightmares
Pixies - Weird At My School
The Slits - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Tindersticks - Put Your Love in Me
The Hidden Cameras - Gay Goth Scene
Archive - Bullets
Madness - Shut Up
Violent Femmes - My Way
Shed Seven - Sleep Easy
Calexico - Maybe On Monday [alt version]
The Kinks - Days
The Baroques - Iowa, A Girl's Name
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock
Yo La Tengo - Did I Tell You
Rory Gallagher - Don't Know Where I'm Going
Smoke - Beeper Will
The Langley Schools Music Project - To Know Him is to Love Him
Blue Orchids - Bad education
Mikal Cronin - Weight
Dave Berry - This Strange Effect
Tuxedomoon - The Cage
Belle & Sebastian - Like Dylan in the movies
Karen O - The Moon Song
Girls - Ghost Mouth
Ramones - You're Gonna Kill That Girl
Howler - Beach Sluts
The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream
Sham 69 - Hey Little Rich Boy
Serious Drinking - Love on the Terraces (MK. III)
Yellow Pages - Nightmares
Pixies - Weird At My School
The Slits - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Tindersticks - Put Your Love in Me
The Hidden Cameras - Gay Goth Scene
Archive - Bullets
Madness - Shut Up
Violent Femmes - My Way
εκατόν έξι
105η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 17/01/2014
Jacco Gardner - Cabinet of Curiosities
Television Personalities - I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives
Pink Floyd - If
Momus - little red songbook - Walter Carlos
Wendy Carlos - Air on a G String (from Orchestral Suite No. 3)
Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Nits - Bad Government And Its Effects On Town And Country
Spirogira - I Hear You're Going Somewhere (Joe Really)
Electric Masada - Kisofim
Grace Slick & The Great Society - Somebody To Love
Blue Orchids - Mad as the mist and snow
Amen Corner- (If Paradise Is) Half As Nice
Biff Bang Pow! - Religious
The Shangri-Las - 01 Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)
Inspiral Carpets- This Is How It Feels
The Shadows - Temptation
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Food For Clouds
Wayne County & the Electric Chairs - Eddie and Sheena
Tocotronic - Ich Wei_ Es Nicht
Faust - It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl
Tom Waits - Temptation
Devendra Banhart - Für Hildegard von Bingen
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner (original a cappella version)
Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks
Japan - Adolescent Sex
Adriano Celentano Prisencolinensinainciusol
The British North-American Act - Don't Run Away
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Δυο μικρα γαλάζια άλογα
Belle & Sebastian - Lord Anthony
Television Personalities - I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives
Pink Floyd - If
Momus - little red songbook - Walter Carlos
Wendy Carlos - Air on a G String (from Orchestral Suite No. 3)
Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Nits - Bad Government And Its Effects On Town And Country
Spirogira - I Hear You're Going Somewhere (Joe Really)
Electric Masada - Kisofim
Grace Slick & The Great Society - Somebody To Love
Blue Orchids - Mad as the mist and snow
Amen Corner- (If Paradise Is) Half As Nice
Biff Bang Pow! - Religious
The Shangri-Las - 01 Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)
Inspiral Carpets- This Is How It Feels
The Shadows - Temptation
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Food For Clouds
Wayne County & the Electric Chairs - Eddie and Sheena
Tocotronic - Ich Wei_ Es Nicht
Faust - It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl
Tom Waits - Temptation
Devendra Banhart - Für Hildegard von Bingen
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner (original a cappella version)
Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks
Japan - Adolescent Sex
Adriano Celentano Prisencolinensinainciusol
The British North-American Act - Don't Run Away
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Δυο μικρα γαλάζια άλογα
Belle & Sebastian - Lord Anthony
περί μήλου σοφιστεία (;)
104η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 10/01/2014
ή http://www.mediafire.com/download/ugvcba54pj081uy/104th+lemon++indie.mp3
Paul McCartney & The Wings - Loup (1st Indian on the Moon)
The Galleons - The Island of Japan
Eliza Gilkyson - Is It Like Today
Bob Dylan - I Want You
Exuma - Baal
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Sunday's Slave
Nina Simone - Dambala
Led Zeppelin -Tangerine
Ty Seguall - My Head Explodes
Status Quo - Sunny Cellophone Skies (Mono)
The Melodians Steel Orchestra - The Man Who Sold The World
Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad Man
Of Montreal - Belle Glade Missionaries
Cockney Rebel - Hideaway (Raw version)
Teho Teard & Blixa Bargeld - Come up and See Me
Darren Hayman And The Long Parliament - Henrietta Maria
David Bowie - The Gospel According To Tony Day
Smoke - Freak (Winn's Song)
Momus - Core
Tom Waits - Walk Away
Carole King - It's Too Late
Villagers - Earthly Pleasure
Low - Just Make It Stop
Redd Kross - Yesterday once more
Delaney and Bonnie - What the World Needs Now
Carpenters - Superstar
The Pastels - Slowly Taking Place
Wooden Shjips - Everybody Knows
Peter Jefferies - Scattered Logic
Διάφανα Κρίνα-Μέρες αργίας
Yachts - Suffice To Say (Live)
Johnny Thunders - (She's So) Untouchable
Alan Vega, Alex Chilton, Ben Vaughn - Candy Man
Martin Rev - Mari
The Del Byzanteens - My World Is Empty
The Cure - The Hanging Garden [Demo]
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead [Demo]
The Galleons - The Island of Japan
Eliza Gilkyson - Is It Like Today
Bob Dylan - I Want You
Exuma - Baal
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Sunday's Slave
Nina Simone - Dambala
Led Zeppelin -Tangerine
Ty Seguall - My Head Explodes
Status Quo - Sunny Cellophone Skies (Mono)
The Melodians Steel Orchestra - The Man Who Sold The World
Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad Man
Of Montreal - Belle Glade Missionaries
Cockney Rebel - Hideaway (Raw version)
Teho Teard & Blixa Bargeld - Come up and See Me
Darren Hayman And The Long Parliament - Henrietta Maria
David Bowie - The Gospel According To Tony Day
Smoke - Freak (Winn's Song)
Momus - Core
Tom Waits - Walk Away
Carole King - It's Too Late
Villagers - Earthly Pleasure
Low - Just Make It Stop
Redd Kross - Yesterday once more
Delaney and Bonnie - What the World Needs Now
Carpenters - Superstar
The Pastels - Slowly Taking Place
Wooden Shjips - Everybody Knows
Peter Jefferies - Scattered Logic
Διάφανα Κρίνα-Μέρες αργίας
Yachts - Suffice To Say (Live)
Johnny Thunders - (She's So) Untouchable
Alan Vega, Alex Chilton, Ben Vaughn - Candy Man
Martin Rev - Mari
The Del Byzanteens - My World Is Empty
The Cure - The Hanging Garden [Demo]
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead [Demo]
μα καλά, δεν ξέρουν;
103η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/12/2013
download part 1
download part 2
Μέρος Πρώτο (10:00 - 12:00)
Klaus Nomi - Silent Night
Kronos Quartet - the Beatitudines
Cibelle - Green Grass
Love - - Orange Skies
Haizea - Arrosa Xuriaten Azpian
Gotye - Hearts A Mess
Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld - Konjunktiv II
Girls Against Boys - It's a Diamond Life
Girls in Hawaii - Misses
Camouflage - Love is a shield
Xiu Xiu - Stupid in the Dark
Diamanda Galas - My World Is Empty Without You
Pixies - Monkey Gone to Heaven (BBC sessions)
Gil Scott Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Cymande - Dove
Thievery Corporation - Focus On Sight
John Grant - GMF
Flaming Lips - Found A Star On The Ground (lemonostiftis edit)
One Way Street - Tears in my eyes
Noir Desir - Des Armes
Federal Duck - Peace In My Mind
The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
Vaya Con Dios - Mothers And Daughters
Μέρος Δεύτερο (12:00 - 14:00)
Alexander - Truth
Erma Franklin - Piece of My Heart
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Slowly Goes The Night
Pinkunoizu - What Is Love
Manic Street Preachers - Last Christmas
Peer Raben - Young & Joyful Bandit
Foxygen - No Destruction
David Byrne - Great Western Road
Josephine Foster- My Wandering Heart
Mumford & Sons - Hopeless Wanderer
Pulp & Nick Cave - Disco 2000 (Pub Rock Version)
Placebo - Too Many Friends
Τρύπες - Καινούρια Ζάλη
Last Drive - Ακούω Την Αγάπη
Spin Doctors - Two Princes
Grauzone - Eisbär
The Ropes - The Man Who Refused to Be Born
Daft Punk - Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams)
Léo Ferré - Psaume 151
Tim Buckley - Once I Was
Phosphorescent - song For Zula
Man Man - The Fog or China
Gil Scott-Heron - 'I'm New Here
L.Stadt - Waiting 'round to Die
Bruce Haack - Saint Basil
50 μικροϊστορίες κι ένα σύννεφο
102η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/12/2013
Nick Drake - Introduction
Kevin Ayres - Town Feeling
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - If I Were Free
The Walkabouts - Bonnie & Clyde
Africa - Paint It Black
Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un C...
Gil Scott-Heron - Home Is Where The Hatred Is
Belle & Sebastian - Legal Man
Exuma - Dambala
The Liminanas - Votre Cote Yeye M' Emmerde
The Rolling Stones - My Obsession
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Seven Days Too Long
Them - Out Of Sight
Beck - Devils Haircut
La Luz - Sure As Spring
Penny Dreadful - Over
The Clean - Fish
The Wilde Flowers - No Game When You Lose
Doctor And The Medics - Spirit In The Sky
Shocking Blue - Ink Pot
The Soulful Strings - Eight Miles High
Crocodiles - Summer Of Hate
Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne
Biff Bang Pow! - If You Don't Leave Me Now You Never Ever Will
Porcupine Tree - How Is Your Life Today-
Radiohead - Fitter Happier
Gandalf - Golden Earrings
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Driftwood
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Abba Zaba
Momus - The Fallacy
Le Femme - Amour Dans Le Motu
Erfolg - Brillenmann
101η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/12/2013
Nick Drake - Introduction
Kevin Ayres - Town Feeling
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - If I Were Free
The Walkabouts - Bonnie & Clyde
Africa - Paint It Black
Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un C...
Gil Scott-Heron - Home Is Where The Hatred Is
Belle & Sebastian - Legal Man
Exuma - Dambala
The Liminanas - Votre Cote Yeye M' Emmerde
The Rolling Stones - My Obsession
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Seven Days Too Long
Them - Out Of Sight
Beck - Devils Haircut
La Luz - Sure As Spring
Penny Dreadful - Over
The Clean - Fish
The Wilde Flowers - No Game When You Lose
Doctor And The Medics - Spirit In The Sky
Shocking Blue - Ink Pot
The Soulful Strings - Eight Miles High
Crocodiles - Summer Of Hate
Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne
Biff Bang Pow! - If You Don't Leave Me Now You Never Ever Will
Porcupine Tree - How Is Your Life Today-
Radiohead - Fitter Happier
Gandalf - Golden Earrings
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Driftwood
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Abba Zaba
Momus - The Fallacy
Le Femme - Amour Dans Le Motu
Erfolg - Brillenmann
λίγο καλύτερα από περίφημα
101η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/12/2013
The Lovetones - Moonlit Suite (Her Room)
Saint Etienne - Hobart Paving
Hugo Race Fatalists - Dopefiends
REM - Walk Unafraid
Kevin Ayers, John Cale, Brian Eno, Nico - Baby's On Fire
Kevin Ayers - The Lady Rachel
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Sometimes The Father Is The Son
Of Montreal - Colossus
Ride - From Time To Time
The Baroques - There's Nothing Left To Do But Cry
Luna - Season Of The Witch
Donovan - Sand And Foam
Husker Du - Sunshine Superman
Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin'
The 3Ds - Spooky
Wire - Outdoor Miner
Liz Phair - Glory
The Go Betweens - The Clock
Cakekitchen - Gold Neon Moon
The Clean - Billy Two
Television Personalities - Part Time Punks
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Overground
Gang Of Four - A Fruitfly In The Beehive
Au Pairs - Kerb Crawler
Magic De Spell - Poor Johnny's Lonely Blues
Soft Cell - Frustration
Justice - Stress
Mecano - Untitled
Headless Chickens - Cipher
καλη Παρασκευή και 13
100η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 6/12/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ck52d7d3ihvkq3k/100th+lemon+indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/100th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Ivor Cutler - Good Morning How Are You Shut Up
Andrew Oldham Orchestra - The Last Time
Verve - Bttersweet Symphony
David Byrne and Brian Eno - Home
Randy Newman - Lonely At The Top
Jay-Jay Johanson On the Radio
Yazoo - Winter Kills
The Troggs - Cousin Jane
The Dave Clark 5 - Come Home
Peggy Lee - I Go To Sleep
The Stone Roses - Made Of Stone (Demo)
The Beatles - Your mother should know
Raining Pleasure - The Freak
Wedding Present - make me smile (come up and see me)
Yeah Yeah Noh - Cottage Industry
The Nits - Red Tape
The Chameleons - Home Is Where the Heart Is
Midlake - The Old and the Young
Lemonostifel - Αστυνομικό Blues
Bryan Ferry & Jane Birkin - In every dream
Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon
Emily Jane White - Stairs
The Kinks - Shangri-La
The Boomtown Rats - Rat Trap
The Jam - Smithers-Jones
The Thermals - I Go Alone
Αδιέξοδο - 38 Χιλιοστά (ΠΡΟΒΑ 86')
Bob Mould and Dave Grohl - New Day Rising
όμορφα ήταν: μια από τα ίδια
99η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 29/11/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3lf5ok7kdiwf0r1/99th+lemon+indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/99th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Portishead - Theme From To Kill A Dead Man
Dead Can Dance - Cantara
Donovan - My Love Is True (Love Song)
Liminanas - My black Sabbath
Richard and Linda Thompson - The Calvary Cross
Of Montreal - Imbecile Rages
Peter Hammill - Vision
Pas Chik Chik - Aude Aux Ondes
Gary Numan - Me! I Disconnect From You
Sparks - Singing In The Shower [Demo Version]
Edwyn Collins - Understated
Madness - My Girl (Mike's Demo Version)
Nora Dean - Angie La La
Tricky - Black Steel
The Pastels - Slow Summit
T. Rex - Monolith
The Strawbs - Part Of The Union
Sham 69 - If The Kids Are United
The Adverts - We Who Wait
Nena - 99 Lufbaloons
The Blue Aeroplanes - ... And Stones
Lee Ranaldo - Off The Wall
Jonathan Richman - I Can Hear Her Fighting With Herself
Hefner - Love Will Destroy Us In The End
The Liarbirds - Home Is where The Heart Is
The Go-Betweens - Caroline and I
The Feelies - Dancing Barefoot
τα κέρματα
98η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/11/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/download/8cto26s9hqo98uk/98th+lemon+indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/98th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
K BΗΤΑ - 2
Laurie Anderson - Big Science
Roxy Music - Strictly Confidential
David Thomas And The Pedestrians - Pedestrian Walk
Devendra Banhart - Daniel
Karamasov - Beef Critter
Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66 For What It's Worth
Cressida - The Only Earthman In Town
Monty Python - Sit on My Face
Monty Python - Flying Circus Intro
Stereolab - French Disco
Catalogue - Khomeiny Twist
Groves - Paperback
DeVotchKa - Venus in Furs
Man Man - Feathers
The Walker Brothers - The Electrician
Ultravox - Vienna
John Grant - You Don't Have To
Eyeless In Gaza - keynote inertia
Moby - Everything That Rises
Wipers - Different ways
The Ex And Tom Cora - State Of Shock
Manic Street Ppreachers Builder Of Routines
Tortoise -The Equator
Hot Chip - Look After Me
Arno - All The Young Dudes
David Bowie - Friday On My Mind
The Growlers - Empty Bones (Audiotree Live)
ούτε μια φωτογραφία
97η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 15/11/2013 : http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/97th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
ή http://www.mediafire.com/download/ki2wua4ub3kk261/97th+lemon+indie.mp3.mp3
Wim Mertens - The scene
Lesley Duncan Love Song
Primal Scream - Theme From More Light
Chumbawamba - New York Mining Disaster 1941
Ron Carter - Willow Weep For Me
Grace Slick - Theme from the Movie Manhole
Buffy Sainte-Marie - The Circle Game
The Astronauts - Protest Song
Μάνος Λοίζος - Μη Με Ρωτάς
Phil Ochs - The Men Behind The Guns
Stan Ridgway - Camouflage
Marianne Faithfull - What Have They Done To The Rain
Georges Moustaki - Andréa
Editors - Road to Nowhere
Goran Bregovic - Talijanska
The Growlers - Graveyard's Full
Mott The Hoople - Lay Down
Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
The Mission - Dancing Barefoot
Boris with Michhio Kurihara - Fuzzy Reactor
Massive Attack - Karmacoma (Portishead Experience)
The Cure (as The Easy Cure) - Killing An Arab (original '77 demo)
Ennio Morricone - Algiers November 1, 1954 (The Battle of Algiers)
The Clash - Rock The Casbah/Mustapha Dance (Extended Version)
Alejandro Escovedo - SexBeat
Cream - I Feel Free
MC5 - The Human Being Lawnmower
Robyn Hitchcock - Do Policemen Sing_ 1
The Fall - Who Makes The Nazis (Peel Sessions)
μια μέρα μετά / σαράντα χρόνια πριν
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/96th-lemons-indie-radio-show/
Ry Cooder - On the Couch
Gene Clark - The Virgin
Rain Parade - Broken Horse
Marianne Faithfull - It's All Over Now Naby Blue
The Albertans - Ohio Light and Fire
Fresh Maggots Rosemary Hill
The Rolling Stones - Lady Jane
The Reindeer Section - Whodunnit
Cindy Lauper - She Bop (acoustic)
Brian Jonestown Massacre - (David Bowie I Love You) Since I was Six
Plugs - White Light
The Hollies - To You My Love
Jacco Gardner - Chameleon
The Galleons - Cloud Physics
Essex Green - Rabbit
We Five - Do You Wanna Dance
The Housemartins - We Shall Not Be Moved
Timi Yuro - Hurt
Morrissey & Siouxsie - Interlude (Extended)
Piano Magic - The Index (peel session 2000)
Woods - Wind Was the Wine
Luna - Superfreaky Memories
The Pernice Brothers - Overcome By Happiness
The Blackeyed Susans - Every Gentle Soul
Cats On Fire - It's Clear Your Former Lover
The Chud - November Rain
The Phantom Chords - Johnny Remember Me
Peggy Lee - Johnny Guitar
Rowland S Howard Feat. Jonny Standish - (I Know) A Girl Called Jonny
Dominic Chianese - Core 'ngrato
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - God's Hotel
κι όμως
95η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 01/11/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/download/viocxt1l6imt1e0/73rd_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mediafire.com/download/l1c7n69wjzu2lw6/95th_lemon_indie.mp3
Phil Woods - Nica
Suzanne Vega - Calypso
Johnny Tillotson - All Alone Am I
Miss Pigggy - Never On Sunday
Eric Burdon - In My Secret Life
Devil's Anvil - Kley
Limeliters - Yerakina
Dick Dale - Tribal Thunder
The Beach Boys - Misirlou
Lou Reed - Paranoia Key of E
Sophia Loren - Σ' αγαπώ
Ella Fitzgerald & BingCrosby - Istanbul
Slim Gaillard Quartette - Tee Say Malee
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Amygdhala
Andrew Bird - Orpheo Looks Back
The Nits - Long Forgotten Story (live 1991)
Shawn Phillips - The Ballad of Senses and Illusions (early version)
David Sedaris talks About Greek Easter
Diamanda Galas - Iparho
Momus - The Ephebophobe
Joker's Daughter - Jessie The Goat
World Party - Is It Like Today (Live on KEXP)
Mikis Theodorakis & Georges Moustaki - Το Σφαγείο (excerpt from R. Manthoulis documentary)
Georges Moustaki - Nous Sommes Deux
Savage Republic - Mapia
The Blue States -Elios Therepia
The Fall - Happy Holiday
Inspiral Carpets - Greek Wedding Song
Der Moderne Man - Blaue Matrosen
Tuxedomoon - Big Olive
γεύση από Ελλάδα
94η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 18/10/2013: http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/94th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
ή http://www.mediafire.com/download/n295dg2wa4d2dxw/94th_lemon_indie.mp3
Γιάννης Σπανός - Όνειρο Πρώτο
Bryan MacLean - Old Man
Tim Buckley - It Happens Every Time
The Beatles - Gnik Nus
Elliott Smith - Because
The Zombies - Hung Up On A Dream
The Veils - Another Night on Earth
The Human Expression-Following Me
The Ropes - Post-entertainment
Bill Callahan - Javelin Unlanding
The Wedding - Summer Evening
Paul Roland - Mad Elaine
Midlake - Roscoe
Patti Smith - Ask The Angels
David McComb - Setting You Free
P.J. Harvey - In The Dark Places
Baader Mainhof - Meet me at the airport
Robyn Hitchcock - This Could Be the Day
Jesus & Mary Chain - Some Candy Talking
Bauhaus - All We Ever Wanted
Ride - Paralysed
La Luz - Phantom Feelings
The Shakespeares - Burning My Fingers
Inspiral Carpets feat. Mark E Smith - Saturn 5
The Fall - strychnine
The Kooks - Victoria
Lola Demo - Love Doesn't Conquer All But Drugs Can
David Bowie - How Does The Grass Grow
Lee Renaldo - Xxtina As I Knew Her
Pearl Jam - Pendulum
RAF: το γερμανικό φθινόπωρο του '77 και η ποπ κουλτούρα (μέρος 2ο)
93η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/10/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/u4194o2sfwcdvea/93rd_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/93rd-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Rubber City - Perdita (Wild at Heart OST)
Anna Calvi - Baby It's You
Chkn - Gift
Eels - Not Ready Yet
The Monochrome Set - I Don't Know
Velvet Underground - I'm Sticking With You
Luna - Chinatown
Foxygen - No Destruction
Love - Signed D.C.
Long John Baldry - The drifter
Pinkie - It Shouldn't Have Happened at All
Doddson & Fogg - To the Sea
Roxy Music - Chance Meeting
The Feelies - Two Rooms
The Ventures - Journey To The Stars
REM - Gardening At Night
The Go-Betweens - Don't Let Him Come Back
Wolf Parade - Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
The Chills - Part Past Part Fiction
Peru - Clueless
Marine Girls - Love You More
The Radiators From Space - Sunday World
The Turtles - Let the Cold Winds Blow
The Mo-Dettes - White Rabbit
U.V. Pop - I C
John Paul Young - The Boulevard Of Hope
OMD - Enola Gay (Peel sessions)
The Nits - Safety In Numbers
Police - Roxanne
Sigmatropic feat. John Grant - Haiku Fourteen
Fops - No Touchee
Momus - Skriptorium
Suicide - Che
The Aluminum Group - Impress Me
New Order - Atmosphere (BBC Session 24-11-1998)
The Books - All Our Base Are belong To Them
Pink Floyd - Mother
Manic Street Preachers feat. Richard Hawley - Rewind The Film
περί συμπτώσεων
92η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/10/2013: http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/92nd-lemon-indieground-radio-show/ή http://www.mediafire.com/listen/6kuin6fxwyz32nd/92nd_lemon_indie_radio_show.mp3
Dave Porter - Breaking Bad (Original Score)
The Be Good Tanyas - Waiting Around to Die
Crime and the City Solution - Beyond Good and Evil
Skeeter Davis -The End Of The World
Dino Valente -Tomorrow
DeVotchka - Commerce City Sister
Robyn Hitchcock - Cathedral
Pascal Comelade- The Sad Skinhead
Silencers - Number One Friend
The Shins - New Slang
Stuart Staples - That Leaving Feeling (with Lhasa de Sela)
Bob Lind - How Dare You Love Me
Pulp -The Birds In Your Garden
Wymond Miles - Pale Moon
Echo & The Bunnymen - Drivetime
Joseph Arthur - Shock the Monkey
Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Heart Me (demo)
The Smiths - Reel Around The Fountain
Ben Folds - Such Great Heights
Sparks - Metaphor
Κατερίνα Γώγου - Θα 'ρθεί καιρός
The Orchids - Walter
Blackfeet Braves - Strange Lovers
Genesis - That's Me
The Kinks - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
Electric Prunes - All The King Horses
Roky Erickson - Modern humans show
Roky Erickson - The Night Of The Vampire
Badfinger - Baby Blue [U.S. Single Mix]
1 ποστ στο πόδι
91η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/09/2013: http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/91st-lemon-indieground-radio-show/
ή http://www.mediafire.com/listen/91kmfvkuth4a67d/91st_lemon_indie.mp3
Belle & Sebastian - Passion Fruit
Gary Lewis the Playboys - Sealed With A Kiss
Cheepskates - Why Is Love
Tomorrow - Am I glad to see you (Outtake)
Bruce Springsteen - State Trooper
The Galleons - Folly on the Mountain
His Majest The King Of Spain - Little Man Blues
Ray Davies & The Crouch End Festival Chorus [Choral Version] - Waterloo Sunset
Of Montreal - Imbecile Rages
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Life Is Hard
John Cale - Fear Is A Man's Best Friend
Holly Johnson feat Lori Larty & Pete Wylie - Yankee Rose
Edwyn Collins - Down the Line
Luke Haines - Three Frendz
Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
The Boo Radleys - If You Want It, Take It
Yardbirds - Stroll on
Parquet Courts - Borrowed Time
Jonathan Ritchman & Modern Lovers - Modern World [alt. version]
The Seeds - The Wind Blows Your Hair (Version 1)
Television Personalities - As John Belushi Said
Jefferson Airplane - She Has Funny Cars
Holograms - Rush
Pixies - Andro Queen
McLusky - Medium Is the Message
Sons & Daughters - Rose Red
Pylon - Crazy
Guadalcanal Diary - Sleepers Awake
Cheap Ttrick - He's A Whore
Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby Away
The Shadows - Little 'B'
Dot Wiggin Band - If I Could Be Your Hero
εποχή 3,
90η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/07/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/ro7r2m5a09q0qgv/90th_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/90th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
The Czars - Goodbye Intro
Shelley Fabares - Sealed With A Kiss
Belle & Sebastian - There's Too Much Love
Melodians-The good The Bad & The Ugly
The Higsons - The Lost and the Lonely
Black - Wonderful Life
The Chameleons - Home Is Where the Heart Is
The Tulips - Summer Song
The Chills - 'Molten Gold'
Two Wounded Birds - No Goodbyes
The Pop Tops - Mamy Blue
Cymande - Dove
The Charlatans - The Only One I Know
Dr. West's Medicine Show and Junk Band - Summer Love Song
The Surfmotherfuckers - Killing An Arab
Wall of Voodoo - Ring of Fire
Gordon Gano & P.J. Harvey - Hitting the Ground
The Byrds - We'll Meet Again
Another Sunny Day - The Centre Of My Little World
Nico - These Days
The Lemonheads - Waiting Around To Die
Abbie Gale - Heliotrope Portrait
The Golden Dawn - Reaching Out To You
Badfinger - Without You
Albert Hammond - The Air That I Breathe
The Housemartins - Bow Down
Angelic Upstarts - Solidarity
The Nits - Footprint
The Chap - jammer (demo unfinished)
Marty Wilde - Sea of Love
Queen - Seaside Rendezvous
ηχητική υπόκλιση και αυλαία
89η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 05/07/2013:
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/89th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Louis Tillett - Pennelope's Lament
Divine Comedy - If
Herman's Hermits - No Milk Today
Adele - Right As Rain
The Velvet Underground - Rock And Roll
Joan Baez - Sweet Sir Galahad (live at Woodstock)
Rest In Peace - Love
Death cab for cutie - A lack of color
Bryan Ferry - Slave To Love ( 12'' Mix)
Lana Del Rey - Video Games
Q65 - Summer Thoughts in a Field of Weed
The Beatles - Love Me Do
The Constellations - Felicia
The High Spirits - I Believe
Miles Davis - The Pan Piper
The Fuzztones - Charlotte's Remains
Gil Scott Heron - I'm New Here
Pink Floyd - Lucy Leave
Ventures - Telstar
Butthole Surfers - Summer in the City
Mazzy Star - Wild Horses
Neil Diamond - Pretty Amazing Grace
Flaming Lips - Do You Realize
Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun
Daft Punk - Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams)
Dusk - What are the Chances
The Selecter - Celebrate The Bullet
Manu Chao - Rumba De Barcelona (Acoustic Kcrw Radio)
Raining Pleasure - Waiting For The Bell To Ring
Fear Of Men - Spirit House
Babybird - Atomic Soda
OMD - Julia's Song
Momus - A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Pts 17-24)
The Stranglers - Nice And Sleazy
Γενιά Του Χάους - Στίγμα
Crocodiles - I Wanna Kill
Thom Yorke - Hearing Damage
Massive Attack - Angel
Sea Urchins - A Morning Odyssey
David Bowie - Life On Mars
Captain Beefheart - This Is The Day (live )
Touche Amore - Gravity, Metaphorically
Tom Waits - Russian Dance
Tocotronic - Der Schoenste Tag In Meinem Leben
The Young Gods - Freeze
Wooden Shjips - Flight
Of Montreal - Coquet Coquette
The Doors - When The Music's Over
η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει - η εκπομπή των ακροατών
88η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/06/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/2ks5q77iaqoet97/88th_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/88th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Captain Miki - No Spiral!
The Prisoners - Tonight
Cake - I Will Survive
Ben Watt - North Marine Drive
The Auteurs - 1967
Country Joe and the Fish - Waltzing In The Moonlight
The Budos Band - Nature's Wrath
Violent Femmes - Crazy
Peder - Daylight
Madrugada - Running Out of Time
Norah Jones - She's 22
The Hollies - Very Last Day
Fleet Foxes - Mykonos
Easther Phillips - Girl From Ipanema
Pete Doherty - New Love Grows On Trees
Destroy All Monsters - Bored
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Supernaturally
Scorpions - Night Lights
Gang Of Four - Anthrax
The Chameleons - Here Today
Gary Numan & Tubeway Army - Are 'friends' Electric
The Stocholm Monsters - Fairy tales
Tactics - Come to My Senses
Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne
Television Personalities - Reaching For The Stars
The Beta Band - Dry The Rain
Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hangin' On (Single Version)
Ty Segall & White Fence - Time
The Baroques - Mary Jane
The Times I Helped Patrick McGoohan Escape
Das Beatles - Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand
Minutemen - life as a rehearsal
Libido Blume - Under Your Blinding Shadow
The Feelies - Original Love
Quickspace - Lob It
The Steppes - Lazy Ol' Son
Great Society - White Rabbit
Mick Harvey - I Wish That I Were Stone
Au Pairs - Kerb Crawler
The Mekons - Where Were You
The Damned - New Rose
Clock DVA - Hours (Original Single Mix)
Shriekback - Nemesis
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Burn It Down
Madness - In the Middle of the Night
τα μπάνια του λαού
87η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/06/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/w1ie9lthq7lcf6g/87th_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/87th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Hans-Joachim Roedelius - In Liebe Dein
Peter Hammill - Too Many Of My Yesterdays
PIL - This Is PIL
Editors - The Weight
The Electric Prunes - Ain't It Hard
Lush - Demystification
The Veils - Candy Apple Red
La Luz - Call Me in the Day
The Seeds - The Wind Blows Your Hair
The B-52s - Hot Corner
The Hot Rats - (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right
Roxy Music - Love Is The Drug
Gang Of Four - Do As I Say
The Stockholm Monsters - E.W.
Talking Heads - Love For Sale
Mission of Burma - Thats When I Reach for My Revolver
The Sound - Hour Of Need
Λευκή Συμφωνία - Μυστικοί Κήποι
Felt - Red Indians
Fischer Z - So Long
Blue Orchids - Bad Education
U2 - Love Comes Tumbling
The Durutti Column - Messidor
DVA Damas - Out Of Thin Air
Air - Be A Bee
The Cure - Kyoto Song (Studio Demo)
Psychedelic Furs - Imitation of Christ
Bjork - Bachelorette
Propaganda - Dr Mabuse
Talk Talk - Dum Dum Girl
Atoms For Peace - Before Your Very Eyes...
Hugo Race Fatalists - Ghostwriter
Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead
Green On Red - Black Night
The Flaming Lips - Seven Nation Army
Mick Harvey - The Way Young Lovers Do
Sonic Youth - Sugar Kane
The Chameleons - Everyday I'm Crucified
Buzzcocks - Somethings Gone Wrong Again
The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog
το 87
86η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/06/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/rd57j7jyrnol39j/86th_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/86th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
TV Theme 70's - The Man From Atlantis
The Kinks - Holloway Jail
Blues Section - Answer To Life
Jerry Lee Lewis - Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)
Kenny Rogers & First Edition - Something's Burning
Joshua James & the Forest Rangers - No Milk Today
Τhe Galleons - Right on Time
Camera Obscura - Troublemaker
The Rakes - Just A Man With A Job
Bob Seger - Still The Same
Brian Eno - On Some Faraway Beach
Eyeless In Gaza - scale amiss
The Adverts - Television's Over
Art Brut - My Little Brother
Au Pairs - You
Bicycle - Beat Of My Heart
Gang Of Four - Damaged Goods
Τρύπες - Βραδυνή Πλάνη
Ruth's Refrigerator - Outdoor Miner
Wire - Practise Makes Perfect
Au Pairs - Diet
David Bowie -Sound And Vision
Elastica - Waking Up
The Stranglers - Down In The Sewer
Magazine - Cut-Out Shapes
Foetus - Time Marches On
The Decorators - Absent Friends
Savage Republic - Film Noir
Death In Vegas - Neptune City
The Nits - Empty Room
Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours
Neu - Hallo Gallo
The Chap - Now Woel
Eurythmics - Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)
Lori & The Chameleons - Touch
Ride -The Model
Σταύρος Λογαρίδης - Σνιφ Σνιφ
σαν άτυπο - κι όχι μόνο μουσικό – ημερολόγιο
85η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/06/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/cvka8ore47vuan1/85th_lemon_indie_128.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/85th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Miles Davis - Generique
Fabrizio De Andre - Ballata Dell'Amore Cieco
Eric Burdon & The Greenhornes - Cab Driver
The Karelia - Tension
Common Sense - Sun Comes Up
The Steppes - Sky Is Falling
Carole King - I Feel The Earth Move
Amanda Palmer - Idioteque
Dave Davies - Fortis Green
The Grateful Dead - Cold Rain And Snow
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Look Out, There's A Monster Coming
Monty Python - Penis Song (Not the Noel Coward Song)
Antony & The Johnsons - For Today I'm A Boy
Anna Calvi - I'll Be Your Man
Tuxedomoon - In Heaven
Blue Rondos - Little Baby
Savages - The Worls Ain't Round I'ts Square
The Growlers - No Need for Eyes
Shaggs - Yesterday Once More
Gonjasufi - She Gone
Tom Waits - Trampled Rose
Man Man - Steak Knives
Mari Sono - Yume Wa Yoru Hiraku
Jimmy Miller & His Barbeques - Dance Legless Russian
Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams
Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us
Amon Duul II -Trap
Pete Yorn - Ever Fallen In Love
Buzzcocks - What Do I Get
CocoRosie - Good Friday
Arthur Brown - I Put A Spell On You
Veronica Falls - If You Still Want Me
The Who - I Need You
The Astronauts - Baby Sings Folk Songs
Space Lady - I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night)
The Venus In Furs - 2HB
The Hollies - Clown
Cockney Rebel - Mr Soft (The John Peel sessions)
The Tiger Lillies - Drunken sailor
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Ο Τζώνης Ο Μπόγιας
Devotchka - Til' The End Of Time
Headless Heroes - True Love Will Find You In The End
Pere Ubu - Road Trip of Bipasha Ahmed
Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Angry Inch
κατεργαραίοι, μικροί και μεγάλοι
84η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 02/06/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/ygl0vkcblmtla8t/84th_lemon_indie.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/84th-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Okay Temiz - Denizalti Ruzgarlan Yesilcam
Make Up - C mon Let s Spawn
Alamo Race Track - Black Cat John Brown
Jam - Funeral Pyre
Gang Of Four - At Home He's a Tourist
Miles Kane - Don't Forget Who You Are
The Rolling Stones - Tell Me
The Shangri-Las - Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)
Dennis The Fox - Piledrive
The Doors - Peace Frog
The Creeps - Down At The Nightclub
Screaming Trees - Girl Behind the Mask
E Types - Put The Clock Back On The Wall
THe Baroques - Seasons
Yoko Ono - Remember Love
Αέρα Πατέρα - Λάθος της Φύσης (Live)
Ukrainians - God Save the Queen
Dengue Fever - Tiger Phonecard
San Cisco - Get Lucky
Lee Fields & The Expressions - My World Is Empty Without You
Eddie Addenbury - Captain Jones
Big In Japan - Taxi
Metro Decay - Σκιες
The Fall- Blood Outta Stone
Hot Snakes - Paid In Cigarettes
Wipers - Follow Blind
Dream Syndicate - My Old Haunts
Chain and the Gang - Youth Is Wasted On The Young
Elastik Band - Spazz
Days of wine, roses & music : Μέρα τρίτη - It takes three to Sunday
83η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 31/05/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/q18mhwi68ezxcxz/83rd_lemon_indie.mp3
Cymande - One more
The Housemartins - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
The Marine Girls - Fridays
Minnie Riperton - Loving You
Tom Waits - Green Grass
Isobel Campbell - Amorino
Georges Moustaki - Le Facteur
John Lee Hooker - Bottle up and Go
Bill Landford - Run for a long time
Devendra Banhart - I Feel Just Like A Child
Anthony Hamilton - Freedom
Beth Gibbons - Mysteries
Andrew Bird - Fake Palindromes
Rangda - Tres Hambres
David Byrne - The Revolution
Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues
Evelyn Evelyn - You Only Want Me 'Cause You Want My Sister
Daniel Johnston - Lousy Weekend
Bob Dylan - I Want You
The Steppes - Reckless Fearless Hopeless
The Cowsills - The Rain, The Park & Other Things
Buddy Holly and the Crickets - Last Night
The Beach Boys - Sloop John B
The Hidden Cameras - He Falls To Me
Fear of Men - Green Sea
Beirut - Brandenburg
Hillbilly Moon Explosion - Enola Gay
Chumbawamba - Who's Running The Show!
Black Box Recorder - Seasons in the Sun
James Yorkston & The Athletes - Cheating The Game
Belle & Sebastian - The State That I Am In
Rodriguez - Rich Folks Hoax
The Left Bankee - Walk Away Renee
The Lovetones - Two Of A Kind
The Hollies - So Lonely
Pete Doherty - Broken Love Song
Bobby Bland - I'll Take Care of You
THe Baroques - Mary Jane
Allah-Las - Sandy
The Budos Band - Reppirt Yad
The Klingonz - Psycho Mansion
sing a merry song
82η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 24/05/2013:
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/play/kj306dkdcflctke/82nd_lemon_indie_part_1_.mp3#
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/play/ghrnwe22p5gubba/82nd_lemon_indie_part_2.mp3
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/82nd-lemon-indie-radio-show/
Billy Cobham - Stratus
Massive Attack - Safe From Harm
Funkadelic - Good Old Music
Mahavishnu Orchestra - You Know You Know
The Doors - Light My Fire
Donald Byrd and the Blackbyrds - Rock Creek Park
Tom Scott & L.A. Express - Sneakin' In The Back
William DeVaughn - Be Thankful For What You Got
Al Green- I'm Glad You're Mine
Sade - Siempre Hay Esperanza
Horace Andy - Money Money
Lloyd Robinson - Cuss Cuss
J.J. Johnson - Willie Dynamite
Wally Badarou - Mambo
Massive Attack - Daydreaming
Lowrell Simon - Mellow Mellow Right On
James Brown - The Payback
Dr. John - Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya
The KLF - Dream Time in Lake Jackson
Serge Gainsbourg - Melody
The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun / the Inner Light
Alka Yagnik (?) - Aaja Sajan Aaja
Specials - Blank Expression
Isaac Hayes - Medley, Monologue/Ike's Mood I
Startled Insects - Cheetah
Liquid Liquid - Lock Groove (In)
Horace Andy - You Are My Angel
Massive Attack - I Against I
Genesis - Mama
Les McCann - Sometimes I Cry
David Bowie - Soul Love
Ultravox - Rockwrock
The Velvet Underground -08- I Found A Reason
Isaac Hayes - Our Day Will Come
Qyincy Jones - Summer in the City
Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Tribute
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Break
Massive Attack - Man Next Door
The Cure - 10.15 Suturday Night
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Metal Postcard
Nina Simone - See Line Woman
Massive Attack - False Flags
Radiohead - The Bends
Smashing Pumpkins - Soma
Massive Attack - Karmakoma
songs we taught Massive Attack
81η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 17/05/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?vnn852whofw0rfz
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/81st-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Mulatu Astatke & The Heliocentrics - Phantom of the panter
Piers Faccini - Strange is the Man
Pete Dello And Friends - It's What You've Got
Honeybus - I Can't Let Maggie Go
Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
Vangelis - He-O
R.E.M. feat Patti Smith - E-Bow the Letter
Hugo Race Fatalists - Snowblind
Julie London - What'll do
Death In Vegas - Leather
The Fall - Victrola Time
The United States Of Americs - Coming Down
The Magnetic Fields - Seduced And Abandoned
Rufus Wainwright - The Origin Of Love
Lou Reed & John Cale - Smalltown
Editors - The Boxer
Electrelane - Smalltown Boy (Bronski Beat cover)
Chumbawamba - Homophobia
The Auteurs - Kenneth Anger's Bad Dream
Woods - Back To The Stone
Revival Hour - Hold Back
The Walkabouts - Everyone Kissed A Stranger
Nico - The Fairest of The Seasons
Allah Las - Seven Point Five
The Byrds - I Knew I'd Want You (Electric Version 1)
Paula Frazer - Always on My Mind
Townes Van Zandt - Waiting Around to Die
Them - I΄m Gonna Dress In Black
Woods- Lily
Pink Floyd - Wot's... Uh The Deal
Rory Gallagher - Wheels Within Wheels
Blur - Maggie May
Dinosaur Jr. - What Else Is New
The Soft Machine - A Certain Kind
The Creatures - Icehouse
The Mo-Dettes - Waltz In Blue Minor
Franz Ferdinand - 40 Feet
The Adverts - Television's Over
The Mekons - Empire of the Senseless
Lost Animal - Say No to Thugs
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Depeche Mode - People Are People
ερχομε αμέσως
80η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 12/05/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?upatd9pad9hn0xp
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/80th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Guano Padano - One Man Bank
Ennio Morricone - A Gringo Like Me
That Handsome Devil - Mexico
Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman - Psycho
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Ένας Ευαίσθητος Ληστής (live)
Evelyn Evelyn - Elephant Elephant
Pete Dello And Friends - Harry The Earwing
Polyphonic Size - Mother's Little Helper
Red Zebra - I Can't Live In A Living Room
Savages - Husbands
Sharp Ties - Just Five Minutes
Depeche Mode - Photographic (Some Bizarre)
Ooberman - Beany Bean
Mood Six - She's Too Far (out)
Morten Blok - This Big Hush (Shriekback cover)
Jay-Jay Johanson - Suicide is Painless
Tom Waits - What Keeps Mankind Alive
Man Man - Engrish Bwudd
Roxy Music - Bitters End
Primal Scream - Goodbye Johnny
Alan Parsons Project feat Steve Harley - The Voice
Dengue Fever - Sober Driver
Jim O'Rourke - After the Fox
Pink Floyd - Money (Demo)
Electrelane - The Valleys
Fat White Family - Cream Of The Young
Gnarls Barkley - Just a Thought (Live Roskilde 2008)
Fallen Angels - 07 Introspective Looking Glass
Silver Apples - The Lady and The Clown
Ukrainians - Pisni Iz (Smiths cover)
κάποιες ώρες πάνε χαμένες, κάποιες όχι
79η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 10/05/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?bj16i475bjnaq31
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/79th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Louis Tillett - The Devil Knows To Row
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Jesus Of The Moon
Rowland S. Howard - Nothin'
The Birthday Party - Dull Day
Barry adamson feat Nick Cave - The Sweetest Embrace
Einsturzende Neubauten - Sehnsucht
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Brother, My Cup Is Empty
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No - I Got Life
Leadbelly - The Midnight Special
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Tupelo (Single Version)
Anita Lane - Bella Ciao
The Triffids - Kathy Knows
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Where The Wild Roses Grow (vocals by Blixa & Kylie)
Nick Cave, Mick Harvey & Blixa Bargeld - I Threw It All Away (performed by Scott Walker)
Nick Cave & Shane Macgowan - What A Wonderful World
Mick Harvey - I Don't Want You On My Mind
Dirty Three - I Remember A Time When Once You Used To Love Me
The Boys Next Door - Somebody's Watching
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fifteen Feet Of Pure White Snow
Conway Savage - These Are the Waves
Crime & The City Solution - Rose Blue
Lydia Lunch & Honeymoon In Red feat Nick Cave - Done Dun
PJ Harvey - C'mon Billy
Hugo Race Fatalists - No Stereotype
Johnny Cash - The Mercy Seat
The Cramps - Green Door
Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds - Sex Beat
Einsturzende Neubauten - Total Eclipse of the Sun
Einsturzende Neubauten - Jet'm
Anita Lane & Nick Cave - I Love You....Nor Do I
Leonard Cohen - I'm Your Man
Thomas Wydler & Toby Dammit - La Fabbrica Politica
Die Haut feat Nick Cave - I Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)
Grinderman - Get It On
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Deanna
Cult Of Youth - Cold Black Earth
Conway Savage - Only Ghosts
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - John Finn's Wife
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Disco 2000 (Pulp Cover)
Martin L Gore - Loverman
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Baby, I Got You Bad
The Boys Next Door - Shivers
The Birthday Party - King Ink
για σήμερα και για μεθαύριο
78η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 28/04/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?c3wnkogomo4yc0n
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/78th-lemons-indieground-radio-show-ft-nek/
Mike Rozakis - Flower Power
Franco Micalizzi // by Bulldog - Man Before Your Time (Napoli Violenta)
Gene Rockwell - Don't Leave Me Now
Eartha Kitt - The Heel
Girma Beyene - Enken Yelelebesh
The Zoo - I Cry
Chuck Berry - Come On
Knack - Softly, Soflty
Bob Dylan - Wigwam (rsd mix)
Townes Van Zandt - Waiting Around to Die
Golden Gate Quartet - I'm Troubled
Tom Odell - Another Love
Amanda Palmer and The Grand Theft Orchestra - The Killing Type
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (Live On Letterman 2013)
Marilyn Manson - Working Class Hero
Gianfranco Reverberi - Nel Cimitero Di Tucson
Rob Coffinshaker - Gloomy Sunday
Guano Padano feat Mike Patton - Prairie Fire
Growlers - Gay Thoughts
The Strangeloves - I Want Candy
The Creatures - Right Now
Edwyn Collins - Dilemna
Echoes Of Jerusalem - Echoes Of Jerusalem
Barrabas - Woman
House of Love - Money Man
Ramases - Balloon
Chantal Goya - Laisse-Moi
Jack - Biography of a First Son
Herman Dune - Holding A Monument
Radiohead - Let Down
τα τρία πόσο;
77η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 26/04/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?6h6on1mibatuj3h
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/77th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
John Barry - The Persuaders
Calexico - Trigger
The Be Good Tanyas - Waiting Around to Die
Iggy & The Stooges - Beat That Guy
Robert Wyatt - Shipbuilding
Shirley Horn - And I Love Him
Isaac Hayes - Mike's Rap II
Portishead - Glory Box
Prince Conley - I'm Going Home
Bruce Foxton feat Paul Weller - Glad I Found My Tears
The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun
MGMT - Alien Days
Σταμάτης Σπανουδάκης - The Look
Os Mutantes - The Dream Is Gone
Ian McCulloch - Bring On the Dancing Horses
Quasi - You Fucked Yourself
Brillig - Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
The Waterboys - A Girl Called Johnny
Supertramp - Dreamer
The Nits - Bike In Head
Belle And Sebastian - The Monkeys Are Breaking Out The Zoo
Gotye - State of the Art (The Chap remix)
Tears For Fears - Mad World
OMD - Helen of Troy
Lost Animal - (intro) Beat Goes On
Stephen Malkus - Vitamin C
Burnt Friedman & Jaki Liebezeit - 105-09
Pixies - The Thing
Radio Birdman - Descent Into the Maelstrom
I Corvi - Sospesa A Un Filo
Veronica Falls - If You Still Want Me
από Παρασκευή σε Κυριακή
76η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 19/04/2013:http://www.mediafire.com/?f02f1a0feusa355
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/76th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Brian Eno - Another Green World
Peter Gabriel - Strawberry Fields Forever
The Kinks - I Go To Sleep (demo)
Steppenwolf - Reflections
Dirty Beaches - Lord Knows Best
The Ramones - I Want You Around (Soundtrack version)
Louis Armstrong - New Orleans Function Pt1/ Free As A Bird
Sky Saxon & The Soul Rockers - Go Ahead And Cry
Bobby (Boris) Pickett & Crypt-Kickers - Bella's Bash
Jane Birkin ft Mickey 3D - Je M'appelle Jane
The Liminanas - Longanisse
Boo Radleys - Spun Around
Faust - It's A Bit Of A Pain
Roxy Music - 2 H.B.
Dooley Wilson - As Time Goes By
Magazine - Burst
Eddie Gale - Ghetto Love Night
Depeche Mode - Shake the Disease
British Electric Foundation feat Boy George - I Wanna Be Your Dog
Goodnight Radio - Sophia So Far
Chumbawamba - The Day The Lady Died
Tones On Tail - Movement Of Fear
The Kitchen Cinq - When the Rainbow Disappears
Sweet - Mr. McGallagher
Gomez - Breakfast In America
Yellow Red Sparks - My Machine Gun
The Fratellis - Babydoll
Starsailor - The Way Young Lovers Do
Max Frost & the Troopers - Shape of Things to Come
The Animals - The House Of The Rising Sun
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Peel session 1979)
Placebo feat David Bowie - Without You I'm Nothing
The Czars - Always
Brenda Lee - You Can Depend On Me
πολύ καλά
75η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/04/2013:http://www.mediafire.com/?me1m4g68xecp24g
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/75th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Eddie Gale - Ghetto Summertime
Mama Cass Elliott - Dream a Little Dream of Me
The Beau Brummels - Just a Little
The Bees - Winter Rose
Devendra Banhart - Lazy Butterfly
Steppenwolf - None Of Your Doing
David Bowie - Velvet Goldmine
Mecano - The March Of The Iron Workers
David Johansen Alabama Song
John Paul Young - Ermie has feeders
Vassilikos & The Chap - Sinnerman
Air - Dead Bodies
A Classic Education - Baby, It's Fine
Deerhoof - No One Asked To Dance
The Beatles - The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Hunting Tigers Out In 'Indiah'
Quasi - It's Hard to Turn Me On
Belle & Sebastian - Space Boy Dream
Mystical Weapons - Immpossible Shapes
Pink Floyd - Paint Box
Ennio Morriccone - Il Ritorno di Ringo
The Adverts - I Will Walk You Home
Cockney Rebel - Sebastian
Hefner - The Day That Teacher Dies (live)
Television Personalities A Memory Is Better Than Nothing
Chris Bell – I Am The Cosmos
Rolling Stones - I'm Free
She & Him - Gonna Get Along Without You Now
Art Brut - Good Weekend
The Undertones - You've Got My Number (Why Don't You Use it?)
Donovan - The Fat Angel
Oscar Brown, Jr - Brother Where Are You
The National - Think You Can Wait
The Aliens - Setting Sun
Monochrome Set - White Noise
Electrelane - I'm On Fire (Bruce Springsteen Cover)
αν δε μιλούσα
74η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 05/04/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?vmb7f7yyg3itj9d
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/74th-lemons-indieground-radio-show/
Ninο Rota - L' ucello Magico
The Chap - Rhythm King
Civil Civik - Less Unless
Bruce Haack - The King
The Chap - I Saw Them
Karamasov - Fengan Nemo
Cherie & Citron - Lada's Cool
Seftel - Prussia Cove
Ghikas & Walshe - Routing For Hydrangeas
Moondog - Fog On The Hudson (425 W 57th Street)
The Clogs - Pencil Stick
Panagiotis Ghikas - Impro @ indieground I
Ghikas & Walshe - Al Forno Yeah
New Order - Blue Monday
The Chap - Fun & Interesting
Furniture - I Can't Crack
Raining Pleasure - Winter's Waiting (Live 1993)
Times - No Love On Haight Street
Pale Saints - You Tear The World In Two
Tindersticks - Her
Charanjit Singh - Raga Bhairav
Captain Miki - Do Pok
Panagiotis Ghikas - Impro @ indieground II
ο Π. Γκίκας στον λεμονοστίφτη
73η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 29/03/2013: http://www.mediafire.com/?viocxt1l6imt1e0
ή http://www.mixcloud.com/lemonostiftis/73rd-lemon-indieradio-show/
Riziero Ortolani - I Giorni Dell'ira
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Deus Ibi Est
Dead Moon - I'm Out Nine
Otis Redding - For Your Precious Love
Iron & Wine - The Devil Never Sleeps
Baby Guru - For Trish
Grace Slick - El Diablo
Stone Roses - Elizabeth My Dear
Simon & Garfunkel - Sparrow
Woods - It Ain't Easy
Cockney Rebel - Mirror Freak (Raw Version)
The Evens - Wonder Why
Elbow - Something In The Air
Sonic Youth-Superstar
Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning
Lee Moses - Never In My Life
Radio Birdman - I-94
Queen - I'm in Love with My Car
Dodson & Fogg - Everybody Knows
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (Demo)
Echo & The Bunnymen - Seven Seas
Air - You Make It Easy (Live KCRW 1998)
Johnny Thunders - (She's So) Untouchable
The Vibrators - Sweet Sweet Heart
The Modern Lovers - I'm Straight
The Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today
The Adverts - On The Roof
Violent Femmes - To The Kill
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Babe, I'm On Fire
29 τραγούδια για να πάει καλά η 29η μέρα
72η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/03/2013: http://www.divshare.com/download/23904385-261
Joh August and his Orchestra - Greek bolero (Γ. Σπάρτακος)
Aphrodite's Child - Aegian sea
Christiane Legrand - Μοναξιά μου (Γιάννης Σπανός)
Mimis Plessas & The Orbiters - Vasilikos (Παραδοσιακό)
Amon Duul II - Kanaan
Dead Can Dance - Song Of Sophia
Nikos Skalkotas - Κρητικός/Άλλο χορό δε χαίρομαι
New York Rock n' Roll Ensemble - The Day (Μ. Χατζιδάκις)
The Veils - Pan
Joan Baez - The Partisan
Bulent Ortacgil - Bahar Torkosoˆ
Devil's Anvil - Misirlou
Archimedes Badkar - Tzivaeri (Ελλ. Παραδοσιακό)
Vinicio Capossela - Corre il soldato (Ταξίμι)
Violent Femmes - Requiem
Yo La Tengo - Never On Sunday (Μ. Χατζιδάκις)
Blood Sweat & Tears - The Modern Adventures Of Plato, Diogenes And Freud
Joker's Daughter - Go Walking
The Karelia - Dancing Along to Nekrotaphion
George Michael - Faith
Demis Roussos - O, My Friends You've Been Untrue To Me
Leonard Cohen - reads the "Days Of Kindness"
Leonard Cohen - So Long, Marianne
Heiner Goebbels - The Coast (παραδοσιακό, Αικ. Μαγουλά)
Jello Bιαfra - talks about the "Rise of the Golden Dawn"
Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
The Astronauts - Latin And Greek
Frank Black - Thalassocracy
Savage Republic - Hippodrome
Nick Cave The Bad Seeds - Lightning Bolts
Diamanda Galas - Reap What You Sow (N. Gravenites)
David Bowie - Pallas Athena (Album Version)
George Harrison - Greece
επιμένω ελληνικά
71η εκπομπή: Πέμπτη 14/03/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23863468-eba
Antonio Carlos Jobim & Louis Bonfa - Manha De Carnaval (orch)
Raining Pleasure - Orpheus
The Residents - My Window
Pedro - Timetakesthetimetimetakes
The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years From Home
Shawn Phillips – She was waiting for her mother at the station in Torino and you know I love you baby but it's getting too heavy to laugh
Girls Names - Pittura Infamante
The Last Shadow Puppets - My Mistakes Were Made For You
Ансамбль пу А.Тартаковского - Путешественник
Love - Orange Skies
Amazing -The Fog
The Rutles - Nevertheless
Paul McCartney - Teddy Boy
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Κιλελέρ
The Nits - Lenin and the Wounded Angel
The Waterboys - Red Army Blues
The Fall - My New House
Them - You Just Can΄t Win
Morphine - Thursday
The Kills - Blue Moon
The Feelies - The Undertow
Jethro Tull - Wond'ring Aloud
Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood - Lady Bird
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - The Equestrian Statue
Sex Pistols - L'anarchie pour le U.K.
Tom Waits - I'll Be Gone
Monty Python - Never be Rude to an Arab
Monty Python - I Like Chinese
Patrik Fitzgerald - Adopted Girl
The Veils - Advice For Young Mothers To Be
Serious Drinking - Country Girl Becomes Sex And Drugs Punk
Antonio Carlos Jobim & Louis Bonfa - Manha De Carnaval (lyrics)
περιαυτολογώντας μια Πέμπτη
James Brown - Popcorn with A Feeling (Instr.)
Richard Hawley - The Wood Collier's Grave
Apollo Sunshine - We Are Born When We Die
The Rolling Stones - Diddley Daddy
The Shakespeares - Burning My Fingers
Gnarls Barkley - Who's Gonna Save My Soul
Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi feat Norah Jones - Black
Dodson & Fogg - Dreams of You and Me
Jay Kay Johanson - Tell Me Like It Is
Timber Timbre - Magic Arrow
Beastie Boys - The Rat Cage
Gil Scott Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Favourite Sons - Cry To Me
Lee Moses - Bad Girl (Part 1)
Lee Moses - Bad Girl (Part 2)
David Bowie - Dirty Boys
Minimal Compact - Not Knowing
Mecano - Untitled
Cul De Sac & Damo Suzuki - Berlin 4
Shriekback - Dreamlife Of Dogs
Furniture - Shake Like Judy Says
Foals - Bad Habit
Talking Heads - Listening Wind
Medium Medium - The Glitterhouse
Minny Pops - Blue Roses
Au Pairs - Armagh
Tom Vek - I Aint Saying My Goodbyes
Hibou - Glow
Peter Schilling - Major Tom
Visage - In The Year 2525
Atoms for Peace - Judge, Jury And Executioner
I wanna be your jukebox
69η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 03/03/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23812476-6a2
Giorgio Moroder - Tears
Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
XTC - Dear God
They Might Be Giants - Marty Beller Mask
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Every Night I Die At Miyagis
Eels - Bombs Away
Au Pairs - Come Again
The B-52s - Pump
Serious Drinking - Love on the Terraces (MK. III)
Monochrome Set - Eine Symphonie Des Grauens
Cpt Nefos - Emigration
North Sea Scrolls - I'm Not the Man You Think I Am Karen, I'm the Actor Tony Allen
Auteurs - Buddha
Queen - Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon
Serious Drinking - Intro: Am I Coming Over to Yours
Television Personalities - 14th Floor
They Must Be Russians - Don't Try To Cure Yourself
Rudimentary Peni - The Cloud Song
Psychic Ills - FBI
Rolling Stones - Cocksucker Blues (Bootleg)
Dr John - The Lonesome Guitar Strangler
Norman Greenbaum - Marcy
Donovan - Atlantis
Rosewood Thieves - Diamond Ring
Nick Nicely - Hilly fields
Portland Cello Project - We All Wear Cloaks
Roxy Music - Ladytron
Pulp - Pencil Skirt (John Peel Session)
Ape Elders - A Late Modern Human Calls
Rheingold - Dreiklangsdimensionen
The Stranglers feat Ian Dury & Toyah - Peaches (live)
Adam Ant - Cool Zombie
Artery - Mother Moon
Department S - Is Vic There
Wake - give up
The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Graves
Cass Carnaby Five - Death Of A 10000 Houses
Patrik Fitzgerald - All The Years Of Trying
1000 Mexicans - The Art Of Love
The Human League - Almost Medieval
Brenda Ray - Krazee Music
Lee Scratch Perry and Friends - Disco Devil
Beatles - Long Long Long
Tom Waits - Russian Dance
Beirut - Postcards From Italy
Lucio Battisti - I giardini di Marzo
Elliott Smith - Needle in the Hay
The Mamas & The Papas - Once Was A Time I Thought
Status Quo - I (Who Have Nothing) (as The Spectres)
The Growlers - Someday
Traffic - Hole In My Shoe
Woods - Something Surreal
David Bowie - Ragazzo Solo, Ragazza Sola
The Go Betweens - Spring Rain
Girls - Lust For Life
The Rolling Stones - Con Le Mie Lacrime
22 Pistepirkko - Birdy
Donovan - The Lullaby Of Spring
10000 Maniacs - Noah's Dove (Demo)
Hole - Hungry Like A Wolf (Unplugged - MTV)
The Bootleggers feat Mark Lanegan - White Light - White Heat
Bo Diddley - Great Grandfather
Dead Moon - Killing Me
The Stooges - Dirt
Dr John - You Lie
Ride - Slave
Sonic Jesus - Monkey On My Back
Tindersticks - Paco De Renaldos Dream
DVA Damas - Nightshade
Hysteric Picnic - Chandelier
Maximo Park - Once, A Glimpse
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Hong Kong Garden
U2 - Seconds
Sex Pistols & Ronnie Biggs - No One Is Innocent
Walter Carlos - Title Music from A Clockwork Orange
Liars - Ill Valley Prodigies
The Stranglers - Viva Vlad!
Lori & The Chameleons - The Lonely Spy
This Mortal Coil - Not Me
Karamasov - Happy Hour
Ciccone Youth - Into The Groovey
The Voltarenes - She's in Parties
New Order - Touched by the hand of God
It's Immaterial - Space
Divine Comedy - The Circular Firing Squad
Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express (Single version)
Kraftwerk - Geigerzhler
OMD - Enola Gay
The Nits - Zebra
Your Hand in Mine - Siren
Tuxedomoon - No Tears
The United States Of America - The Garden Of Earthly Delights
Portishead - Nylon Smile
Beak - Yatton
Liquid Liquid - Scraper
The Residents - Kaw liga
Devo - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
CAN - Spoon
The Durutti Column - Sleep Will Come
Brian Eno & David Byrne - Regiment
Eyeless in Gaza - The Decoration
The Soft Moon - Parallels
Αtοms For Ρeace - Befοre Yοur Very Eyes...
The Chap - Auto Where To
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
The B 52's - Planet Claire
έβρεξε και σήμερα
66η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 15/02/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23730112-a94
John Barry - A Man Alone (The Ipcress File)
John Lennon - Oh My Love
Dusty Springfield - Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa
Madness - It Must be Love
Lily Allen - Fuck You
Specials - Blank Expression
Pere Ubu - Humor Me
Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - Abdul and Cleopatra
Hefner - I Took Her Love For Granted
The Temptations - (I Know) I'm Losing You
Screaming Lord Sutch - She's Falling In Love With The Monster Man
Howlin' Wolf - You'll Be Mine
Blondie - Once I Had A Love
Wire - Fragile
Johnny Thunders - She's So Untouchable
The Kinks - Tired of Waiting For You
The Savages - QuietTown
Eartbound - Lost
The Coffinshakers - Black Sunday
Two Wounded Birds - Night Patrol
The Monochrome Set - It's More Than Just Love
The Vibrators - Baby Baby
Mystic Eyes - From Above
Radio Birdman - Love Kills
Iggy Pop - No Sense Of Crime
Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End
The Cure - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Patrik Fitzgerald - Animal Mentality
Beak - Eggdog
Νick Caνe & The Βad Seeds - Water's Εdge
Rory Gallagher - I Fall Apart
Woods - Bend Beyond
The Dream Syndicate - When You Smile
Sonic Youth - Tunic (song for karen)
Sharif Dean - Do You Love Me
Martin Denny - Voodoo Dreams
Screamin Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You
The Fuzztones - Night of the Vampire
Jace Everett - Bad Things
Allah-Las - No Voodoo
The Growlers - Use Me for Your Eggs
Link Wray - The Shadow Knows
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Monster Mash
Screaming Lord Sutch - Dracula's Daughter
The Spyrals - Disguise
The Last Drive - Valley of death
Movie Star Junkies - A Poison Tree
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Hotel Hell
Cult Of Youth - Monsters
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Lovely Creature
The Cramps - I Was a Teenage Werewolf
Samhain - To Walk The Night
John and Jehn - Vampire
Boris Pickett & Crypt-Kickers - Skully Gully
The Clash - The Police Walked In 4 Jazz
Roky Erickson - I walked with a zombie
The Dead Brothers - Human fly
Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads - Goo Goo Muck
Frank N' Furter - Sweet Transvestite
Tito & Tarantula - After Dark
The Coffinshakers - Phantoms Of The Night
Johnny Cash - The Beast In Me
Beasts Of Burbon - Psycho
Minuteman - Voodoo Slaves
Modest Mouse - Dig Your Grave
The Kinks- King Kong
The Sonics - Strychnine
Dead Moon - Walking On My Grave
Frank Zappa - Hungry Freaks Daddy
Rasputina - A Skeleton Bang
The Meteors - My Daddy Is a Vampire
The Fleshtones - I Was A Teenage Zombie
Kip Tyler - She's My Witch
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (& Super Creeps)
64η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 01/02/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23665560-079
Soft Verdict - Struggle For Pleasure
John Cale - Paris 1919
Piers Faccini - No Reply
The Nits - The Train
10000 Maniacs - Poppy Selling Man
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Tell Me When My Light Turns Green
Marine Girls - All Dressed Up
Patrik Fitzgerald - Little Fishes
Love - My Little Red Book
Jack White - Hip (Eponymous) Poor Boy
Bob Dylan - One More Cup Of Coffee
The Growlers - Living in a Memory
Thin White Rope - Some Velvet Morning
Norah Jones - 4 Broken Hearts
Mark Lanegan Band - Gray Goes Black
Wilco - Art Of Almost
Tindersticks - Whiskey & Water
Arbouretum - Renouncer
Serge Gainsbourg - L'hotel particulier
Ride - From Time To Time
Ty Segull & The White Fence - Easy Ryder
Woods - Size Meets The Sound
Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men
Bob Corn - Waking up to us
Leonard Cohen - Lover,Lover Lover
Essex Green - Rabbit
The Lovetones - A New Low Is Getting High
Sisters Of Mercy - 1959
Morrissey - That's How People Grow Up
Nalyssa Green - Your Eyes
Twilight Sad - I'm Taking The Train Home
Raining Pleasure - Orpheus
The Residents - My Window
Pedro - Timetakesthetimetimetakes
The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years From Home
Shawn Phillips – She was waiting for her mother at the station in Torino and you know I love you baby but it's getting too heavy to laugh
Girls Names - Pittura Infamante
The Last Shadow Puppets - My Mistakes Were Made For You
Ансамбль пу А.Тартаковского - Путешественник
Love - Orange Skies
Amazing -The Fog
The Rutles - Nevertheless
Paul McCartney - Teddy Boy
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Κιλελέρ
The Nits - Lenin and the Wounded Angel
The Waterboys - Red Army Blues
The Fall - My New House
Them - You Just Can΄t Win
Morphine - Thursday
The Kills - Blue Moon
The Feelies - The Undertow
Jethro Tull - Wond'ring Aloud
Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood - Lady Bird
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - The Equestrian Statue
Sex Pistols - L'anarchie pour le U.K.
Tom Waits - I'll Be Gone
Monty Python - Never be Rude to an Arab
Monty Python - I Like Chinese
Patrik Fitzgerald - Adopted Girl
The Veils - Advice For Young Mothers To Be
Serious Drinking - Country Girl Becomes Sex And Drugs Punk
Antonio Carlos Jobim & Louis Bonfa - Manha De Carnaval (lyrics)
περιαυτολογώντας μια Πέμπτη
70η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 08/03/2013: http://www.divshare.com/download/23836366-a98James Brown - Popcorn with A Feeling (Instr.)
Richard Hawley - The Wood Collier's Grave
Apollo Sunshine - We Are Born When We Die
The Rolling Stones - Diddley Daddy
The Shakespeares - Burning My Fingers
Gnarls Barkley - Who's Gonna Save My Soul
Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi feat Norah Jones - Black
Dodson & Fogg - Dreams of You and Me
Jay Kay Johanson - Tell Me Like It Is
Timber Timbre - Magic Arrow
Beastie Boys - The Rat Cage
Gil Scott Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Favourite Sons - Cry To Me
Lee Moses - Bad Girl (Part 1)
Lee Moses - Bad Girl (Part 2)
David Bowie - Dirty Boys
Minimal Compact - Not Knowing
Mecano - Untitled
Cul De Sac & Damo Suzuki - Berlin 4
Shriekback - Dreamlife Of Dogs
Furniture - Shake Like Judy Says
Foals - Bad Habit
Talking Heads - Listening Wind
Medium Medium - The Glitterhouse
Minny Pops - Blue Roses
Au Pairs - Armagh
Tom Vek - I Aint Saying My Goodbyes
Hibou - Glow
Peter Schilling - Major Tom
Visage - In The Year 2525
Atoms for Peace - Judge, Jury And Executioner
I wanna be your jukebox
69η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 03/03/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23812476-6a2
Giorgio Moroder - Tears
Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
XTC - Dear God
They Might Be Giants - Marty Beller Mask
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Every Night I Die At Miyagis
Eels - Bombs Away
Au Pairs - Come Again
The B-52s - Pump
Serious Drinking - Love on the Terraces (MK. III)
Monochrome Set - Eine Symphonie Des Grauens
Cpt Nefos - Emigration
North Sea Scrolls - I'm Not the Man You Think I Am Karen, I'm the Actor Tony Allen
Auteurs - Buddha
Queen - Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon
Serious Drinking - Intro: Am I Coming Over to Yours
Television Personalities - 14th Floor
They Must Be Russians - Don't Try To Cure Yourself
Rudimentary Peni - The Cloud Song
Psychic Ills - FBI
Rolling Stones - Cocksucker Blues (Bootleg)
Dr John - The Lonesome Guitar Strangler
Norman Greenbaum - Marcy
Donovan - Atlantis
Rosewood Thieves - Diamond Ring
Nick Nicely - Hilly fields
Portland Cello Project - We All Wear Cloaks
Roxy Music - Ladytron
Pulp - Pencil Skirt (John Peel Session)
Ape Elders - A Late Modern Human Calls
Rheingold - Dreiklangsdimensionen
The Stranglers feat Ian Dury & Toyah - Peaches (live)
Adam Ant - Cool Zombie
Artery - Mother Moon
Department S - Is Vic There
Wake - give up
The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Graves
Cass Carnaby Five - Death Of A 10000 Houses
Patrik Fitzgerald - All The Years Of Trying
1000 Mexicans - The Art Of Love
The Human League - Almost Medieval
Brenda Ray - Krazee Music
Lee Scratch Perry and Friends - Disco Devil
Beatles - Long Long Long
όμορφο κυριακάτικο τρίωρο
68η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 01/03/2013: http://www.divshare.com/download/23802543-54cTom Waits - Russian Dance
Beirut - Postcards From Italy
Lucio Battisti - I giardini di Marzo
Elliott Smith - Needle in the Hay
The Mamas & The Papas - Once Was A Time I Thought
Status Quo - I (Who Have Nothing) (as The Spectres)
The Growlers - Someday
Traffic - Hole In My Shoe
Woods - Something Surreal
David Bowie - Ragazzo Solo, Ragazza Sola
The Go Betweens - Spring Rain
Girls - Lust For Life
The Rolling Stones - Con Le Mie Lacrime
22 Pistepirkko - Birdy
Donovan - The Lullaby Of Spring
10000 Maniacs - Noah's Dove (Demo)
Hole - Hungry Like A Wolf (Unplugged - MTV)
The Bootleggers feat Mark Lanegan - White Light - White Heat
Bo Diddley - Great Grandfather
Dead Moon - Killing Me
The Stooges - Dirt
Dr John - You Lie
Ride - Slave
Sonic Jesus - Monkey On My Back
Tindersticks - Paco De Renaldos Dream
DVA Damas - Nightshade
Hysteric Picnic - Chandelier
Maximo Park - Once, A Glimpse
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Hong Kong Garden
U2 - Seconds
Sex Pistols & Ronnie Biggs - No One Is Innocent
καλή άνοιξη να έχουμε
67η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/02/2013: http://www.divshare.com/download/23767048-038Walter Carlos - Title Music from A Clockwork Orange
Liars - Ill Valley Prodigies
The Stranglers - Viva Vlad!
Lori & The Chameleons - The Lonely Spy
This Mortal Coil - Not Me
Karamasov - Happy Hour
Ciccone Youth - Into The Groovey
The Voltarenes - She's in Parties
New Order - Touched by the hand of God
It's Immaterial - Space
Divine Comedy - The Circular Firing Squad
Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express (Single version)
Kraftwerk - Geigerzhler
OMD - Enola Gay
The Nits - Zebra
Your Hand in Mine - Siren
Tuxedomoon - No Tears
The United States Of America - The Garden Of Earthly Delights
Portishead - Nylon Smile
Beak - Yatton
Liquid Liquid - Scraper
The Residents - Kaw liga
Devo - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
CAN - Spoon
The Durutti Column - Sleep Will Come
Brian Eno & David Byrne - Regiment
Eyeless in Gaza - The Decoration
The Soft Moon - Parallels
Αtοms For Ρeace - Befοre Yοur Very Eyes...
The Chap - Auto Where To
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
The B 52's - Planet Claire
έβρεξε και σήμερα
66η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 15/02/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23730112-a94
John Barry - A Man Alone (The Ipcress File)
John Lennon - Oh My Love
Dusty Springfield - Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa
Madness - It Must be Love
Lily Allen - Fuck You
Specials - Blank Expression
Pere Ubu - Humor Me
Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - Abdul and Cleopatra
Hefner - I Took Her Love For Granted
The Temptations - (I Know) I'm Losing You
Screaming Lord Sutch - She's Falling In Love With The Monster Man
Howlin' Wolf - You'll Be Mine
Blondie - Once I Had A Love
Wire - Fragile
Johnny Thunders - She's So Untouchable
The Kinks - Tired of Waiting For You
The Savages - QuietTown
Eartbound - Lost
The Coffinshakers - Black Sunday
Two Wounded Birds - Night Patrol
The Monochrome Set - It's More Than Just Love
The Vibrators - Baby Baby
Mystic Eyes - From Above
Radio Birdman - Love Kills
Iggy Pop - No Sense Of Crime
Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End
The Cure - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Patrik Fitzgerald - Animal Mentality
Beak - Eggdog
Νick Caνe & The Βad Seeds - Water's Εdge
Rory Gallagher - I Fall Apart
Woods - Bend Beyond
The Dream Syndicate - When You Smile
Sonic Youth - Tunic (song for karen)
Sharif Dean - Do You Love Me
65η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 08/02/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23697846-a63 Martin Denny - Voodoo Dreams
Screamin Jay Hawkins - I Put A Spell On You
The Fuzztones - Night of the Vampire
Jace Everett - Bad Things
Allah-Las - No Voodoo
The Growlers - Use Me for Your Eggs
Link Wray - The Shadow Knows
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Monster Mash
Screaming Lord Sutch - Dracula's Daughter
The Spyrals - Disguise
The Last Drive - Valley of death
Movie Star Junkies - A Poison Tree
Eric Burdon & The Animals - Hotel Hell
Cult Of Youth - Monsters
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Lovely Creature
The Cramps - I Was a Teenage Werewolf
Samhain - To Walk The Night
John and Jehn - Vampire
Boris Pickett & Crypt-Kickers - Skully Gully
The Clash - The Police Walked In 4 Jazz
Roky Erickson - I walked with a zombie
The Dead Brothers - Human fly
Ronnie Cook & The Gaylads - Goo Goo Muck
Frank N' Furter - Sweet Transvestite
Tito & Tarantula - After Dark
The Coffinshakers - Phantoms Of The Night
Johnny Cash - The Beast In Me
Beasts Of Burbon - Psycho
Minuteman - Voodoo Slaves
Modest Mouse - Dig Your Grave
The Kinks- King Kong
The Sonics - Strychnine
Dead Moon - Walking On My Grave
Frank Zappa - Hungry Freaks Daddy
Rasputina - A Skeleton Bang
The Meteors - My Daddy Is a Vampire
The Fleshtones - I Was A Teenage Zombie
Kip Tyler - She's My Witch
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (& Super Creeps)
come out the day
64η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 01/02/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23665560-079
Soft Verdict - Struggle For Pleasure
John Cale - Paris 1919
Piers Faccini - No Reply
The Nits - The Train
10000 Maniacs - Poppy Selling Man
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Tell Me When My Light Turns Green
Marine Girls - All Dressed Up
Patrik Fitzgerald - Little Fishes
Love - My Little Red Book
Jack White - Hip (Eponymous) Poor Boy
Bob Dylan - One More Cup Of Coffee
The Growlers - Living in a Memory
Thin White Rope - Some Velvet Morning
Norah Jones - 4 Broken Hearts
Mark Lanegan Band - Gray Goes Black
Wilco - Art Of Almost
Tindersticks - Whiskey & Water
Arbouretum - Renouncer
Serge Gainsbourg - L'hotel particulier
Ride - From Time To Time
Ty Segull & The White Fence - Easy Ryder
Woods - Size Meets The Sound
Status Quo - Pictures of Matchstick Men
Bob Corn - Waking up to us
Leonard Cohen - Lover,Lover Lover
Essex Green - Rabbit
The Lovetones - A New Low Is Getting High
Sisters Of Mercy - 1959
Morrissey - That's How People Grow Up
Nalyssa Green - Your Eyes
Twilight Sad - I'm Taking The Train Home
63η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 25/01/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23594777-cba
Frank Zappa - Peaches En Regalia
The Waterboys - Spirit (full length)
Two Wounded Birds - My Lonesome
The Beau Brummels - I Will Go
The Gentle Waves - Partner In Crime
The Galleons -The Wanderer
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Chicago
Mary Hopkin - Goodbye
One Night Suzan - Postcards
Camera Obscura - Swimming Pool
Yellow Red Sparks - Monsters With Misdemeanors
Cats On Fire - It's Clear Your Former Lover
My Brightest Diamond - We Were Sparkling
Roxy Music - In Every Dream Home A Heartache
Pere Ubu - Love Song
Radiohead - Paranoid Android
Of the Wand and the Moon - Immer Vorwärts
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Abba Zaba
Rangda - The Vault
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
Moby - Run On
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No, I Got Life
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand
Δημήτρης Πουλικάκος - Κλέλια,η μάλλον το ειδύλιο της λιμνοθάλασσας ΙΙ
Devotchka - All the Sand In All the Sea
Paula Frazer - Your Thoughts and mine (live in Athens 2009)
Bonnie Prince Billy & Tortoise - Some Say (I Got Devil)
The Frank and Walters - Happy busman
Pixies - Something Against You
10 χιλιόμετρα, μια εκπομπή κι ένα κούρεμα
62η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 18/01/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/23467997-e57
Blur - Anniversary Waltz
Cockney Rebel - Hideaway
Anna Melato & Nino Rota - Antonio Soffiantini detto Tunin
Lemonheads - Live Forever
The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
Tori Amos - Sugar (live}
Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Lana Del Rey - Million Dollar Man
America - A Horse With No Name
Frank Black - Los Angeles
Pulp - Monday Morning
The Birthday Party - Marry Me (Lie! Lie!)
Pale Lights - Ghosts of Youth
The Monochrome Set - The Jet Set Junta
The Stranglers - Midnight Summer Dream (7'' Edit)
Kate Bush - Running up That Hill
The Durutti Column - Never Known
Depeche Mode - Shake The Disease
Television Personalities - Three Wishes
Tim Buckley - Pleasant Street
Violent Femmes - Kiss Off
The Nits - Magic Of Lassie 2
Joy Division - Disorder
Pixies - Tony's Theme
Grandaddy - Levitz
Television Personalities - The Painted World
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
The Fuzztones - Ward 81
The Blues Magoos - We Ain't Got Nothin' Yet
The Kinks - It's Alright
THe Blue Aeroplanes - Jacket Hangs
The Smiths - Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Hefner - Lemon Pixie Stick
The Budos Band - Origin Of Man
5th Dimension - Don'tcha Hear Me Callin' To Ya
η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει - η εκπομπή των αναγνωστών
61η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/01/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/22846420-387
Norah Jones - I've Got To See You Again
Talk Talk - After The Flood
The Smashing Pumpkins - Never let me down again
Yellow Red Sparks - Monsters With Misdemeanors
Monika - Yes I Do
Devendra Banhart - Long Haired Child
Allah Las - Catamaran
Kim Fowley - The Trip
The Modern Lovers - Dance With Me
Portishead - Roads
Mulatu Astatqe - Gubelye
The Girobabies - Fluffy Puppy Rainbow Flower
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Baby
The Liminanas - Un Ballade Pour Clive
Stereolab - Working Title (the Pram Song)(seeperbold)
Einsturzende Neubauten - Blume
The Stranglers - Walk On By
Jesus & Mary Chain - Psychocandy (@ The Peel sessions)
Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde (en duo avec Brigitte Bardot)
The Walkabouts - Disamistade
OMD - Sometimes
Massive Attack - False Flags
Wipers - The Lonely One
Sonic Youth - Créme Brûlèe
Love - I Can't Find It
Deerhunter - Don't Cry
περί χορού
60η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/01/2013:http://www.divshare.com/download/22788896-db8
Raining Pleasure - Overture
Frank Sinatra - It Was a Very Good Year
Get Well Soon - Roland, I Feel You
The Nits - Three Sisters
Lambchop - The good life (is wasted)
Procol Harum - Good Captain Clack
Donovan - Little White Road
Bulent Ortaçgil - Olmali Mi Olmamali Mi
Grizzly Bear - Sleeping Ute
Vince Eager - The World's Loneliest Man
Beth Gibbons - Tom The Model
The Yardbirds - Still I'm Sad
Bow Wow Wow - The Man Mountain
The Hoosiers - Wonderful Life
Joan as Police Woman - Flash
The Cure - Killing an Arab
Ty Segall & the White Fence - Scissor People
Throwing Muses - Cry Baby Cry
Foxygen - San Francisco
Cream - As You Said
Bauhaus - Ziggy Stardust
Jack White - Weep Themselves to Sleep
Dr. John - Getaway
The Blues Magoos - Summer Is The Man
The Liminanas - Salvation
Amon Duul II - Jalousie
Frank Zappa - Talks about The Shaggs
The Shaggs - Philosophy Of The World
Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End
The Galleons - Oh Bury Me
Joni Mitchell - The Circle Game
59η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/12/2012:http://www.divshare.com/download/21743396-426TV Themes - Twilight Zone
The Doors - The End
Johnny Thunders - Eve Of Destruction
Τρύπες - Άχαρη Μέρα (Graceless Day)
Tiger Lillies - Crack of doom
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
Eleanor Friedberger - Early Earthquake
TV Reports - Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 1986 April 26
The Smiths - Panic
Blur - Out Of Time
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky
Aphrodite's Child - Break
Bjork - Cosmogony
Edith Piaf - Non Je Ne Regrette Rien
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds/Original Radio Broadcast Oct 30,1938
Seu Jorge - Life On Mars
Σωτήρης Κοματσιουλης - Εισβολή από τον Άρη (Invasion from Mars)
The Galleons - What Is Fear
Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
Paul Sonnenberg - Epitaph
Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry
Elvis Costello - Waiting for the End of the World
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Fire (mono version)
Blue Birds - The Last Human Being
Justin Hayward - Forever Autumn
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - (I'll Love You) Till the End of the World
Billy Fay - Time of The Last Persecution
Pink Floyd - Time (Stereo Single Edit)
Earth's Van Halen sounds
Jason Lytle - Your Final Setting Sun
The Specials - Man At C&A
The Clash - Armagideon Time
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Mirage [Pathway Demo]
The Smashing Pumpkins - The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning
The Sounds - Το Έτος 2525
Tom Waits - Silent Night
bus stop apocalypse
58η εκπομπή: Κυριακή 16/12/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/21456244-d63
Pierre Henry - Teen Tonic
Arthur Brown - Give Him A Flower
The All Night Workers - Why Don't You Smile
Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - Velvet Underground
Velvet Undergound - I'll Be Your Mirror (Alternate Mix)
Tame Impala - Be Above It
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle - Moderne Welt
Yeah Yeah Noh - Another Side Of Mrs Quill
Martin Creed - I Cant Move
Gories - There But For The Grace Of God Go I
The Cramps - Lonesome Town
The Swinging Blue Jeans - Ol' Man Mose
Fairport Convention - Reno, Nevada
Frank Zappa - Mom & Dad
Rufus Wainwright - St. James Infirmary
Linus of Hollywood - Thank You For Making Me Feel Better
Savage Republic - Varvakios
TriBeCaStan - Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Dusty Springfield - What's It Gonna Be
Free Design - I Love You
Holy Fuck - Silva & Grimes
Matthew E. White - Steady Pace
The Dramatics - The Devil Is Dope
Flight of the Conchords - Business Time
The Chap - Your Latest Trick
Cat Power - Ruin
Band of Horses - Dumpster World
Mark Lanegan - Burn The Flames
Jake Bugg - Simple As This
Eleanor Friedberger - Inn Of The Seventh Ray
Bobby Bland - St. James Infirmary
The Bryan Ferry Orchestra - Do the Strand
Yeah Yeah Noh - Zoological Gardens Mystery Track
Polyphonic Spree - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
μερικές φορές το να βρεις τίτλο ανάρτησης είναι το δυσκολότερο πράγμα της μέρας
57η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/12/2012:http://www.divshare.com/download/21433167-53b
The Prisoners - Explosion on Uranus
The Chud - Garden Of Love
Red Kayola - Ravi Shankar Parachutist
The Blues Magoos - - Sometimes I Think About
Portishead - Sour Times
The Monochrome Set - The Midas Touch
The Dead Brothers - Tust in me
Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
The Jam - Stand by Me
The Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society
The Jazz butcher - Mr. Odd
Inspiral Carpets - Mermaid
The Delmonas - Peter Gunn/Locomotion
The Things - Can't Get Enough
Vietnam Veterans - Thirteen/When I Was Young
Felt - Evergreen Dazed
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - The Game Of Eyes
Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer
Grandaddy - He's simple, he's dump, he's the pilot
Fourmyula - Nature
Belle & Sebastian - A Century Of Elvis
The Velvoids - Bear
Dukes Of Stratosphear - Shinny Cage
The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Bright Lit Blue Skies
John Leyton - Johnny Remember Me
The Vandals - Mohawk Town
The Miracle Workers - Another Guy
56η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/12/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/21373624-98e
The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five
Bill Haley & The Comets - Rock Around The Clock
The Trashmen - New Generation
Gogol Bordello - Strange Uncles From Abroad
Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds - We No Who U R
Adele - Skyfall
Monty Python - Brian Song
The Turtles - You Don't Have To Walk In The Rain
13th Floor Elevators - Don't Fall Down
Bob Dylan - Wedding Song
Alphaville - Forever Young
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
The Beau Brummels - Don't Talk to Strangers
Black Mountain - Stay Free
Love - Live and Let Live
The Minutemen - History Lesson Part II
Mark Chapman - How I killed John Lennon
Siouxsie & the Banshees - Helter Skelter
The Cills - Look For The Good In Others And They'll See The Good In You
Ash - Does Your Mother Know
The Jam - Town Called Malice
The Godfathers - Birth School Work Death
Aerosmith - Walk This Way
Specials - Do Nothing
REM - Stand
Sparks - Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth
The Nits - Uncle On Mars
The Cranberries - Go Your Own Way
Green Day - Basket Case
John Lennon - Give Peace a Chance
σχολείο ή εκπομπή;
55η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/11/2012: http://www.mediafire.com/?xnqcsemm3h69ewj
Chantays - Pipeline
The Forminc - A Precious White Rose
The Mamas & The Papas feat Barry McGuire- California Dreamin'
Eddie Gale - Rain
The Galleons - Whale Song (Live @ The Brunswick)
Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (Live)
Great Society - Born To Be Burned
Puressence - India
Drugstore feat Thom Yorke - El President
Leonard Cohen - Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
Rodriguez - Hate Street Dialogue
The Sadies - Constant Waiting
The Yardbirds - Heart Full of Soul
Ocean Colour Scene - The Day We Caught The Train
Bill Fay - Screams In The Ears
The Beatles - Doctor Robert
The Jam - Hey Mister
The Monochrome Set - The Devil Rides Out
The Liarbirds - Estuary In Me
Libido Blume - No Flowers for Florita
Madness - Lovestruck
The Boomtown Rats - Can't Stop
Roxy Music - Virginia Plain
Buzzcocks - Love Is Lies
Arctic Moneys - My Propeller
The Kinks- Tell Me Now So I'll Know
The Soft Boys - The Yodelling Hoover
Iggy Pop - I'm Bored
Libertines - Tomblands
Parthenogenesis - Now I Came
The Accent - Red Sky At Night
Manic Street Preachers - Suicide Is Painless
The Chap - Proper Rock
Syd Barrett - She Took A Long Cold Look At Me (take 4)
The Rolling Stones - Something Happened To Me Yesterday
Violent Femmes - I Hear The Rain
της παρασκευής
54η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 23/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20932226-22b
Jonathan Ritchman - Lover Please
Buddy Holly - Everyday
Bob & Earl - Harlem Shuffle (1969)
Gnarls Barkley - No Time Soon
God Help The Girl - Funny Little Frog
The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk
Dexy's Midnight Runners - You
David Byrne - She Only Sleeps
Joker's Daughter - Lucid
The Lost Choir - Mad World
Bon Iver - Flume
Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun
Allah-Las - Busman's Holiday
The Sound Explosion - Hopeless Endless Way
The Mo-Dettes - Bedtime Stories
Cats On Fire - After the Fact
Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Wicked Little Town
Rodriguez - Rich Folks Hoax
Daniel Johnston - Frankenstein vs. The World
Yo La Tengo - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Traffic - Dear Mr. Fantasy
Excerpt from "Down by Law" (Jim Jarmusch, 1986)
Tom Waits - Jockey Full of Bourbon
Robert Wyatt - Lullaloop
Raining Pleasure - Romance (DEMO)
The Nigel Kennedy Quintet feat Boy George - River Man
Beverly Copeland - Erzili
Bruce Springsteen - It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
Television - Torn Curtain
Talking Heads - Heaven
Rodriguez - Sugar Man
Neil Diamond - Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
53η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/11/2012: http://www.mediafire.com/?2beoe9wo5egubd2
Εξαδάκτυλος - Τα Παιδιά Είναι Εντάξει
The Stormies - Drums In The Storm
The Forminx - Until The End
Dragons - The Forest Of My Place
Blue Birds - Julie
Βόρρειοι - Σαλούνα
Olympians - Ω, Θεέ μου
Jaguars - Κύτταξε Εκεί Ψηλά
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Οι Μάγοι
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Η Σόνια
Vikings - I'm Trying
Poll - Έλα Ήλιε Μου
Κώστας Τουρνάς - Απέραντα Χωράφια (απόσπασμα)
Liga - Φέρε μου Τύχη
Aphrodite's Child - The Four Horsemen
Blue Birds - Το παιχνίδι της φωτιάς
Λήδα & Σπύρος - Όταν Θα Γεννηθεί Ο Γιός Σου
Ακρίτας - Και Ιδού Ίππος Χλωρός
Gazuama Sinchartchas - Ανύψωση Αποτίναξη Εκφυγή (β' μέρος)
Νοστράδαμος - Δώσ' μου Το Χέρι Σου
Poll - Στην Πηγη Μια Κοπελα
Νιρβάνα - Ο Δειλός
Πελόμα Μποκιού - Γαρύφαλλε, Γαρύφαλλε
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Μαύρη Θάλασσα (απόσπασμα/studio)
Μαρίζα Κωχ - Δημοσθένους Λέξις
Mike Rozakis - Mystical Experience
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Δυο Μικρα Γαλάζια Άλογα
The Sounds - Παραξενο Ταξείδι
Socrates Drank The Conium - Κλείσε Τα Μάτια Σου Και Άκου
Ανάκαρα - Φρόσω, Ρίνα μου
Μόρκα - Squeezing Pimples
Μπουρμπούλια/Δάμων & Φιντίας - Απογοήτευση
Εξαδάκτυλος - Σκονη Πέτρες Λάσπη
Αγάπανθος - Στον Ηλεκτρικό
The Zoo - I Cry
τα παιδιά είναι εντάξει (greek garage psych folk prog.'65-'75)
52η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20647051-a36
Ennio Morricone - Theme From A Fistful Of Dollars
Roberta Flack - Hey That's No Way To Say Goodbye
Antony & The Johnsons - Fistful Of Love
Pulp - Bob Lind
The Zombies - Maybe After Hes Gone
Neil Young - There's A World
Fuzzy Lights - Fallen Trees
Hefner - OMD
Bjork & Thom Yorke - I've Seen It All
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Trust In Me
Apollo 440 feat. Billy Mackenzie - Pain In Any Language
The Sound - Winning
Death Cab For Cutie - Doors Unlocked and Open
The Chills - Don't Be - Memory
Evelyn Evelyn - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Gonjasufi - Rubberband
New York Dolls - You Don't Have to Cry
The Teenagers - You Don't Love Me
The Velvet Underground - Hey Mr. Rain (Version One)
Tindersticks - Marbles
Interpol - Hands Away
Grateful Dead - Death Don't Have No Mercy
Bobby Bland - I've Been Wrong So Long
X - Beyond And Back
Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us
David Bowie - All the Young Dudes
η άνω τελεία
51η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20367814-c64
54η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 23/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20932226-22b
Jonathan Ritchman - Lover Please
Buddy Holly - Everyday
Bob & Earl - Harlem Shuffle (1969)
Gnarls Barkley - No Time Soon
God Help The Girl - Funny Little Frog
The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk
Dexy's Midnight Runners - You
David Byrne - She Only Sleeps
Joker's Daughter - Lucid
The Lost Choir - Mad World
Bon Iver - Flume
Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun
Allah-Las - Busman's Holiday
The Sound Explosion - Hopeless Endless Way
The Mo-Dettes - Bedtime Stories
Cats On Fire - After the Fact
Hedwig and the Angry Inch - Wicked Little Town
Rodriguez - Rich Folks Hoax
Daniel Johnston - Frankenstein vs. The World
Yo La Tengo - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Traffic - Dear Mr. Fantasy
Excerpt from "Down by Law" (Jim Jarmusch, 1986)
Tom Waits - Jockey Full of Bourbon
Robert Wyatt - Lullaloop
Raining Pleasure - Romance (DEMO)
The Nigel Kennedy Quintet feat Boy George - River Man
Beverly Copeland - Erzili
Bruce Springsteen - It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
Television - Torn Curtain
Talking Heads - Heaven
Rodriguez - Sugar Man
Neil Diamond - Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
τέτοιες μέρες ήταν
53η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/11/2012: http://www.mediafire.com/?2beoe9wo5egubd2
Εξαδάκτυλος - Τα Παιδιά Είναι Εντάξει
The Stormies - Drums In The Storm
The Forminx - Until The End
Dragons - The Forest Of My Place
Blue Birds - Julie
Βόρρειοι - Σαλούνα
Olympians - Ω, Θεέ μου
Jaguars - Κύτταξε Εκεί Ψηλά
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Οι Μάγοι
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Η Σόνια
Vikings - I'm Trying
Poll - Έλα Ήλιε Μου
Κώστας Τουρνάς - Απέραντα Χωράφια (απόσπασμα)
Liga - Φέρε μου Τύχη
Aphrodite's Child - The Four Horsemen
Blue Birds - Το παιχνίδι της φωτιάς
Λήδα & Σπύρος - Όταν Θα Γεννηθεί Ο Γιός Σου
Ακρίτας - Και Ιδού Ίππος Χλωρός
Gazuama Sinchartchas - Ανύψωση Αποτίναξη Εκφυγή (β' μέρος)
Νοστράδαμος - Δώσ' μου Το Χέρι Σου
Poll - Στην Πηγη Μια Κοπελα
Νιρβάνα - Ο Δειλός
Πελόμα Μποκιού - Γαρύφαλλε, Γαρύφαλλε
Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος - Μαύρη Θάλασσα (απόσπασμα/studio)
Μαρίζα Κωχ - Δημοσθένους Λέξις
Mike Rozakis - Mystical Experience
Γιώργος Ρωμανός - Δυο Μικρα Γαλάζια Άλογα
The Sounds - Παραξενο Ταξείδι
Socrates Drank The Conium - Κλείσε Τα Μάτια Σου Και Άκου
Ανάκαρα - Φρόσω, Ρίνα μου
Μόρκα - Squeezing Pimples
Μπουρμπούλια/Δάμων & Φιντίας - Απογοήτευση
Εξαδάκτυλος - Σκονη Πέτρες Λάσπη
Αγάπανθος - Στον Ηλεκτρικό
The Zoo - I Cry
τα παιδιά είναι εντάξει (greek garage psych folk prog.'65-'75)
52η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20647051-a36
Ennio Morricone - Theme From A Fistful Of Dollars
Roberta Flack - Hey That's No Way To Say Goodbye
Antony & The Johnsons - Fistful Of Love
Pulp - Bob Lind
The Zombies - Maybe After Hes Gone
Neil Young - There's A World
Fuzzy Lights - Fallen Trees
Hefner - OMD
Bjork & Thom Yorke - I've Seen It All
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Trust In Me
Apollo 440 feat. Billy Mackenzie - Pain In Any Language
The Sound - Winning
Death Cab For Cutie - Doors Unlocked and Open
The Chills - Don't Be - Memory
Evelyn Evelyn - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Gonjasufi - Rubberband
New York Dolls - You Don't Have to Cry
The Teenagers - You Don't Love Me
The Velvet Underground - Hey Mr. Rain (Version One)
Tindersticks - Marbles
Interpol - Hands Away
Grateful Dead - Death Don't Have No Mercy
Bobby Bland - I've Been Wrong So Long
X - Beyond And Back
Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us
David Bowie - All the Young Dudes
η άνω τελεία
51η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/11/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20367814-c64
Ry Cooder - Paris, Texas
Melanie - Candles In The Rain /Lay Down (acoustic)
The Galleons - Love Lies Bleeding
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - The Barafundle Bumbler
Edgar Broughton Band - Evening Over Rooftops
David Bowie - Starman
Linda Perry feat. Grace Slick - Knock Me Out
Pearl Jam - Why Go
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - The Mercy Seat (live & acoustic)
Λευκή Δυμφωνία - Το Φεγγάρι Αιμοραγεί
Cult Of Youth - Path of Total Freedom
Bob Dylan - Love Sick
The Fuzztones - All The King's Horses
The Chud - Just In Time
The Jacobites - Hearts Are Like Flowers
The Things - Look What You're Doing
Spiritualized - I Am What I Am
The Blues Breakers feat Eric Clapton - Another Man
Opal - A Falling Star
Mad Sin - Ride This Torpedo
Calexico - All the Pretty Horses
Jonathan Richman - Affection
Mad Season - Long Gone Day
Patti Smith - Amerigo
Simon & Garfunkel - Flowers Never Bend With The Rainf
Allah-Las - Catalina
The Byrds - I Knew I'd Want You (Acoustic)
Violent Femmes - Country Death Song
Natalie Merchant - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος - Εν Κατακλείδι
Johnny Marr - Don't Think Twice,It's All Right
Dan Stewart - La Pasionaria
Green On Red -Sixteen ways
Thin White Rope - Burn THe Flames
Wipers - No One Wants An Alien
Editors - French Disco
Death In Vegas - Dirge
The Triffids - Get IntoThe Groove
Robert Hazard - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Melanie - Candles In The Rain /Lay Down (acoustic)
The Galleons - Love Lies Bleeding
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - The Barafundle Bumbler
Edgar Broughton Band - Evening Over Rooftops
David Bowie - Starman
Linda Perry feat. Grace Slick - Knock Me Out
Pearl Jam - Why Go
The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - The Mercy Seat (live & acoustic)
Λευκή Δυμφωνία - Το Φεγγάρι Αιμοραγεί
Cult Of Youth - Path of Total Freedom
Bob Dylan - Love Sick
The Fuzztones - All The King's Horses
The Chud - Just In Time
The Jacobites - Hearts Are Like Flowers
The Things - Look What You're Doing
Spiritualized - I Am What I Am
The Blues Breakers feat Eric Clapton - Another Man
Opal - A Falling Star
Mad Sin - Ride This Torpedo
Calexico - All the Pretty Horses
Jonathan Richman - Affection
Mad Season - Long Gone Day
Patti Smith - Amerigo
Simon & Garfunkel - Flowers Never Bend With The Rainf
Allah-Las - Catalina
The Byrds - I Knew I'd Want You (Acoustic)
Violent Femmes - Country Death Song
Natalie Merchant - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος - Εν Κατακλείδι
Johnny Marr - Don't Think Twice,It's All Right
Dan Stewart - La Pasionaria
Green On Red -Sixteen ways
Thin White Rope - Burn THe Flames
Wipers - No One Wants An Alien
Editors - French Disco
Death In Vegas - Dirge
The Triffids - Get IntoThe Groove
Robert Hazard - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
δυο λίστες
50η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 26/10/2012: http://www.divshare.com/download/20216815-fed
ή εναλλακτικά
Phil woods - Greek Cooking
Devil's Anvil - Tria Paidia (Παραδοσιακο)
Kaleidoscope - Sefan
Asha Bhonsle - Yama Yama Yama (Μου λένε να μην κλαίω/Στρ. Καμενίδης - Μιμίκα Καζαντζή)
Connie Francis - Misirlou
Christiane Legrand - Όνειρο Δεύτερο (Γιάννης Σπανός)
David Gilmour - Castellorizon
Σωτήρης Κοματσιούλης - Destiny
Tony Pinelli - Ο Έφορος (Ray Davis)
Lillac Time - Bird on a Wire
Cat Stevens - Rubylove
Donovan - What happened in Summer '66 in Greece
Donovan - Sunshine Superman
Electric Prunes - Kyrie Eleison
Μίμης Πλέσσας & The Orbiters - O Menoussis (Παραδοσιακο)
New York Rock n' Roll Ensemble - Noble Dame (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
The Roots - Redford (For Yia-Yia & Pappou)
The Nits - Athens
Pulp - Common People (alt. version)
Aphrodite's Child - It's Five O'Clock
Popol Vuh - Agape-Agape
Savage Republic - O Andonis (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης)
Horrible Histories Savage Songs - We are Greek (Part I)
Gino Peguri - Orza Qui Poggia Li (Δ. Σαββόπουλος)
The Fiery Furnaces - Though Let's Be Fair
Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away
Area - Cometa Rossa
Leonard Cohen - Cohen reads an excerpt from Beatiful Losers
Joker's Daughter - The Last Laugh
Julie London - The Boy On A Dolphin (Τάκης Μωράκης)
Georges Moustaki - Nous Sommes Deux (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης)
Matt Elliott - This Is For
Αρλέτα - Red Rose
Steve Wynn - Jellyfish (Πυξ Λαξ)
Waterboys -The Return Of Pan
The Fall - Happy Holiday (Promo Mix)
Τα 4 Επίπεδα Της Ύπαρξης - Κάποια Μέρα Στην Αθήνα
The Dead Brothers - Greek Swing
Juliette Greco - Reveuse et Fragile (Γιάννης Σπανός)
Eagles - The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks - Eagles
Ween - Japanese Cowboy (Vangelis Papathanasiou)
Savage Republic - O Andonis (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης)
η επετειακή πεντηκοστή
49η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 19/10/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mGOLfgjjWSgGW
Firewater - Ponzi's Theme
Johnny Thunders - Go Back To Go
Alan Vega - Video Babe
The Strokes - Call Me Back
Donny Hathaway - Jealous Guy
Best Coast - Let's Go Home
Ramones - Baby, I Love You
The Supremes - I Hear A Symphony
Spiritualized - Little Girl
Allah Las - Sandy
Poor Moon - Pulling Me Down
Janis Joplin - Kozmic Blues
Soulsavers - Tonight
Six By Seven - Candlelight
Pulp -The Fear
The Smashing Pumpkins - Violet Rays
Patti Smith - Constantine's Dream
Captain Beefheart - This Is The Day
Of the Wand and the Moon - Sunspot
Nick Cave - ChristinaThe Astonishing
The Clash - Rebel Waltz
Beirut - Nantes
The Prisoners - Tonight
REM - Fall On Me
The Waterboys - Don't Bang The Drum
The Dresden Dolls - Pretty in Pink
Bruce Springsteen - Because The Night
πάω για ύπνο
48η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 12/10/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mW9bM0uEO01EP
Judas Priest - Caviar And Meths
Gnarls Barkley - Who's Gonna Save My Soul - (Bassement sessions)
Jace Everett - Bad Things
Bob Dylan - Queen Jane Approximately
T. Rex - Cosmic Dancer (Work In Progress)
Pink Floyd - Fearless
Of the Wand and the Moon - Tear It Apart
Beck - Walls
The Hidden Cameras - Kingdom Come
Marianne Faithfull - I'm A Loser
Lee Hazlewood - The Night Before
The Heart Throbes - Here I Hide
Arab Strap - Hello Daylight
The Beatles - Two Of Us (Naked version)
Raymond Byron & the White Freighter - Little Death Shaker
Wolf Parade - You Are a Runner and I Am My Fathers Son (Redux)
Mad Season - Wake Up
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - When Jokers Attack
The Rain Parade - I Look Around
The Fuzztones - Just Once
Opal - Happy Nightmare Baby
The Trashmen - Malaguena
Tarnation - There's Someone
Sunnyboys - No Love Around
Suzanne Vega - When heroes go down
New York Dolls - Lonely Planet Boy
The Stooges - Gimme Danger
The Modern Lovers - Someone I Care About
The Velvet Underground - All Tomorrow's Parties (Single Version)
The Who - I'm A Boy
φτου, μη με ματιάσουν
47η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 05/10/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mOW5RyzJeMI96
The Jazz Butcher - The Basement
Air - Kelly Watch The Stars
Moby - Slipping Away
Stereo Nova - Ντισκολάτα
Talk Talk - Such A Shame
The Three Johns - The Ship That Died Of Shame
The Chap - Running With Me
The Nits - Slip Of The Tongue
Zounds - Demystification
The Sound - I Can't Escape Myself
Beak - I Know
Kraftwerk - Ohm Sweet Ohm
Raining Pleasure - Is That Yoo
Larry Seftel - Architects
OMO - Teabreak
Ultravox - Vienna
Bettina Koster & Jessie Evans - Anchors Aweigh
Kraftwerk - Geigerhahler
Black Mountain - Phosphorescent Waves
Joy Division - Transmission
OMD - Of All The Things We've Made
Thee More Swallows -The White Mask
The Teardrop Explodes - Christ Versus Warhol
Magazine - Definitive Gaze
The Stranglers - Strange Little Girl
Depeche Mode - Wrong
Visage - Fade To Gray
Talk Talk - Dum Dum Girl
old bitch n older beats
ευχαριστώ που μου θύμισες να την ποστάρω κι εδώ
46η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/09/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mkIoznv8N0lth
Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Music For A Found Harmonium
The Attractions - Slow Patience
The Soulsavers - In the Morning
Auteurs - Starstruck
The High Llamas - Checking In, Checking out
The Byrds - You Showed Me
Astronauts - Back Soon
Sonny & Cher -Summertime
The Chud - Under The Green Sun
Mercury Rev - Goddess On A Highway
Pearls Before Swine - I Saw The World
Last Shadow Puppets Feat Alison Mosshart- Paris Summer (live)
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Symphony Of The Nymph
The Lyres - I Want To Help You Ann
Yo La Tengo - Stocholm Syndrome
Belle & Sebastian - Get Me Away From Here I'm Dying
Love - Good Humor Man, He Sees Everything Like This
Poor Moon - Heaven's Door
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Only In My Dreams
The Things - Outside My Window
The Feelies - Nobody Knows
Cats on Fire - Letter from a Voyage to Sweden
The Stone Roses - Sugar Spun Sister (demo)
Syd Barrett - Here I Go (2010 Remix)
Scott McKenzie - Mo No No No No
Big In Japan - Nothing Special
Echo & The Bunnymen - Stars Are Stars 'Life At Brian's' Sessions)
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Babe, I Got You Bad
The Triffids - Raining Pleasure (live)
Inspiral Carpets - Born Yesterday
The Things - Take the Chance
στούντιο 46
45η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/09/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mkD9LRb6W
Vassilikos - Sealed with a kiss
Neil Sedaka - You Mean Everything To Me
Johnny Thunders - I Like To Play Games 1
Patti Smith - 1959
Thee More Swallows - Freshman Thesis
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - Driftwood
Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - I'm The Urban Spaceman
The Clash - Know Your Rights
Bow Wow Wow - Aphrodisiac
The Coasters - Down In Mexico
Δ. Πουλικάκος- Crazy Love
Jello Biafra With D.O.A - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
PIL - One Drop
Zombie Zombie - Driving This Road Until Death Sets You Free
The Nits - Bild Am Sonntag (As Usual)
John Cale & Danger Mouse - I Wanna Talk 2 U
Carter USM - The Impossible Dream
Victor Jara - Hush A Bye
Melanie - Some Say (I Got Devil)
The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines
The Horrors - Sheena Is A Parasite
Television - Little Johnny Jewel Part I
Television - Little Johnny Jewel Part II
Can - Millionenspiel
Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks
New Order - Love Vigilantes
The Galleons - Brighter Than The Sun
44η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/07/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/myHHHD4YD/1g
Electrelane - Those Pockets Are People
Electrelane - The Partisan
Earthbound - Riverside song
The Young Rascals - Just A Little
Godfrey - Let's Take A Trip
Dexys Midnight Runners - I Couldn't Help It If I Tried
Madness - Night Boat to Cairo
Cab Calloway and His Orchestra - Who's Yehoodi
Nina Simone - Sinnerman
Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad
Flock Of Seagulls - Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)
Wolf Parade - Modern World
Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger
Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
The Killers - Romeo And Juliet
Lou Reed - Make Up
Thin White Rope - Mr. Limpet
The Monkees - I'm Not Your Stepping Stone
Easybeats - Friday On My Mind
Raining Pleasure - Fake
Pulp - Underwear
Dexys Midnight Runners - The Teams That Meet In Caffs
Pillow - Pure Pure Pure !
Dodgy - If It's Good Enough For Me
The Dave Clark 5 - New Kind Of Love
The Swinging Blue Jeans - Ol' Man Mose
Ian Dury - Sweet Gene Vincent
Sex Pistols - No Feelings
David Bowie - Hang On To Yourself
New York Dolls - Looking For A Kiss
British Sea Power - Remember Me
Stereolab - Golden Ball
Closer - Universe
Violent Femmes - Do You Really Want To Heart Me
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies)
Confield - Big Big Bang
The Cure - Killing Another
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Not If You Were The Last Dandy On Earth
The Breeders - Cannonball
Johnny Cash - We'll Meet Again
Brian Hyland - Sealed With A Kiss
πάλι καλά και αυλαία
Stereolab - Baby Lulu
Cockney Rebel - Here comes the sun
Fun Lovin Criminals - The Summer Wind (With Ian McCulloch)
Joe Strummer - Long Shadow
Beck - Loser
Dire Straits - Where Do You Think You're Going
Porno For Pyros - Satellite Of Love
Van Morrison - The Way Young Lovers Do
Jefferson Airplane - It's No Secret
The Style Council - Walls Come Tumbling Down
Astrud Gilberto - Holiday
The Jam - The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow)
Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft [Vocal Version]
T.J. Stone - Deeper and Deeper
The Coral - Shadows Fall
Olympians - Ανάμνησις
Roy Orbison - Summer Song
The Who - Please, Please, Please
The Beau Brummels - They'll Make You Cry
Calexico - Minas De Cobre (For Better Metal)
Paula Fraser - Watercolor Lines
Daniel johnston - Honey I Sure Miss You
Pixies - The Happening
Wedding Present - Suck
The Feelies - Moscow Nights
Kenny Rogers & First Edition - Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)
Vera Hall - Trouble So Hard
T Rex - Mambo Sun
Morrissey - You Have Killed Me
Dave Berry - Baby It's You
The Deltas - Heart Attack
The Troggs - Lost Girl
Love - Forever Changes - 10 - Bummer in the Summer
The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog
Cat Power - Lord, Help The Poor & Needy
Serge Gainsbourg - Le claqueur de doigts
The Zombies - She's Not There
Γιάννης Σπανός - Μοναξιά (Instrumental)
The Byrds - We'll Meet Again
World Party - Is It Like TodayBrian Eno & John Cale - Spinning Αway
Chicks on Speed - Wordy Rappinghood
μία και σήμερα
42η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/07/2012: http://minus.com/m7g5CzV15/
Robert Wyatt - Old Europe
Tom Waits - Temptation
Sidney Bechet - Summertime
The Chordettes - Mr Sandmann
Momus - Complicated
Blood Sweat & Tears - Without Her
Tesfa Maryam Kidane - Heywete
Susheela Raman - Trust in me
Madness - I Chase the Devil aka Ironshirt
Os Mutantes - El Justiciero
Peggy Lee - Johnny Guitar
Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You In The End
Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get A Message To You
Blur - Under The Westway
Beulah - My Horoscope Said It Would Be A Bad Year
Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse - Little Girl (Feat. Julian Casablancas)
Cake - It's Coming Down
Hot Chocolate - Put Your Love In Me
Momus - Toothbrushhead
Iggy Pop - I Want To Go To The Beach
Massive Attack - Better Things
Paula Fraser - Everything I Own
The Rolling Stones - Salt Of The Earth
Primal Scream - Movin' On Up
Phil Lynott - Talk In '79
Elvis Costello - Watching the Detectives
Rico - Take Five
Dusty Springfield - Spooky
Pixies - Cecilia Ann
Jesus & Mary Chain - Surfin' USA (April outtake)
Last Drive - Heatwave '88
The Dream Syndicate - Loving The Sinner, Hating The Sin
Medium Medium - Serbian Village
The B-52's - Mesopotamia (1990 Remix)
Tom Tom Club - Under The Boardwalk
Talking Heads - Burning Down The House
The Chap - Carlos Walter Wendy Stanley
Tom Vek - If You Want
Beastie Boys - Sure Shot
θερινή νάρκη
41η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 06/07/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/mtwcdXQnw/1gΓιάννης Αγγελάκας - Είμα Τυχερός
The Hidden Cameras - Follow These Eyes
The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age Of The Understatement
Calexico - Waitomo
Belle & Sebastian - String Bean Jean
The Four Tops - What Is a Man
Zombies - Hung Up On A Dream
The Heart Throbs - Hooligan
Neu - Neuschnee
Stone Roses - I Am The Resurrection
Verve - Sonnet
The Velvet Underground - Stephanie Says
Thurston Moore - In Silver Rain With A Paper Key
Joe Pass - A Time For Us
White Stripes - Well It's True That We Love One Another
Nina Simone - Suzanne
The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night
Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
The Boo Radleys - Reaching out from here
The Tulips - Summer Song
The Doors - Whiskey Mystics And Men
Cats On Fire - It's Clear Your Former Lover
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Christine
Cult Of Youth - Cold Black Earth
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Depeche Mode - Blasphemous Rumours
Luna - Bonnie And Clyde (Slow)
The Turtles - It Was a Very Good Year
Ride - I Don't Know Where It Comes From
The Cure - M
Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
Vassilikos - You are my Destiny
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Summer Wine
The Nits - Nescio (live)
Marietta Fafouti - Don't Stop
Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile
η καλή μέρα δε φαίνεται πάντα από την αρχή
40η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 29/06/2012: http://lemonostiftis.minus.com/l1acWUpwWi1A5Tom Waits - Innocent When You Dream (78)
Marine Girls - Fridays
Sinead O' Connor - Someday My Prince Will Come
REM - All I Have To Do Is Dream
Hefner - To Hide a Little Thought
The Housemartins - Sitting On A Fence
Specials - Little Bitch
The Rolling Stones - Alladin Story
Violent Femmes - Ugly
Bees - I Love You
Maureen Tucker - Louie Louie
Gruppo Sportivo - I Shot My Manager
The Ronettes - You Came, You Saw, You Conquered
Barracudas - I Want My Woody Back
Link Wray - Batman Theme
Catalogue - Keep Cool Calme
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Frenzy
Eddie Cochran - C'mon Everybody
The Saints - River Deep Mountain High
The Dark Rags - Bad Juju
The Shadows - FBI
The Radiacs - Hellraiser
The Monochrome Set - Hip Kitten Spinning Chrome
Skitzo - Under Pressure
Sandy Nelson - North Wind
The Meteors - Johnny Remember Me
Diablos - The Wind
Ricky Nelson - Lonesome Town
The Clash - Remote Control
Elvis Presley - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
Morphine - Super Sex
David Bowie - Suffragette City
The Pharaohs - Blue Egypt
The Monochrome Set - They Call Me Silence
Green On Red - Aspirin
Last Drive - Valley Of Death
The Modern Lovers - Astral Plane
Jesus & Mary Chain - You Trip Me Up
Joy Division - Twenty Four Hours
39η εκπομπή: Δευτέρα 25/06/2012: http://minus.com/miMmBWrvC/Los miticos del Ritmo - Otro Muerde El Polvo
Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks
Nick Waterhouse & the Turn-Keys - Some Place
Sandy Nelson - Quite A Beat
Gruppo Sportivo - Girls Never Know
Rattles - You Can't Have Sunshine Everyday
Beck - Deadweight
Beach Boys - Little Bird
Beach House - Myth
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home
Nancy Sinatra - Sugar Me
The Gun Club - The Fire Of Love
16 Horsepower - Bad Moon Rising (B-Side)
Grateful Dead - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown
Stranglers - Waltzinblack (Acoustic In Brugge)
Παρθενογένεσις - House Of The Rising Sun
Jam - In The City
Squad - Red Alert
ULtravox! - Satday Night in the City of the Dead
Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World
Blondie - Look Good In Blue
Rolling Stones - Neighbours
Small Faces - Lazy Sunday
Pete Doherty - Palace Of Bone
Bowerbirds - Tuck the Darkness In
The Undertones - Forever Paradise
Wye Oak - Civilian
His Majesty the King of Spain - Do the Living For Me
Patti Smith - This Is The Girl
F.J. McMahon - Sister Brother
δευτέρα κάτι έχω
38η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 22/06/2012: http://minus.com/mxY9PdF3n/
Patrick Watson - Adventures in Your Own Backyard
Tarnation - Wait
The Chills - Don't Be - Memory
Radiohead - I Will
Love - Red Telephone
The Chap - Hands free
Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse feat Jason Lytle - Everytime I'm With You
The Coral - I Remember When
Kaleidoscope - Please
The Galleons - The Lions' Den (Clappy Song)
Belle & Sebastian - Another Sunny Day
The Zutons - Secrets
The Middle East - Jesus Came To My Birthday Party
The Smiths - This Charming Man
The Walker Brothers - The Sun Ain`t Gonna Shine Anymore
Porcupine Tree - Baby dream in cellophane
MGMT- Weekend Wars
The Seeds - Painted Doll
Television Personalities - The painted world
Big Brother & The Holding Company feat Janis Joplin - All Is Loneliness
The Dukes Of Stratosphear - collideascope
The Troggs - Love Is All Around
Isobell Campbell & Marc Lanegan - (Do You Wanna) Come Walk With Me
Julee cruise - Summer kisses winter tears
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - I Let Love In
The Nits - Bad Government And Its Effects On Town And Country
The Stone Roses - Made Of Stone
Black Mountain - Druganaut
The Strokes - Soma
Inspiral Carpets - Move
Oasis - Live Forever
σήμερα το πρωί & εχθές το βράδυ
37η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 15/06/2012: http://minus.com/mbpMMjrMZ6/
Adds (The Troggs)
Lovin Spoonfull - Summer In The City
The Youngbloods - Get Together
Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower
The Rolling Stones - Yesterday's Papers
Dr Timothy Leary - Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
Strawberry Alarm Clock - .Incense And Peppermints
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)
Hair - Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In)
David Bowie - Love You Till Tuesday
The Turtles - Happy Together
The Zombies - Time Of The Season
It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird
Lou Rawls - For What It 's Worth (Stop Hey What's That Sound)
Vanilla Fudge -You Keep Me Hangin' On (Single Version)
Tim Hardin - Hang On To A Dream
Adds (Moody Blues)
The Byrds - Renaissance Fair
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
Country Joe & The Fish - Section 43
Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)
Eric Burdon & The Animals - San Franciscan Nights
Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven
The Beatles - Lovely Rita
The Doors - People Are Strange
Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Autumn's Child
The Grass Roots - Let's Live For Today
Love - Old man
Calexico - Alone Again Or
Harper's Bizarre - The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)
Jefferson Handkerchief - I'm Allergic To Flowers
Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
Otis Redding - I've Been Loving You Too Long (Live)
Adds (The Seekers)
The Beach Boys- 1966 - Wouldn't It Be Nice
Mamas & The Papas - Twelve Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon)
Tim Buckley - Pleasant Street
The Who - I Can See For Miles
Velvet Underground - I'll Be Your Mirror
The Seeds - The Flower Lady And Her Assistant
Beau Brummels - Gentle Wanderin Ways
The Kinks - Village Green
Procol Harum - 1967 A Whiter Shade Of Pale
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts (Reprise)
στο καλοκαίρι της αγάπης
36η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 08/06/2012: http://minus.com/mIl51rqJn/
Bessie Smith - St. Louis Blues
Amanda Palmer - Walk on the Wild Side
J. Richman & Modern Lovers - I Was Dancing In A Lesbian Bar
Gavin Friday - Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves
Elton John - Border Song
Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah
Tom Robinson - Glad To Be Gay
Long John Baldry - Make it easy on yourself
Antony & The Johnsons - You are my sister
Κορε Υδρο - Χειραψία
Husker Du - New Day Rising
Indigo Girls - Go
David Bowie - It Ain't Easy
Judas Priest - Diamonds And Rust
Tiger Lillies - Terrible
Max Minty & his Gay Blades - A Naughty Cal-Tale
Chumbawamba - Homophobia
Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't 've)
The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make
John Grant - Marz
Polyphonic Spree - Wig in a Box
Morcheeba - Rome Wasn't Built In a Day
The B52's - Private Idaho
Dusty Springfield - I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten
Marc Almond - What Makes A Man A Man
Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy
Pete Shelley - Homosapien
The Hidden Cameras - Death Of A Tune
Kitchens Of Distinction - Prize
Suede - Animal Nitrate
σε β ενικό
35η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 01/06/2012: http://minus.com/mbojd55wxQ/Louis Tillett - Trip To Kalu Ki Bar
Martin Denny - Voodoo Dreams
The Cramps - Domino
Ride - Decay
Funkadelic - Maggot Brain
Gil Scott Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Buffalo Springfield - Mr. Soul
Dinosaur Jr - Feel the Pain
Grandaddy El Caminos In The West
Cast - Live The Dream
Amy McDonald - Let's Start a Band
Dave Berry - The Crying Game
The Nits - Distance
Joe Strummer - The Unknown Immortal
Iggy Pop - King Of The Dogs
The Walkabouts - Soul Thief
Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground
Jefferson Airplane - Rejoyce
Whipping Boy - We Don't Need Nobody Else
David Bowie - Ashes to ashes
Tim Booth & Angelo Badalamenti - Hit Parade
Hedwig and the Angry Inch -The Origin of Love (alt version)
The Blue Aeroplanes - Cat-scan hist'ry
The Fall - Recovery Kit 2
New Order - Murder
Motorama - Ghost
Sound - Winning
Portishead - Airbus Reconstruction
34η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 25/05/2012: http://minus.com/mAC9Tk12j/
Joy Division - Atmosphere
Marianne Faithfull - Crazy Love
Fugees - Mista Mista
Pixies - Ana
2L8 - Xxx
The Who - The Seeker
Steve Wynn - Amphetamine
Carole King - Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Crowded House - Fall At Your Feet
Bee Gees - Holiday
James - Laid (acoustic)
Bob Dylan - The Boxer
Marine Girls - Don't Come Back
Cats On Fire - My Sense of Pride
The Hollies - The Air That I Breathe
Friend & Lover- Reach Out Of The Darkness
Talking Heads - Sugar On My Tongue
Blondie - Look Good In Blue
Belle and Sebastian - Your Cover's Blown
The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know
The Galleons - The Islands of Japan
Modest Mouse - The Whale Song
The Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning
Air - Moon Fever
The Black Heart Procession - Liar's Ink
The Turtles - You Showed Me
Wolf Parade - Cloud Shadow on the Mountain
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
Shawn Phillips - Lookin' Up lookin' Down
Ben Folds & Nick Hornby - Your Dogs
Elvis Costello - Watching the Detectives
Chumbawamba - Enough Is Enough
αφού γυρίζει ακόμα
33η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 18/05/2012: http://minus.com/m2Ievb1TI/
Δάκης - Deep in the heart of Athens
Faith No More - I Started A Joke
Alexander - Let's Make A Deal To Not Make A Deal
Paul Simon - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Antony & The Johnsons - What Can I Do feat. Rufus Wainwright
Petula Clark - Downtown
The Steppes - Samhain
Magazine - Thin Air
The Foals - This Orient
Laurie Anderson - From the air
Stereo Nova - Προάστια
Azure Ray - Raining In Athens
Space - Neighbourhood
The Beat - Mirror In The Bathroom
Specials - Ghosttown
Λένα Πλάτωνος - Εμιγκρέδες της Ρουμανίας
Tuxedomoon - In a Manner of Speaking
The Nits - Nescio
Bronski Beat - No More War
The Magnetic Fields - I Don't Know What To Say
The Modern Lovers - Hospital
The Feelies - The Good Earth
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Where The Wild Roses Grow feat. Herr Bargeld
Echo & the Bunnymen - It's All Over Now Baby Blue
The Blue Aeroplanes - Jacket Hangs
CAN - Dizzy Dizzy
Pulp - Razzmatazz (Acoustic)
The Zounds - Little Bit More
The Boy - Είμαι Αυτός
Minimal Compact - Next One Is Real
Amanda Palmer - Creep (Hungover at Soundcheck in Berlin)
John Cale - Venus In Furs
raining in Athens
32η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/05/2012: http://minus.com/mbb0hTiEBv/
Beth Gibbons - Mysteries
Leonarrd Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat
Mark Hollis - The gift
Bernadette Seacrest And Her Yes Men - Money
Fun Boy Three - Our Lips Are Sealed
The Stranglers - Outside Tokyo
Brian Eno - Cloud 4
Cocorosie - Animals
Portishead - The Rip
BlueWorks - Stonewall
The Wake - Judas
Anne Clark - Our Darkness
Propaganda - P-Machinery
Ruts D.C. meets Mad Professor - Accusation
Blur - Fool's Day
David Bowie - Candidate
Devendra Banhart - 16th & Valencia Roxy Music
Mick Harvey - Requiem For A Cunt
Blondie - Once I Had A Love (aka The Disco Song)
The Cure - The Caterpillar
Shudder To Think - So Into You
Radiohead - There There
Baby Guru - Holy Grey
The Sound - New Dark Age
Simple Minds - Theme For Great Cities
The Wake - Testament
Sisters Of Mercy - 1969
Gang Of Four - Damaged Goods
The Last Drive - Mountains
νιου γουέηβ
31η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/05/2012:http://minus.com/mwoMYp104/
Νίκος Κυπουργός - Λαέ της Λιλιπούπολης
Randy Newman - Political Science
The Byrds - The Time They Are A Changin
Stereo Nova - Ηλίθια Αστεία
Asian Dub Foundation & Sinnead O'Connor- 1000 Mirrors
Arcadia - Election Day
Meanwhile Back In The Communist Russia - Delay Decay Attack
Devotchka - Comrade Z
The Waterboys - Politics
Andrew Bird - A Nervous Tic Motion Of The Head To The Left
Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds
Belle & Sebastian - Marx and Engels
The Beatles - Money (That's What I Want)
The Clash - The Leader
Black Flag - Rise Above
Travis - Hit Me Baby One More Time
Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle
The Dukes Of The Stratosphear - the mole from the ministry
Divine Company -The Complete Banker
Sparks – Propaganda
Μουσικές Ταξιαρχίες - Οι εκλογές
Chumbawamba - I'm With Stupid
Of Montreal - Forecast Fascist Future
The Jam - Funeral Pyre
Raiohead - Electioneering
Joy Division - Warsaw
Shriekback - The Big Hush
PIL - Socialist
Momus - The Last Communist
Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth
Sonic Youth - Youth Against Fascism
Γενιά Του Χάους - Μπασταρδοκρατία
χωρίς έξτρα κανονάκι
30η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/04/2012: http://minus.com/mIZwXzQOk/
Herman's Hermits - No Milk Today
Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World
Pattis Smith - Ghost Dance
Dino Valente - My Friend
Anita Lane - The World's A Girl
Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This...
The National - Anyone's Ghost
The Black Heart Procession - Broken World
The Rolling Stones - Play With Fire
Dr John - Revolution
Mulatu Astatke - Yegelle Tezeta
Silver Apples - Seagreen Serenades
The Chills - Effloresce & Deliquesce
The Triffids - Raining Pleasure
IllWind - Dark World
The Astronauts - Midsummer Lullaby
Gavin Friday - Next
Quickspace - The Lobbalong Song
Deus - Serpentine
Roxy Music - Strictly Confidential
And Also The Trees - Hunter Not The Hunted
It's Immaterial - Driving Away from Home
Beck - Orphans
Sharp Ties - Ties
Gruppo Sportivo - Beep Beep Love
The Chap - Even Your Friend
The Cure - A Forest (acoustic)
Television - Elevation
Parthenogenesis - I Will Not Apologise
Thurston Moore - Mina Loy
Pj Harvey - C'mon Billy
Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
29η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/04/2012: http://minus.com/m39XbVdV7/Jeff Buckley - Corpus Christi Carol
Calexico - The Guns Of Brixton
Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer
Monty Python - Brian Song
Tiger Lillies - Tears
Νικόλας Άσιμος - Δε πα' να μας χτυπάν
The Walkabouts - Long Time Here
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
Bruce Springsteen - Spirit In The Night
Serge Gainsbourg - Ballade de Melody Nelson (avec Jane Birkin)
Men At Work - Down Under
The Housemartins - The People Who Grinned Themselves To Death
Grateful Dead - Uncle John's Band
Massive Attack - Saturday Comes Slow feat. Damon Albarn
The Kinks - Lazy Old Sun
Cats On Fire - It's Clear Your Former Lover
Scott Walker - The Old Man's Back Again
Last Shadow Puppets - My Mistakes Were Made For You (Acoustic)
Nikki Sudden - Jangle Town
The Galleons - Happy As A Lamb
Syd Barrett - Dominoes (2010 Mix)
The Gentle Waves - Falling From Grace
Cats On Fire - Our Old Centre Back
Echo & The Bunnymen - All My Colours
Cult Of Youth - Lorelei
Of Montreal - Coquet Coquette
Talking Heads - I'm Not in Love
Buzzcocks - Noise Annoys
Hoodoo Gurus - Come Anytime
Suicide - Cheree
J.J. Burnel - Euroman
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene (Part VI)
Air - Sexy Boy
New Order - True Faith
Black Mountain - No Hits
τα παιδιά της επανάστασης
28η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 06/04/2012: http://minus.com/m5iNTt2ZN/
Talk Talk - April 5Th
Bauhaus - Slice of Life
Pink Floyd - Summer '68
Lady and Bird - Suicide Is Painless
OMD - Radio Prague
Βασσιλικός - It Was A Very Good Year
And Also The Trees - The man who ran away
Pegasvs - Hasta el Horizonte
Can - Vitamin C
Jesus & Mary Chain - Happy When It Rains (demo)
Nirvana - Lake Of Fire
Brian Eno - Dead Finks Don't Talk
The Smiths - Girlfriend In A Coma [Demo]
Buffalo Springfield - Everydays
Status Quo - Gerdundula
Violent Femmes - To The Kill
Mano Negra - Ronde De Nuit
The Cure (as the Cult Hero) - I Dig You
Einsturzend Neubauten - Bili Rubin
Edgar Broughton Band - House Of Turnabout
The Horrors - Three Decades
The Cramps - Twist and Shout
The B-52's - 52 Girls
Pixies - Bone Machine
Neil Young & Johnny Depp - Dead Man Theme
The Velvet Underground - I Found A Reason
Dead Kennedys - The Prey
Gnarls Barkley - Just a Thought
Pulp - Wishful Thinking
The Stooges - Ann
Sex Pistols - Seventeen
Tuxedomoon - Litebulb Overkill
Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
βρε, πως αλλάζουν οι καιροί
27η εκπομπή: Δευτέρα 02/04/2012: http://minus.com/mMFtGvwt3/
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - I Predict A Riot
The Iguanas - Slow Down
The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - Death Cab For Cutie
Death Cab For Cutie - Meet Me On The Equinox
The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored
The Blue Aeroplanes - The applicant
Bluetones - Bluetonic
Headless Chickens - Mr Moon
Nick Cave & Bad Seeds- The Mercy Seat
Slapp Happy - I Got Evil
The La's - Clean Prophet
Belle & Sebastian - Crash
Astronauts - Typically English Day
Felt - My Face Is On Fire
Depeche Mode - Shake The Disease (Acoustic)
The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - Big Shot
Pulp - Do You Remember The First Time
The Smiths - A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours
Reparata & The Delrons - Shoes
Whistling Jack Smith - I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman
Unit Four Plus Two - Concrete And Clay 1965
Klaatu - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
Αντί - Άνθρωποι Φυτά
Mo-Dettes - White Mice
Wire - Mr. Marx's Table
Cake - Commissioning a Symphony in C
Bran Van 3000 - Cum on feel the Noize
Durutti Column - Sketch For Summer
Joy Division - Day of the Lords
Loney Dear - Airport Sorroundings
shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Hey Ya
τραγούδια, μπύρες και πατατάκια
26η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/03/2012: http://minus.com/mT4PuJV2h/
Moondog - Lament 1 (Bird's Lament)
Nick Drake - Way to Blue
Diamanda Galas - Gloomy Sunday
The Nits - Bike in Head
Mood Six - Plastic Flowers
Television Personalities - She's My Yoko
The Beatles - I Me Mine
Gorky's Zygotic Mynci - Starmoonsun
Jefferson Airplane - Lather
Air - Seven Stars
Gavin Friday - Apologia
Matt Elliott - What's Wrong
Kate Bush - Babooshka
Alexander 'Skip' Spence - Cripple Creek
Terry Hall - Ballad Of A Landlord
2L8 - The Forgotten Dolls Choose To Die
Radiohead - Fake plastic trees
Neil Young - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Sebadoh - Spoiled
The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again
Paul Weller - Kling I Klang
Tricky feat PJ Harvey - Broken Homes
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - I Had a Dream, Joe
Echo && The Bunnymen - Nocturnal Me
Cult Of Youth - New West
Skitzo - Witching Hour
Calexico - Minas de Cobre (acoustic)
Cat Power - Metal Heart
Pavement - Spit On A Stranger
Gomez - Get Myself Arrested
Connie Francis - Come On Jerry
Skitzo - Skitzo Mania
La Muerte - Eperiment in Terror
μεγάλη κουβέντα
25η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 23/03/2012: http://minus.com/mdqtOXN3N/
Τρύπες - Για την πατρίδα
Thelonious Monk - Epistrophy
Sergio endrigo - Kaι Τωρα Ναι
Cat Stevens - Wild World
Violent Femmes - Agamemnon
Sophia Loren - Σ' αγαπώ (Τάκης Μωράκης)
Camper Van Beethoven - Payed Vacation Greece
The Waterboys - News For The Delphic Oracle
Brigitte Bardot - Les amis de la musique (Γιάννης Σπανός)
Tony Pinelli - Σε Θέλω
The Athenians - Bouzoukis
Kaleidoscope - Seven Ate Sweet
Dead Can Dance - Greek Rembetika (Πετρολούκας Χαλκιάς ???)
Lata Mangeshkar - Mukesh
Dizzy Gillespie - Never on Sunday (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
Harry Belafonte - In The Small Boat (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
Φλέρυ Νταντωνάκη - Manha De Carnaval
Maureen Tucker - Ellas
Rifat Oncel - Dosta Bizden Selam Olsun
Diamanda Galas - Kaigome Kaigome (Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος)
Plessas & the Orbiters - Kritikos (Μίμης Πλέσσας)
Ertha Kitt - Uskudara Giderken (A Turkish tale)
Edith Piaf - Le Amants De Teruel (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης)
Shawn Phillips - The Ballad of Sense and Illusions (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
The Lovelets - Yasou Mikonos
Yannis Markopoulos - Who Pays The Ferryman
Oi Polloi - They Shoot Children don't They
Chumbawamba - Oxymoron
Momus - Stephanie Pappas
Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Leaving
Ann Lonnberg - Is There Life On Earth (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
Fleet Foxes - Mykonos
Joan Baez - The Partisan
Georges Moustaki - Le Facteur (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
Dirty Three - I Remember A Time When Once You Used To Love Me (Γιάννης Σπανός)
The Last Drive - Misirlou (Νίκος Ρουμπάνης)
Τηε Vietnam Veterans - Μalakas Υeah Υeah
Athena - For Real
New York Rock 'n Roll Ensemble - Orpheeus
Daniela Davoli - I Ragazzi Giu Nel Campo (Μάνος Χατζιδάκις)
Vangelis - Blade Runner
για την πατρίδα ( η εκπομπή )
24η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/03/2012: http://minus.com/mXN4DRsQ7
Everly Brothers - (All I have to do is) Dreams
Ian Brown - In The Year 2525
Caterina Caselli - L'Uomo d'Oro
The Kinks - Dedicated Follower Of Fashion
Elvis Costello - No Action
Marianne Faithful - In My Time Of Sorrow
Del Shannon - Runaway
Jackie Wilson - Higher and Higher
Chet Baker - No Ties
Monochrome Set - The Ruling Class
David Bowie - Waiting For The Man
Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp
Prince Buster - Al Capone
The Specials - Rat Race
Nina Simone - See Line Woman
The Artwoods - Stop And Think It Over
Nancy Sinatra - Bang, Bang
Francesco Tamponi - Crisi dell'Industria
Morrissey - Suedehead
Fine Young Cannibals - I'm Not The Man I Used To Be
Bob Marley - Soul Rebel
Arthur Kay - Ska wars
Roy Budd - Get Carter Theme - Carter Takes A Train
Mamas & the Papas - Dancing In The Street
The Who - Get Out And Stay Out
Ricky Shayne - Uno dei Mods
Extract from the film Quadrophenia - We Are The Mods
The Who - Happy Jack
Slade - Coz I Love You
They Might Be Giants - Tubthumping
The Jam - Man in the Corner Shop
Bee Gees - Spicks & Specks
The Boomtown Rats - Don't Believe What You Read
Belly - Now'll They'll Sleep
The Small Faces - Sorry She's Mine
The Beatles - Taxman
Spencer Davis Group - I'm A Man
Lea Riders Group - Dom Kellar Os Mods
The Style Council - Shout To The Top!
The Chords - Tumbling Down
Blur - Parklife
Elastica - 2:1
The Zombies - Tell Her No
Holly Golightly - Tell Me Now So I Know
The Kinks- Rosemary Rose
Prefab Sprout - Faron Young
The Mo-dettes - Two Can Play
The Chiffons - He's So Fine
Madness - Michael Caine
The La's - There She Goes
Ocean Colour Scene - The Best Bet On Chinaski
Special AKA - Racist Friend
κι αν είμαι mod
23η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/03/2012: http://minus.com/mFuMzLaAE#1 Cockney Rebel - Hideaway
Esmerine - Fish On Land
Leonard Cohen - Anyhow
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Triste
Doris Day - Blame My Absent Minded Heart
Marc Almond - Mother Fist
Serge Gainsbourg - Le poinçonneur des Lilas
Katzenjammer - To The Seas
Fun Boy Three - The Tunel of Love
Lush & Jarvis Cocker - Ciao!
The Galleons - Oh Bury Me
The Isley Brothers - Shout
The Jam - That's Entertainment
The Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron
Roberta Flack - Angelitos Negros
Xiu Xiu - Chimney's Afire (Mickensian Suicide)
The Silver Apples - Program
Sonic Youth - Shadow of a Doubt
The Gun Club - Sex Beat
Dave Clark Five - Having A Wild Weekend
Frank Zappa - Any Way the Wind Blows
The Undetones - Teenage Kicks
Inspiral Carpets - Theme from Cow
The Rolling Stones - Heaven
Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Mondo Bongo
Modest Mouse - Float On
Medium Medium - So Hungry So Angry
Talking Heads - The Lady Don't Mind
Chumbawamba - Passenger List For A Doomed Flight
The Boo Radleys - Find The Answer Within
Wooden Shjips - Contact
freaky friday morning (με happy end)
22η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/03/2012: http://minus.com/mWaNzr83m
Moondog - Fog On The Hudson (425 W 57th Street)
Tarnation - Is She Lonesome Now
Johnny Cash - Redemption
Violent Femmes - Please Do Not Go
The Monkees - Can You Dig It
Love - House is not a motel
Tim Buckley - No Man Can Find The War
Vietnam Chain - Before I go
Portishead - Roads
Angus McLise - Organ & Drum
Wanda Jackson - Funnel Of Love
Red Krayola - Sherlock Holmes
The Fugs - Morning Morning
The Velvet Underground - Jesus (Closet Mix)
Disappointed A Few People - Idols Of Faith
Mecano - In Still Life
The Dream Syndicate - That`s What You Always Say
Raining Pleasure - Billy's Hard Laid
Electrelane - After The Call
Devotchka - Undone
Lucio Dalla - L.S.D.
Eric Burdon & War - Paint It Black
Beck - Leave Me On The Moon
Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
Rufus Wainright - The One You Love
The Sunnyboys - My only friend
The Fiery Furnaces - Police Sweater Blood Vow
The Strokes - Gratisfaction
Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McGee
White Stripes - Hotel Yorba
REM - Leave
mind the click
21η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 24/02/2012: http://minus.com/mbpjZOUIi2#1
Ennio Morricone - Pazzia Da Lavoro ost: Working Class Goes To Heaven)
Scott Walker - If You Go Away
Badly Drawn Boy - Stone on the Water
Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Our house
Street Boys - Some Folks
Tom Waits - Cold Cold Ground
Simon & Garfunkel - We've Got A Groovy Thing Goin'
Bombay Bicycle Club - How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
Simon & Garfunkel - We've Got A Groovy Thing Goin'
Hooverphonic - Gentle Storm
David Bowie - Rock'n Roll Suicide
Queen - Killer Queen
Crowded House - Four Seasons In One Day
Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
Patti Smith - When Doves cry
Σταύρος Λογαρίδης - Σνιφ Σνιφ
Jane's Addiction - Jane Says
Rod Stewart - Maggie May
Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express (Single version)
Neu - Hero
Black Mountain - Wild Wind
Amon Duul II - Jalousie
Galaxie 500 - Instrumental
XTC - Making Plans For Nigel
The Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl
The Ju Jus - You Treat Me Bad
Patrik Fitzgerald - Safety Pin Stuck in My Heart
The High Numbers (The Who) - Zoot Suit
The Dukes Of Stratosphear - You're a good man Albert Brown (curse you red barrel)
The Beatles - When I'm Sixty-Four
The Galleons - What Is Fear
Adriano Celentano - Nessuno Mi Puo Giudicare
The Pastels - I'm Alright with You
Van Morrison - Wild Night
Wilco - Dawned On Me
Kορε Υδρο - Οι εραστές του Τίποτα
Dangermouse - Little Girl (Feat. Julian Casablancas)
Baxter Dury - Isabel
The Flying Lizards - Money
William Shatner - Common People
Sleeper - Package Holiday
Belle & Sebastian - A Century of Fakers
Chet Baker - The Thrill is gone
PAul Sonnenberg - Manha de Carnaval
Hedwig and the Angry Inch -Wig in a Box
Of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
20η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 17/02/2012: http://minus.com/mzhbUjYaE#1
Catalogue - Donnant D'Onan
Bjork - Its Oh So Quiet
Pere ubu - over my head
Lydia Lunch - Lady Scarface
Radiohead - Life in a glasshouse
Beirut - The Gulag Orkestar
Αρλέτα - Η ομίχλη μπαίνει από παντού στο σπίτι
Bob Lind - Fennario
Jane Βirkin - Sans Toi
T. Rex - The Wizard
Matt Elliott - The Pain That's Yet To Come
Madrugada - Stories From The Streets
Mgmt- All We Ever Wanted
Ride - Paralysed
The Heart Throbs - Laughing & Falling
Maureen Tucker - Louie Louie
Hefner - The Greedy Ugly People
REM - I Will Survive
Scissor Sisters - Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand Cover)
Nico - Janitor Of Lunacy
The Cure - Grinding Halt
Tuxedomoon - No Tears
Stress - Athens burning
Body Count - Cop Killer
Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush - Don't Give Up
Chumbawamba - Bankrobber
James - Sometimes
The Farm - All Together Now
19η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 10/02/2012: http://minus.com/mJDnGBL99#1
Rufus Wainwright - This Love Affair
Don McLean - American Pie
Marino Marini - Guaglione
Carole King - It Might As Well Rain Until September
Lovin' Spoonful - Daydream
God Help The Girl - The Psychiatrist Is In
Bob Lind - Elusive Butterfly
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Paris Summer
Caterina Caselli - Il volto della vita
Barry Ryan - Eloise
Olympians - Hopeless Endless Way
The Rain Parade - I Look Around
The Dubrovniks - Dubrovnik Girls
The Who - The Kids Are Alright
Buddy Holly - Midnight Shift
The Last Drive - Poison
The Beatles - Helter Skelter
The Beach Boys - Here Today
Mamas & The Papas - Creeque Alley
Zal Yanovski - Nirvana Banana
Paul Giovanni - Maypole Song
Yo La Tengo - When It's Dark
Drunk - Dorothea
Sandy Nelson - And Then There Were Drums
The Fuzztones - 7 And 7 Is
Donovan - Young Girl Blues
Throwing Muses - Buzz
Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver
Chumbawamba - Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants To Hear
Echo & The Bunnymen - Crocodiles
Julee Cruise - Summer Kisses Winter Tears
The Raveonettes - Oh, I Buried You Today
The Chap - Rhythm King
Mattmos - Solo Buttons for Joe Meek
Crime & the City Solution - The Adversary
New Order - Ceremony
Of Montreal - Cato as a Pun
Bobby Womack - Across 110th Street
Jimmy Castor Bunch - Bertha Butt Boogie
The Housemartins - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Phil Ochs - I've Had Her
The Breeders - Wicked Little Town
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Human League - The Things That Dreams Are Made Of
Amanda Palmer - Oasis
ABBA - Dame, Dame, Dame
Parvati Khan -Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Aaja
Massive Attack - Karmacoma (Napoli Trip)
Beak - Iron Acton
Dead Kennedys - California Uber Alles
18η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 03/02/2012: http://minus.com/mnw1mWoC4
Django Reinhardt - Minor Swing
Leonard Cohen - Teachers
This Mortal Coil - 'You And Your Sister'
Nina Simone - Plain Gold Ring
Nick Cave & The Bad seeds - Ain't Gonna Rain Anymore
Marc Almond - There Is A Bed
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Kate Bush - The Man With The Child In His Eyes
Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You
Talk Talk - Ascension Day
Depeche Mode - Ice Machine
Sukia - Dream Machine
Prince Buster - One Step Beyond
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno
The Smiths - Frankly, Mr. Shankly [Demo]
The Kinks - David Watts
The Jam - Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
Talking Heads - Road To Nowhere
Liquid Liquid - Cavern
Massive Attack - Rush Minute
OMD - The New Stone Age
The Cure - 10.15 Suturday night
The Chap - We are nobody
Tears for Fears - Mad World
The Times - Manchester
Furniture - Brilliant Mind
The Chap - Remember Elvis Rex
17η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/01/2012: http://minus.com/mbhKEpnlcB#1
OST - Thiassos Scobie's Dick [Το πουλί του Σκόμπι (προσαρμογή Λ. Κηλαϊδόνης)
Ελένη Καραίνδρου - The Journey 7
Fleet Foxes - The Cascades
Jane Birkin & Beth Gibbons - Strange Melody
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
Feist - Mushaboom
Sinead O'Connor & Terry Hall - All Kinds Of Everything
Timi Yuro - Wrong
Stray Cats - StrayCatStrut
Smokey Robinson - Ooo Baby Baby
The Favourite Sons - That Driving Beat
The Shaggs - My Pal Foot Foot
Stranglers - Peaches
Badfinger - Come And Get It
Hefner - The Day That Thatcher Dies
Morrissey - That's Entertainment
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
Amon Duul II - Fly United
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sparks - England
The Moody Blues - Twilight Time
Kula Shaker - Tattva
Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat
CAN - One More Night
P.J. Harvey - The Glorious Land
The Pogues - Dirty Old Town
House Of Love - Audience With The Mind
The Charlatans - My Beautiful Friend
Dead Man's Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep
Simon & Garfunkel - You Don't Know Where Your Interes
The Nits - Robinson
Belle & Sebastian - Le Pastie De La Bourgeoisie
John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band - Sunday Bloody Sunday
16η εκπομπή: Δευτέρα 23/01/2012 http://minus.com/mJ82EH9eH#1
The Feelies - When Company Comes
The Marine Girls - A Place In The Sun
The Pastels - Crawl Babies
Phase 4 - Think U'll Sit Down & Cry
Johnny Kid & the Pirates - Shakin' All Over
Donovan - Superlungs (Mono First Version)
Detroit Cobras - Midnight Blues
Thin White Rope - Elsie Crashed the Party
The Vietnam Veterans - Curanderos
The Ramones - She Talks To Rainbows
The Vaccines - Post Break Up Sex
The Ronettes - Be My Baby
The Ventures - Runaway
Monochrome Set - The Mating Game
Eartha Kitt - The Heel
Evelyn Evelyn - Chicken Man
Residents - Demons Dance Alone
Elvis Presley - Crawfish
The Gun Club - Like calling up thunder
The Creation - Biff, Bang, Pow
The Saints - (I'm) Stranded
The Astronauts - Still Talking
Man Man - Dark Arts
Savage Republic - Machinery
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Mirage
Gun Club - Watermelon Man
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Frenzy
The Birthday Party - Nick The Stripper
Metro Decay - 'Εβενος
Stellastarr In The Walls
Motorama - Lantern
David Bowie - Heroes Helden
Brain Eno - On Some Faraway Beach
15η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/01/2012: http://minus.com/mbanBRRump#1
Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz
The Pretenders - I Go To Sleep
Housemartins - Build
Neil Young - After The Gold Rush
Ocean Colour Scene - Better Day
The Kinks - Days
The Coral - Pass it On
Dolly Parton - Jolene
Pink Floyd - Green Is The Colour
Dead Can Dance - Severance
Country Joe & The Fish - Bass Strings
Suede - The Power
Mercury Rev - The Dark Is Rising
The Last Shadow Puppets - Meeting Place
P.P. Arnold - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Inspiral Carpets - Beast Inside
Giorgio Moroder - Tears
Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia
Momus - A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Pts 17-24)
Essential Logic - Aerosol Burns
London - Friday On My Mind
Squires - Going All the Way
The Steppes - Cornucopia
Black Mountain - Queens Will Play
Love - Everybody's Gotta Live
Libido Blume - No Flowers for Florita
Xmal Deutschland-Matador
Tom Vek - Someone Loves You
The Teardrop Explodes - Treason
Quickspace - They Shoot Horses Don't They
14η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/01/2012: http://d01.megashares.com/index.php?d01=694605f
9η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 25/11/2011: http://minus.com/moZEu3yzY
MASH Theme - Suicide Is Painless
Chet Baker - My funny Valentine
Jimmy Scott - Nothing compares 2U
Fabrizio De Andre - La Guerra di Pierro
Frightened Rabbit - The Work
Lucky Jim - You Stole My Heart Away
Thin White Rope - Timing
The Steppes - We Make Dreams Come True
The Band Of Holy Joy - Who Snatched the Baby
Decemberists - Rox In The Box
The Waterboys - The pan within
Magic Numbers - Long legs
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - This Is Why You Love Me
The Triffids - The 107
Nick Drake - Pink moon
Cody ChesnuTT - 5 On a Joyride
Marvin Gaye - I heard it through the Grapevine
Radio Birdman - I-94
Trashmen - King of the Surf
Ramones-When i was young
Evan Johns & the H Bombs - Moonlight Cryin'
Green On red - Busted
Neil Young - Love and War
Love - Maybe the people would be the times (or between Clark and Hilldale)
Dinosaur Jr - Feel the Pain
Tarnation - The hand
Firewarter - Another Perfect Catastrophe
Merry Clayton - Gimme Shelter
Fun Lovin Criminals - I ll Be Seeing You
Lou Reed - You Wear It So Well
μετά από μένα κανείς
8η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 18/11/2011: http://minus.com/mywQu6vjx
Anita Lane - Bella Ciao
Αρλέτα - Ο Θρήνος Της Μάνας
Belle & Sebastian - I Fought in a War
The Zombies - Care Of Cell 44
Baader Meinhof - Baader Meinhof
Ennio Morricone feat. Joan Baez - Here's To You
The Turtles - Eve Of Destruction
16 Horsepower feat Noir Desir - The Partisan
The Clash - English Civil War
The Isley Brothers - Ohio/Machine Gun
The Rolling Stones - On With The Show
Monochrome Set - The Jet Set Junta
Specials - Maggie's Farm
Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor
The Housemartins - People Get Ready
Lee Dorsey Working In The Coalmine
The Savages - The World Aint Round Its Square
Patti Smith - Till Victory
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
Thunderclap Newman - Something In The Air
Chumbawamba - Bella Ciao
Nino Rota feat Anna Melato - Canzone Arrabbiata
Grace Slick - Theme from Manhole
Socrates Drank The Conium - Underground
Wipers - Doom town
Aδιέξοδο - 38 Χιλιοστά
επεισόδιο διαμαρτυρίας
7η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/11/2011: http://minus.com/mS1IjDyDg
The Vines - Im Only Sleeping
The Beta Band - Troubles
Gonjasufi - Ageing
Zombies - A Rose For Emily
Rufus Wainwright - Going to a Town
Pulp - Ansaphone
Sweet - Ballroom Blitz
Air - Dead Bodies
Raining Pleasure - The World
Morrissey - Interlude (Solo Version)
T Rex - Cosmic Dancer
Miles Kane - Kingcrawler
The Modern Lovers - Government Center
Smog - Cold Blooded Old Times
Brian Eno - St. Elmo's Fire
Gordon Gano - Don't Pretend
Mott the hoople - All the young dudes
Menswear - Daydreamer
Paul McCartney - Momma Miss America
Menswear - Daydreamer
Captain Beefheart - Electricity
Long John Baldry - The drifter
Antony and the Johnsons - Cripple and the Starfish
Terry Jacks - Seasons in the Sun
Grandaddy - I'm On Standby
Supergrass-beautiful people
Sparks -This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us (feat. Faith No More)
Suede - So Young
Hedwig & The Angry Inch - Origin Of Love
Venus In Furs - Baby's on Fire
The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Carpenters - Superstar
it was 93 years ago today
6η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/11/2011: http://minus.com/mPQoJzkV2
Tom Waits - Jockey Full of Bourbon
Fabrizio De Andre'- Disamistade
Electric Prunes - Sold to The Highest Bidder
Bob Dylan - Ballad Of A Thin Man
Devendra Banhart - Sister
The Byrds - Everybody's Been Burned
The Chant - Change
The Stone Roses - Bye Bye Bad Man
Scissor Sisters - Almost Sorry
The Chud - November Rain
PJ Harvey - Bitter Branches
The Dovers - She's Not Just Anybody
The Ronettes - I Can Hear Music
The Strokes - Alone, Together
The Creation - Painter Man
Echo & The Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar
The Savages - Quiet Town
Ride - Vapour Trail
New Order - Age of Consent
Harmonia - Dino
Marianne Faithfull - Working Class Hero
Nirvana - Come As You Are (The Devonshire Mixes)
Killing Joke - Eighties
Wire - Mannequin
The Feelies - On The Roof
Pere Ubu - Waiting for mary
OMD - Electricity
John Barry - Hit & Miss
Faust - The Sad Skinhead
Buzzcocks - Breakdown
Velvet Underground - The Murder Mystery
η έκτη φορά και το 66 (wtf?)
5η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/10/2011: http://minus.com/mHwFykGZY
Chordettes - Never on Sunday (Hadjidakis)
The Kinks - End of the season
Rufus Wainwright - Greek song
Joni Mitchell - Carey
Brenda Lee - All alone am I (Hadjidakis)
Pulp - Common people
Walkabouts - The train leaves at eight (Theodorakis)
Devil's Anvil - Kley (Theodorakis)
Shirley Bassey - Life goes on (Theodorakis)
Demis Roussos - She came up from the north (Hadjidakis)
Kaleidoscope (US) - Rampe Rampe
Devil's Anvil - Tria paidia (Greek trad.)
Harry Belafonte - The wide sea (Hadjidakis)
New York Rock & Roll Ensemble - Dedication (Hadjidakis)
Jefferson Airplane - Never argue With a german if you're tired Of European song
Hefner - I stole a bride
The Fall - Happy holiday
They Might Be Giants - Greek #3
The Nits -Long forgotten story
Georges Romanos - Sur ma moto
The Foals - Olympic Airways
Blur- Girls and boys
World Party - Is it like today
Savage Republic - O Andonis (Theodorakis)
The Fall - Sparta FC
Joe 'Fingers' Carr - Istanbul, Not Constantinople
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul, Not Constantinople
Andre Kostelanetz - Klefticos (N. Scalcotas)
Aphrodite's Child - Let me love, let me live
Dalida - Hassapico nostalgique (Hadjidakis)
Alfredo - Mi vieja barca (G. Argyris)
Beatles - The honeymoon song (Theodorakis)
Olympians & Nikos Papazoglou - Paperback writer
Devil's Anvil - Misirlou (M. Patrinos (?))
The Sounds - O Menousis (Greek trad.)
never on Friday
4η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/10/2011: http://minus.com/mTFdrYrZO/
Mike Condello - Soggy Cereal
Bob Dylan - 4th Time Around
Jesus & Mary Chain & Hope Sandoval - Sometimes Always
Natalie Merchant - Which Side Are You On?
Amanda Palmer - No Surprises
Blood Sweat & Tears - Just One Smile
Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger
Jefferson Airplane - Embryonic Journey
David Bowie - Space Oddity (early take)
Daniel Johnston - Casper the Friendly Ghost
Donovan - Jennifer Juniper
Arcade Fire - Culture War
The Aluminum Group - Impress Me
The Chap - Campain trail
Beck - Modern Guilt
Jane Birkin - Je M'Appelle Jane (feat Mickey 3D)
H.P. Lovecraft - Wayfaring Stranger
La's - Clean Prophet
The Chills - Heavenly Pop Hit
Magazine - Thge Honeymoon Killers
Devo - Mongoloid
The Cure - Plastic passion
Pixies - Motorway To Roswell
John Lennon - Give Me Some Truth
The Things - Who'll Jump The Gun
Dark Rags - Drunken Angel
Smashing Pumpkins - A Stitch in Time
MGMT - Song For Dan Treacy
Television Personalities - Come Back To Bed
Gonjasufi - She Gone
Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover
Polyphonic Spree - Wig in a Box
με σταθερό βηματισμό
20η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 17/02/2012: http://minus.com/mzhbUjYaE#1
Catalogue - Donnant D'Onan
Bjork - Its Oh So Quiet
Pere ubu - over my head
Lydia Lunch - Lady Scarface
Radiohead - Life in a glasshouse
Beirut - The Gulag Orkestar
Αρλέτα - Η ομίχλη μπαίνει από παντού στο σπίτι
Bob Lind - Fennario
Jane Βirkin - Sans Toi
T. Rex - The Wizard
Matt Elliott - The Pain That's Yet To Come
Madrugada - Stories From The Streets
Mgmt- All We Ever Wanted
Ride - Paralysed
The Heart Throbs - Laughing & Falling
Maureen Tucker - Louie Louie
Hefner - The Greedy Ugly People
REM - I Will Survive
Scissor Sisters - Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand Cover)
Nico - Janitor Of Lunacy
The Cure - Grinding Halt
Tuxedomoon - No Tears
Stress - Athens burning
Body Count - Cop Killer
Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush - Don't Give Up
Chumbawamba - Bankrobber
James - Sometimes
The Farm - All Together Now
19η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 10/02/2012: http://minus.com/mJDnGBL99#1
Rufus Wainwright - This Love Affair
Don McLean - American Pie
Marino Marini - Guaglione
Carole King - It Might As Well Rain Until September
Lovin' Spoonful - Daydream
God Help The Girl - The Psychiatrist Is In
Bob Lind - Elusive Butterfly
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Paris Summer
Caterina Caselli - Il volto della vita
Barry Ryan - Eloise
Olympians - Hopeless Endless Way
The Rain Parade - I Look Around
The Dubrovniks - Dubrovnik Girls
The Who - The Kids Are Alright
Buddy Holly - Midnight Shift
The Last Drive - Poison
The Beatles - Helter Skelter
The Beach Boys - Here Today
Mamas & The Papas - Creeque Alley
Zal Yanovski - Nirvana Banana
Paul Giovanni - Maypole Song
Yo La Tengo - When It's Dark
Drunk - Dorothea
Sandy Nelson - And Then There Were Drums
The Fuzztones - 7 And 7 Is
Donovan - Young Girl Blues
Throwing Muses - Buzz
Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver
Chumbawamba - Always Tell The Voter What The Voter Wants To Hear
Echo & The Bunnymen - Crocodiles
Julee Cruise - Summer Kisses Winter Tears
The Raveonettes - Oh, I Buried You Today
The Chap - Rhythm King
Mattmos - Solo Buttons for Joe Meek
Crime & the City Solution - The Adversary
New Order - Ceremony
Of Montreal - Cato as a Pun
Bobby Womack - Across 110th Street
Jimmy Castor Bunch - Bertha Butt Boogie
The Housemartins - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Phil Ochs - I've Had Her
The Breeders - Wicked Little Town
Yazoo - Nobody's Diary
Human League - The Things That Dreams Are Made Of
Amanda Palmer - Oasis
ABBA - Dame, Dame, Dame
Parvati Khan -Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Aaja
Massive Attack - Karmacoma (Napoli Trip)
Beak - Iron Acton
Dead Kennedys - California Uber Alles
18η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 03/02/2012: http://minus.com/mnw1mWoC4
Django Reinhardt - Minor Swing
Leonard Cohen - Teachers
This Mortal Coil - 'You And Your Sister'
Nina Simone - Plain Gold Ring
Nick Cave & The Bad seeds - Ain't Gonna Rain Anymore
Marc Almond - There Is A Bed
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Kate Bush - The Man With The Child In His Eyes
Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You
Talk Talk - Ascension Day
Depeche Mode - Ice Machine
Sukia - Dream Machine
Prince Buster - One Step Beyond
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno
The Smiths - Frankly, Mr. Shankly [Demo]
The Kinks - David Watts
The Jam - Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
Talking Heads - Road To Nowhere
Liquid Liquid - Cavern
Massive Attack - Rush Minute
OMD - The New Stone Age
The Cure - 10.15 Suturday night
The Chap - We are nobody
Tears for Fears - Mad World
The Times - Manchester
Furniture - Brilliant Mind
The Chap - Remember Elvis Rex
17η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 27/01/2012: http://minus.com/mbhKEpnlcB#1
OST - Thiassos Scobie's Dick [Το πουλί του Σκόμπι (προσαρμογή Λ. Κηλαϊδόνης)
Ελένη Καραίνδρου - The Journey 7
Fleet Foxes - The Cascades
Jane Birkin & Beth Gibbons - Strange Melody
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
Feist - Mushaboom
Sinead O'Connor & Terry Hall - All Kinds Of Everything
Timi Yuro - Wrong
Stray Cats - StrayCatStrut
Smokey Robinson - Ooo Baby Baby
The Favourite Sons - That Driving Beat
The Shaggs - My Pal Foot Foot
Stranglers - Peaches
Badfinger - Come And Get It
Hefner - The Day That Thatcher Dies
Morrissey - That's Entertainment
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
Amon Duul II - Fly United
U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sparks - England
The Moody Blues - Twilight Time
Kula Shaker - Tattva
Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat
CAN - One More Night
P.J. Harvey - The Glorious Land
The Pogues - Dirty Old Town
House Of Love - Audience With The Mind
The Charlatans - My Beautiful Friend
Dead Man's Bones - In The Room Where You Sleep
Simon & Garfunkel - You Don't Know Where Your Interes
The Nits - Robinson
Belle & Sebastian - Le Pastie De La Bourgeoisie
John Lennon & Plastic Ono Band - Sunday Bloody Sunday
16η εκπομπή: Δευτέρα 23/01/2012 http://minus.com/mJ82EH9eH#1
The Feelies - When Company Comes
The Marine Girls - A Place In The Sun
The Pastels - Crawl Babies
Phase 4 - Think U'll Sit Down & Cry
Johnny Kid & the Pirates - Shakin' All Over
Donovan - Superlungs (Mono First Version)
Detroit Cobras - Midnight Blues
Thin White Rope - Elsie Crashed the Party
The Vietnam Veterans - Curanderos
The Ramones - She Talks To Rainbows
The Vaccines - Post Break Up Sex
The Ronettes - Be My Baby
The Ventures - Runaway
Monochrome Set - The Mating Game
Eartha Kitt - The Heel
Evelyn Evelyn - Chicken Man
Residents - Demons Dance Alone
Elvis Presley - Crawfish
The Gun Club - Like calling up thunder
The Creation - Biff, Bang, Pow
The Saints - (I'm) Stranded
The Astronauts - Still Talking
Man Man - Dark Arts
Savage Republic - Machinery
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Mirage
Gun Club - Watermelon Man
Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Frenzy
The Birthday Party - Nick The Stripper
Metro Decay - 'Εβενος
Stellastarr In The Walls
Motorama - Lantern
David Bowie - Heroes Helden
Brain Eno - On Some Faraway Beach
15η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 20/01/2012: http://minus.com/mbanBRRump#1
Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz
The Pretenders - I Go To Sleep
Housemartins - Build
Neil Young - After The Gold Rush
Ocean Colour Scene - Better Day
The Kinks - Days
The Coral - Pass it On
Dolly Parton - Jolene
Pink Floyd - Green Is The Colour
Dead Can Dance - Severance
Country Joe & The Fish - Bass Strings
Suede - The Power
Mercury Rev - The Dark Is Rising
The Last Shadow Puppets - Meeting Place
P.P. Arnold - The First Cut Is The Deepest
Inspiral Carpets - Beast Inside
Giorgio Moroder - Tears
Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia
Momus - A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Pts 17-24)
Essential Logic - Aerosol Burns
London - Friday On My Mind
Squires - Going All the Way
The Steppes - Cornucopia
Black Mountain - Queens Will Play
Love - Everybody's Gotta Live
Libido Blume - No Flowers for Florita
Xmal Deutschland-Matador
Tom Vek - Someone Loves You
The Teardrop Explodes - Treason
Quickspace - They Shoot Horses Don't They
14η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 13/01/2012: http://d01.megashares.com/index.php?d01=694605f
Friday the 13th Original Theme
Camera Obscura - Happy New Year
Duke Mitchell The Lion
Nick Cave - Ramblin' Mind
Louis Tillett - The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Bob Dylan - As I Went Out One Morning
The Cramps - Human fly
New York Dolls - Kids Like You
Madness - Clerkenwell Polka
Raining Pleasure - Love (demo)
John Leyton - Johnny Remember Me
Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her
REM - UBerlin
Danger Mouse & Norah Jones - Black
Nneka - Your Request
Curtis Mayfield - We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
The Killers - Tranquilize (feat Lou Reed)
Wolf Parade - You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son
Silver Apples - Lovefingers
The Beatles - Because
The Velvet Underground - Satellite Of Love
Tuxedomoon - Jinx
Patti Smith - Boy Cried Wolf
The Fall - Smile
Great Society - Darkly Smiling
Television Personalities - Silly Girl
Dave Clark Five - On The Move
Danger Mouse - Theme Of ''Rome''
Maryln Michaels - Tell Tommy I Miss Him
Pixies - La La Love You
Gallon Drunk - My Spent Love
Pulp - Wickerman
13η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/12/2011: http://minus.com/mbbcSHTs2q#1
Klaus Nomi - Silent Night
Peter Paul & Mary - Well Well Well
Belle & Sebastian - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Caetano Veloso - In the Hot Sun of a Christmas Day
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Opium Tea
Frightened Rabbit - Cheap Gold
Mychael Danna & Devotchka - La Llorona
The Tiger Lillies - Drunken sailor
Tom Robinson - Truce
Saturnine - Hollidaysburg
The Decemberists - January Hymn
Rita Pavone - Zucchero
The Clash - The Card Cheat
The Divine Comedy - Radioactivity
U2 - Like A Song
The Damned - There Ain't No Sanity Clause
R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe
The Specials - (Dawing of a) New Era
The Raveonettes - Dead Sound
The Cramps - Blue Moon Baby
Ben E. King - I Who Have Nothing
Captain Beefheart - There Ain't No Santa Claus on the
Stereolab - Daisy Click Clack
Hollie Cook - Walking in the sand
Senor Coconut- Showroom Dummies
Moondog - All Is Loneliness
The Breeders - New Year
Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the name
Amanda Palmer - Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
David Byrne & Balanescu Quartet - The Model
Wilco - Art Of Almost
12η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/12/2011: http://minus.com/mfWNpgU8K#1
11η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/12/2011: http://minus.com/mUO7ijxFd#1
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Friday's Child
John Lennon - Oh My Love
The Kills - Wild Charms
Nalyssa Green - Indagattah
The Astronauts - Protest Song
Dusty Springfield - You Don't Own Me
Johnny Cash - Give My Love To Rose
Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone
Tuatara - Saturday Night Church
Λευκή Συμφωνία - Η Βροχη Πέφτει Δυνατά
The Psychedelic Furs - Sister Europe
Bauhaus - Crowds
P.J. Harvey - Let England Shake
Beau Brummels - Wolf of Velvet Fortune
Black Mountain - No Satisfaction
Fischer Z - Pretty Paracetamol
Brian Eno - Cindy Tells Me
Adam and The Ants - Deutscher Girls
Franz Ferdinand - Eleanor Put Your Boots On
Stevie Jackson - Richie Now
Marietta Fafouti - Ouverture
Death Cab for Cutie - Portable Television
The Velvet Underground - Temptation Inside Your Heart
The Astronauts - Everything Stops For Baby
Baby Guru - Holy Grey
Beak - Blagdon Lake
Radiohead - Separator
The Girobabies - Overheard in the Westend
Wooden Shjips - For So Long
Gene Pitney - 24 Hours From Tulsa
10η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/12/2011: http://minus.com/mbfExfWP3T#1
Current 93 - Moonlight Or Other Dreams Or Other Fields
Peter Hammill - Too many of my yesterdays
Timi Yuro - Interlude
Antony & the Johnsons - I'm In Love
France Gall - Faut-il que je t'aime
Bobby Bland - I'll Take Care of You
Dino Valente - Tomorrow
Alex Turner - It's Hard To Get Around The Wind
Small Faces - Itchycoo Park
Pearl Jam - Man Of The Hour
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Bring Me The Head Of The Preacher Man
Ben Dirks - White rabbit
Frank Zappa - How Could I Be Such a Fool
The Seeds - Mr. Farmer
Joy Division - Isolation
The Nits - Umbrella Army
The Smiths - Death At One's Elbow
Marianne Faithful - This Little Bird
Television Personalities - The Glittering Prizes
Lori & the Chameleons - Love On The Ganges
Gentleman Reg - It's Not Safe
Fleet Foxes - Grown Ocean
Syd Barrett - Octopus
Evelyn Evelyn - Elephant Elephant
Tiger Lillies - In This Fairground
My Brightest Diamond - High Low Middle
Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
The Middle East - As I Go To See Janey
Frank Black - Man Of Steel
White Stripes - One More Cup Of Coffee
The Zutons - Haunts me
Danger Mouse & Danielle Lupi ft Jack white - The Rose With A Broken Neck
την πίστιν τετήρηκα
Camera Obscura - Happy New Year
Duke Mitchell The Lion
Nick Cave - Ramblin' Mind
Louis Tillett - The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Bob Dylan - As I Went Out One Morning
The Cramps - Human fly
New York Dolls - Kids Like You
Madness - Clerkenwell Polka
Raining Pleasure - Love (demo)
John Leyton - Johnny Remember Me
Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her
REM - UBerlin
Danger Mouse & Norah Jones - Black
Nneka - Your Request
Curtis Mayfield - We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
The Killers - Tranquilize (feat Lou Reed)
Wolf Parade - You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son
Silver Apples - Lovefingers
The Beatles - Because
The Velvet Underground - Satellite Of Love
Tuxedomoon - Jinx
Patti Smith - Boy Cried Wolf
The Fall - Smile
Great Society - Darkly Smiling
Television Personalities - Silly Girl
Dave Clark Five - On The Move
Danger Mouse - Theme Of ''Rome''
Maryln Michaels - Tell Tommy I Miss Him
Pixies - La La Love You
Gallon Drunk - My Spent Love
Pulp - Wickerman
13η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/12/2011: http://minus.com/mbbcSHTs2q#1
Klaus Nomi - Silent Night
Peter Paul & Mary - Well Well Well
Belle & Sebastian - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Caetano Veloso - In the Hot Sun of a Christmas Day
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Opium Tea
Frightened Rabbit - Cheap Gold
Mychael Danna & Devotchka - La Llorona
The Tiger Lillies - Drunken sailor
Tom Robinson - Truce
Saturnine - Hollidaysburg
The Decemberists - January Hymn
Rita Pavone - Zucchero
The Clash - The Card Cheat
The Divine Comedy - Radioactivity
U2 - Like A Song
The Damned - There Ain't No Sanity Clause
R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe
The Specials - (Dawing of a) New Era
The Raveonettes - Dead Sound
The Cramps - Blue Moon Baby
Ben E. King - I Who Have Nothing
Captain Beefheart - There Ain't No Santa Claus on the
Stereolab - Daisy Click Clack
Hollie Cook - Walking in the sand
Senor Coconut- Showroom Dummies
Moondog - All Is Loneliness
The Breeders - New Year
Rage Against The Machine - Killing in the name
Amanda Palmer - Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
David Byrne & Balanescu Quartet - The Model
Wilco - Art Of Almost
12η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 16/12/2011: http://minus.com/mfWNpgU8K#1
Yoko Ono - Toilet Piece 1971
Holloway - Trust in Me [From The Jungle Book]
Can - She
Brings The Rain
Harris - Trains And Boats And Planes
The Hidden
Cameras - Heji
(UK) - Pentecost Hotel
Bee Gees
- Spicks And Specks
Johnny Cash
- So Doggone Lonesome
Campbell Mark Lanegan - Ramblin' Man
Blue Jeans- You're No Good
Metro Decay
- ΠαιχνίδιαΣτηνΕπιφάνεια
Pixies - in
heaven (lady in the radiator song)
Keren Ann -
Life On Mars
Buffy Saint
Mary - The circle game
Traffic - John
Barleycorn Must Die (First version)
Manson - People Say I'm No Good
The Doors
- Take It As It Comes
Piccioni - Traffic Boom
Gil Scott
Heron - I'm New Here
- Be Bop A Lulla
The Humane
Society - Eternal Prison
Vince Eager
- The World's Loneliest Man
Gallo - HoneyBunny
- Hands Of Leather
Lord Sutch
- The Cheat
Nut Zippers - Ghost of Stephen Foster
Man Man
- Steak Knives
- Kaleidoscope
The Velvet
Underground - Crash
REM - Dark Globe
The Dixie
cups - Chappel Of Love
Black Lips
- Bad Kids
The Jam -
The Great Depression
Bodel - Oneway ticket
The Steppes
- The One Thing
Cake - MustacheMan (Wasted)
11η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 09/12/2011: http://minus.com/mUO7ijxFd#1
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood - Friday's Child
John Lennon - Oh My Love
The Kills - Wild Charms
Nalyssa Green - Indagattah
The Astronauts - Protest Song
Dusty Springfield - You Don't Own Me
Johnny Cash - Give My Love To Rose
Belle & Sebastian - I Don't Love Anyone
Tuatara - Saturday Night Church
Λευκή Συμφωνία - Η Βροχη Πέφτει Δυνατά
The Psychedelic Furs - Sister Europe
Bauhaus - Crowds
P.J. Harvey - Let England Shake
Beau Brummels - Wolf of Velvet Fortune
Black Mountain - No Satisfaction
Fischer Z - Pretty Paracetamol
Brian Eno - Cindy Tells Me
Adam and The Ants - Deutscher Girls
Franz Ferdinand - Eleanor Put Your Boots On
Stevie Jackson - Richie Now
Marietta Fafouti - Ouverture
Death Cab for Cutie - Portable Television
The Velvet Underground - Temptation Inside Your Heart
The Astronauts - Everything Stops For Baby
Baby Guru - Holy Grey
Beak - Blagdon Lake
Radiohead - Separator
The Girobabies - Overheard in the Westend
Wooden Shjips - For So Long
Gene Pitney - 24 Hours From Tulsa
10η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 02/12/2011: http://minus.com/mbfExfWP3T#1
Current 93 - Moonlight Or Other Dreams Or Other Fields
Peter Hammill - Too many of my yesterdays
Timi Yuro - Interlude
Antony & the Johnsons - I'm In Love
France Gall - Faut-il que je t'aime
Bobby Bland - I'll Take Care of You
Dino Valente - Tomorrow
Alex Turner - It's Hard To Get Around The Wind
Small Faces - Itchycoo Park
Pearl Jam - Man Of The Hour
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Bring Me The Head Of The Preacher Man
Ben Dirks - White rabbit
Frank Zappa - How Could I Be Such a Fool
The Seeds - Mr. Farmer
Joy Division - Isolation
The Nits - Umbrella Army
The Smiths - Death At One's Elbow
Marianne Faithful - This Little Bird
Television Personalities - The Glittering Prizes
Lori & the Chameleons - Love On The Ganges
Gentleman Reg - It's Not Safe
Fleet Foxes - Grown Ocean
Syd Barrett - Octopus
Evelyn Evelyn - Elephant Elephant
Tiger Lillies - In This Fairground
My Brightest Diamond - High Low Middle
Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
The Middle East - As I Go To See Janey
Frank Black - Man Of Steel
White Stripes - One More Cup Of Coffee
The Zutons - Haunts me
Danger Mouse & Danielle Lupi ft Jack white - The Rose With A Broken Neck
την πίστιν τετήρηκα
9η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 25/11/2011: http://minus.com/moZEu3yzY
MASH Theme - Suicide Is Painless
Chet Baker - My funny Valentine
Jimmy Scott - Nothing compares 2U
Fabrizio De Andre - La Guerra di Pierro
Frightened Rabbit - The Work
Lucky Jim - You Stole My Heart Away
Thin White Rope - Timing
The Steppes - We Make Dreams Come True
The Band Of Holy Joy - Who Snatched the Baby
Decemberists - Rox In The Box
The Waterboys - The pan within
Magic Numbers - Long legs
The Brian Jonestown Massacre - This Is Why You Love Me
The Triffids - The 107
Nick Drake - Pink moon
Cody ChesnuTT - 5 On a Joyride
Marvin Gaye - I heard it through the Grapevine
Radio Birdman - I-94
Trashmen - King of the Surf
Ramones-When i was young
Evan Johns & the H Bombs - Moonlight Cryin'
Green On red - Busted
Neil Young - Love and War
Love - Maybe the people would be the times (or between Clark and Hilldale)
Dinosaur Jr - Feel the Pain
Tarnation - The hand
Firewarter - Another Perfect Catastrophe
Merry Clayton - Gimme Shelter
Fun Lovin Criminals - I ll Be Seeing You
Lou Reed - You Wear It So Well
μετά από μένα κανείς
8η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 18/11/2011: http://minus.com/mywQu6vjx
Anita Lane - Bella Ciao
Αρλέτα - Ο Θρήνος Της Μάνας
Belle & Sebastian - I Fought in a War
The Zombies - Care Of Cell 44
Baader Meinhof - Baader Meinhof
Ennio Morricone feat. Joan Baez - Here's To You
The Turtles - Eve Of Destruction
16 Horsepower feat Noir Desir - The Partisan
The Clash - English Civil War
The Isley Brothers - Ohio/Machine Gun
The Rolling Stones - On With The Show
Monochrome Set - The Jet Set Junta
Specials - Maggie's Farm
Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor
The Housemartins - People Get Ready
Lee Dorsey Working In The Coalmine
The Savages - The World Aint Round Its Square
Patti Smith - Till Victory
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
Thunderclap Newman - Something In The Air
Chumbawamba - Bella Ciao
Nino Rota feat Anna Melato - Canzone Arrabbiata
Grace Slick - Theme from Manhole
Socrates Drank The Conium - Underground
Wipers - Doom town
Aδιέξοδο - 38 Χιλιοστά
επεισόδιο διαμαρτυρίας
7η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 11/11/2011: http://minus.com/mS1IjDyDg
The Vines - Im Only Sleeping
The Beta Band - Troubles
Gonjasufi - Ageing
Zombies - A Rose For Emily
Rufus Wainwright - Going to a Town
Pulp - Ansaphone
Sweet - Ballroom Blitz
Air - Dead Bodies
Raining Pleasure - The World
Morrissey - Interlude (Solo Version)
T Rex - Cosmic Dancer
Miles Kane - Kingcrawler
The Modern Lovers - Government Center
Smog - Cold Blooded Old Times
Brian Eno - St. Elmo's Fire
Gordon Gano - Don't Pretend
Mott the hoople - All the young dudes
Menswear - Daydreamer
Paul McCartney - Momma Miss America
Menswear - Daydreamer
Captain Beefheart - Electricity
Long John Baldry - The drifter
Antony and the Johnsons - Cripple and the Starfish
Terry Jacks - Seasons in the Sun
Grandaddy - I'm On Standby
Supergrass-beautiful people
Sparks -This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us (feat. Faith No More)
Suede - So Young
Hedwig & The Angry Inch - Origin Of Love
Venus In Furs - Baby's on Fire
The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Carpenters - Superstar
it was 93 years ago today
6η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 04/11/2011: http://minus.com/mPQoJzkV2
Tom Waits - Jockey Full of Bourbon
Fabrizio De Andre'- Disamistade
Electric Prunes - Sold to The Highest Bidder
Bob Dylan - Ballad Of A Thin Man
Devendra Banhart - Sister
The Byrds - Everybody's Been Burned
The Chant - Change
The Stone Roses - Bye Bye Bad Man
Scissor Sisters - Almost Sorry
The Chud - November Rain
PJ Harvey - Bitter Branches
The Dovers - She's Not Just Anybody
The Ronettes - I Can Hear Music
The Strokes - Alone, Together
The Creation - Painter Man
Echo & The Bunnymen - Lips Like Sugar
The Savages - Quiet Town
Ride - Vapour Trail
New Order - Age of Consent
Harmonia - Dino
Marianne Faithfull - Working Class Hero
Nirvana - Come As You Are (The Devonshire Mixes)
Killing Joke - Eighties
Wire - Mannequin
The Feelies - On The Roof
Pere Ubu - Waiting for mary
OMD - Electricity
John Barry - Hit & Miss
Faust - The Sad Skinhead
Buzzcocks - Breakdown
Velvet Underground - The Murder Mystery
η έκτη φορά και το 66 (wtf?)
5η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 28/10/2011: http://minus.com/mHwFykGZY
Chordettes - Never on Sunday (Hadjidakis)
The Kinks - End of the season
Rufus Wainwright - Greek song
Joni Mitchell - Carey
Brenda Lee - All alone am I (Hadjidakis)
Pulp - Common people
Walkabouts - The train leaves at eight (Theodorakis)
Devil's Anvil - Kley (Theodorakis)
Shirley Bassey - Life goes on (Theodorakis)
Demis Roussos - She came up from the north (Hadjidakis)
Kaleidoscope (US) - Rampe Rampe
Devil's Anvil - Tria paidia (Greek trad.)
Harry Belafonte - The wide sea (Hadjidakis)
New York Rock & Roll Ensemble - Dedication (Hadjidakis)
Jefferson Airplane - Never argue With a german if you're tired Of European song
Hefner - I stole a bride
The Fall - Happy holiday
They Might Be Giants - Greek #3
The Nits -Long forgotten story
Georges Romanos - Sur ma moto
The Foals - Olympic Airways
Blur- Girls and boys
World Party - Is it like today
Savage Republic - O Andonis (Theodorakis)
The Fall - Sparta FC
Joe 'Fingers' Carr - Istanbul, Not Constantinople
They Might Be Giants - Istanbul, Not Constantinople
Andre Kostelanetz - Klefticos (N. Scalcotas)
Aphrodite's Child - Let me love, let me live
Dalida - Hassapico nostalgique (Hadjidakis)
Alfredo - Mi vieja barca (G. Argyris)
Beatles - The honeymoon song (Theodorakis)
Olympians & Nikos Papazoglou - Paperback writer
Devil's Anvil - Misirlou (M. Patrinos (?))
The Sounds - O Menousis (Greek trad.)
never on Friday
4η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 21/10/2011: http://minus.com/mTFdrYrZO/
Mike Condello - Soggy Cereal
Bob Dylan - 4th Time Around
Jesus & Mary Chain & Hope Sandoval - Sometimes Always
Natalie Merchant - Which Side Are You On?
Amanda Palmer - No Surprises
Blood Sweat & Tears - Just One Smile
Oasis - Don't Look Back in Anger
Jefferson Airplane - Embryonic Journey
David Bowie - Space Oddity (early take)
Daniel Johnston - Casper the Friendly Ghost
Donovan - Jennifer Juniper
Arcade Fire - Culture War
The Aluminum Group - Impress Me
The Chap - Campain trail
Beck - Modern Guilt
Jane Birkin - Je M'Appelle Jane (feat Mickey 3D)
H.P. Lovecraft - Wayfaring Stranger
La's - Clean Prophet
The Chills - Heavenly Pop Hit
Magazine - Thge Honeymoon Killers
Devo - Mongoloid
The Cure - Plastic passion
Pixies - Motorway To Roswell
John Lennon - Give Me Some Truth
The Things - Who'll Jump The Gun
Dark Rags - Drunken Angel
Smashing Pumpkins - A Stitch in Time
MGMT - Song For Dan Treacy
Television Personalities - Come Back To Bed
Gonjasufi - She Gone
Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover
Polyphonic Spree - Wig in a Box
με σταθερό βηματισμό
3η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 14/10/2011: http://minus.com/mFT4aeuTW/
Dukes Of Stratosphere - 25 o'clock
Make Up - I Am Pentagon
The Seeds - Can't seem to Make You Mine
Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - To Hide a Little Thought
Dave Hillyard Rocksteady 7 - Playtime
Zeep - Ghost town (isso nao da)
Violent Femmes - Crazy (A cappella)
The Chap - Le Theme (NEW 4)
International Noise Conspiracy - Capitalism Stole My Virginity
Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
Marc Almond - Bread and Circus
Perry Como - Glendora
Ronnie Spector & Joey Ramone - Bye Bye Baby
The Good, The Bad & The Queen - Northern Whale
Black heart procession - witching stone
The Nits - Empty Room
The Clash - Armagideon Time
Lee Scratch Perry - Chase The Devil
The Go Betweens -A bad debt follows you
My Brightest Diamond - The Robin's Jar
The Who - Silas Stingy
David Bowie - Quicksand (Demo Version)
Evelyn Evelyn - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock
Meanwhile, back in communist russia - Acid Drops
Portishead - Requiem for Anna (Un jour comme un autre - Anna)
The Artwoods - I keep forgettin'
His majesty the king of spain - Come On (Pretty Baby - Come On
Darren Hayman and the Secondary Modern - Losing My Glue
Cockney Rebel - Mr. Soft
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Nick Cave - The Mercy Seat (acoustic)
όχι πρώτη, ούτε δεύτερη. τρίτη φορά
Dukes Of Stratosphere - 25 o'clock
Make Up - I Am Pentagon
The Seeds - Can't seem to Make You Mine
Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - To Hide a Little Thought
Dave Hillyard Rocksteady 7 - Playtime
Zeep - Ghost town (isso nao da)
Violent Femmes - Crazy (A cappella)
The Chap - Le Theme (NEW 4)
International Noise Conspiracy - Capitalism Stole My Virginity
Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
Marc Almond - Bread and Circus
Perry Como - Glendora
Ronnie Spector & Joey Ramone - Bye Bye Baby
The Good, The Bad & The Queen - Northern Whale
Black heart procession - witching stone
The Nits - Empty Room
The Clash - Armagideon Time
Lee Scratch Perry - Chase The Devil
The Go Betweens -A bad debt follows you
My Brightest Diamond - The Robin's Jar
The Who - Silas Stingy
David Bowie - Quicksand (Demo Version)
Evelyn Evelyn - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock
Meanwhile, back in communist russia - Acid Drops
Portishead - Requiem for Anna (Un jour comme un autre - Anna)
The Artwoods - I keep forgettin'
His majesty the king of spain - Come On (Pretty Baby - Come On
Darren Hayman and the Secondary Modern - Losing My Glue
Cockney Rebel - Mr. Soft
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Nick Cave - The Mercy Seat (acoustic)
όχι πρώτη, ούτε δεύτερη. τρίτη φορά
2η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 07/10/2011: http://minus.com/mbhryM4mIX#1
The Boo Radleys - Wake up Boo!
Libertines - What Katie did
Donovan - Mellow Yellow
Belle & Sebastian - Dog On Wheels
The Stone Roses - Here It Comes
Turtles - It Ain't Me Babe
Essex Green - Big Green Tree
Tarnation - Your Thoughts And Mine
Tindersticks - Her
Yazoo - Winter Kills
Talking Heads - Don't Worry About The Government
Brogues - I Ain't No Miracle Worker
Dark Rags - The Sun Shines
The Coral - Dreaming of You
Echo & The Bunnymen - Pictures On My Wall
Siouxsie & Banshees - Trust in me
22 Pistepirkko-Boardroom Walk
Kraftwerk - Les Mannequins
Depeche Mode - People Are People
Lori & The Chameleons - Lonely Spy
Alexander - Truth
Jonathan Richman - The Lonely Little Thrift Store
Gorkys Zygotic Mynci - Spanish Dance Troupe
Morphine - Cure for pain
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
Tricky - Hell Is Round The Corner
Nico - Chelsea Girl
Tom Waits - I'll Be Gone
The Pastels - Leaving This Island (Jim O'Rourke Remix)
The Mamas & The Papas - Glad To Be Unhappy
Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
Wilco - Art of Almost
Αποκτώντας πείρα
The Boo Radleys - Wake up Boo!
Libertines - What Katie did
Donovan - Mellow Yellow
Belle & Sebastian - Dog On Wheels
The Stone Roses - Here It Comes
Turtles - It Ain't Me Babe
Essex Green - Big Green Tree
Tarnation - Your Thoughts And Mine
Tindersticks - Her
Yazoo - Winter Kills
Talking Heads - Don't Worry About The Government
Brogues - I Ain't No Miracle Worker
Dark Rags - The Sun Shines
The Coral - Dreaming of You
Echo & The Bunnymen - Pictures On My Wall
Siouxsie & Banshees - Trust in me
22 Pistepirkko-Boardroom Walk
Kraftwerk - Les Mannequins
Depeche Mode - People Are People
Lori & The Chameleons - Lonely Spy
Alexander - Truth
Jonathan Richman - The Lonely Little Thrift Store
Gorkys Zygotic Mynci - Spanish Dance Troupe
Morphine - Cure for pain
Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky
Tricky - Hell Is Round The Corner
Nico - Chelsea Girl
Tom Waits - I'll Be Gone
The Pastels - Leaving This Island (Jim O'Rourke Remix)
The Mamas & The Papas - Glad To Be Unhappy
Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
Wilco - Art of Almost
Αποκτώντας πείρα
1η εκπομπή: Παρασκευή 30/09/2011: http://minus.com/mt33lUhnP/
Ivor Cutler-Good Morning How Are You Shut Up
Marine Girls - A place in the sun
Beau Brummels - I Will Go
Radiohead - A Wolf At The Door
Hidden cameras - Learning the lie
The Velvet Underground - Who Loves The Sun
(το επονομαζόμενο χαμένο 20λεπτο)
Sparks - Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth
Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffic AT JOHN PEEL
Vietnam Veterans - Let it rain
CAN - I'm so green
Television Personalities - The girl who had everything
The Cure - Killing an Arab
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No I Got Life (Take 3)
Elvis Costello - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
Fun Boy Three - The Lunatics (Have Taken over the Asylum)
Devotchka - Basso Profundo
Chumbawamba - The Devil's Interval
Paul Simon - The sound of silence
Belle & Sebastian - Piazza, New york catcher
Four Tops - Walk away Renee
Kinks - End of the season
Lola demo - - Famous
Human League - The Lebanon
Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood
The Chap - We Work In Bars
PIL - This Is Not A Love Song
The Girobabies - Jeremy Kyle (was fuckin my wife)
The Shaggs - I'm So Happy When Your Near
Beatles - Strawberry fields forever (alt take)
Ivor Cutler-Good Morning How Are You Shut Up
Marine Girls - A place in the sun
Beau Brummels - I Will Go
Radiohead - A Wolf At The Door
Hidden cameras - Learning the lie
The Velvet Underground - Who Loves The Sun
(το επονομαζόμενο χαμένο 20λεπτο)
Sparks - Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth
Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffic AT JOHN PEEL
Vietnam Veterans - Let it rain
CAN - I'm so green
Television Personalities - The girl who had everything
The Cure - Killing an Arab
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No I Got Life (Take 3)
Elvis Costello - (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
Fun Boy Three - The Lunatics (Have Taken over the Asylum)
Devotchka - Basso Profundo
Chumbawamba - The Devil's Interval
Paul Simon - The sound of silence
Belle & Sebastian - Piazza, New york catcher
Four Tops - Walk away Renee
Kinks - End of the season
Lola demo - - Famous
Human League - The Lebanon
Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood
The Chap - We Work In Bars
PIL - This Is Not A Love Song
The Girobabies - Jeremy Kyle (was fuckin my wife)
The Shaggs - I'm So Happy When Your Near
Beatles - Strawberry fields forever (alt take)
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